MSCJ Graduate Assistant Application

Fall/Spring (circle one) 20_____

First Name: Last Name:

Tx St ID #(if applicable):E-mail:

Current Address: Phone:


List undergraduate university, degree earned/major, and dates attended:

Undergraduate GPA:

List any other universities attended, dates, major, and GPA: Leave blank if NA

List other education, degrees held, or relevant educational training:

GRE Verbal Score______GRE Quantitative Score ______

Are you *currently enrolled in the Texas StateMSCJ program?Yes ☐No☐

If no, when will you enter the MSCJ program? (Semester/year)

If yes, when did you begin the MSCJ program? (Semester year)

*Current Texas State MSCJ students must attach degree audit


Are you currently employed?Yes ☐No☐If yes, Full time☐ Part Time ☐

If yes, List employer:

GAs work 20 hours per week and must be enrolled in at least 9 hours of graduate work per semester, including CJ 5101. Outside employment is discouraged and limited to times/days that do not interfere with GA duties as assigned by faculty.


This information helps us match GA’s with assignments, so please answer accurately.

Please check any course inwhich you would be comfortable tutoring undergraduates:

☐Research Methods☐Crime Theory


Please select your level of competency with the following technology/software:

Electronic bulletin board/TRACS


Smart phone technology/ Dropbox/ wireless access to documents


Microsoft Word




Power Point


Statistical software (specify)


Indicate any other software or computer skills (specify)

GA duties include but are not limited to: assisting with classroom teaching (attending classes, taking notes, taking attendance, proctoring exams, tutoring undergraduates), using email, electronic bulletin boards, using a variety of software, and other duties as assigned.


Please provide three references, at least one must be an academic/faculty reference

Reference 1

Name, Contact Phone, Email, and Occupation/title:

Reference 2

Name, Contact Phone, Email, and Occupation/title:

Reference 3

Name, Contact Phone, Email, and Occupation/title:


Briefly (150 words or less) indicate why you are applying for the position and include your post-MSCJ career goals. You may attach a resume or cv if you wish.

Completed applications are to be emailed to .

Note: Hand-written or hard copy applications will not be processed.

Fall applications due the last Monday in April; Spring applications due the last Monday in October.