Please read thoroughly before applying

All About Labs (AAL) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to rescuing and rehabilitating homeless Labrador Retrievers and Labrador mixes into loving, responsible homes. All About Labs is not a shelter; we provide short-term care for our rescues, giving them the best care we can until they are placed into foster care or permanent homes.

Please note:

·  Once your application and application fee are received, you will be contacted via e-mail by one of our volunteers. Your application cannot be reviewed until your fee has been processed. Fee amounts and payment instructions are found at the end of this document.

·  The dog you apply for may be located in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Arkansas or Tennessee, depending on where there is foster availability.

·  All About Labs arranges transportation of each dog as soon as possible after adoption has been approved. We have an established relationship with Peterson Express Transport Service (P.E.T.S.). Go to for more information.

·  All About Labs has been very successful with our “matchmaking” process between families and dogs. Please visit to see our beautiful rescues available for adoption, and to learn more about the details of the adoption process.

Each of our dogs is evaluated carefully before placement. Every effort is made to match the dog by age, temperament and energy level to the family most capable to care for and enjoy him or her.

All About Labs asks that you be serious about adopting before applying. Our adoption process involves time, and we must coordinate efforts among many volunteers to make each adoption possible.

We welcome any and all questions regarding our dogs. We attempt to provide as much information as possible so that you can make an informed decision.

Please do not fill out an application until you are serious,
as the process involves time, money and volunteer resources.

All About Labs, Inc.

Application Form


Dog that you are applying for: . If you are interested in more than one, please list in order of interest.

Your answers to these questions help us determine the best homes for our rescued dogs, and the best dog for your family.

By applying for the adoption of a Rescued Dog from All About Labs Rescue, Inc., you hereby give your Veterinarian(s) and other references permission to disclose information to All About Labs Rescue, Inc.

Incomplete applications to adopt will not be considered


Home Phone:

Cell Phone:




Occupation Name 1:


Work Phone:

Work E-Mail:

Occupation Name 2:


Work Phone:

Cell Phone:

Work E-Mail:

Do you live in:House ApptTrailerOther (explain):

Do you:OwnRent Other (explain):

Do you have a fenced yard? Yes No If yes, Describe:

Kennel run:Yes No If yes, Describe:

If no, how will exercise and toilet be handled?

How many adults in home? Children? Ages:

Are there any family members who need special consideration for

any reason:

If yes, Please explain:

Do you own any other dogs? Yes NoIf yes, are they fixed?

Breed(s) of Other Dogs:

Sex and Age(s) of other dogs:

Any other pets/livestock?Yes No

List type, sex and age:

Who is your current veterinarian?



Name and phone number of any other veterinarians you have used:

What monthly heartworm and flea/tick preventative do you currently use on your pets?

How many dogs have you owned in the last 5 years? Breeds:

What happened to your last dog?

What are your plans for this dog?

Do you want:MaleFemale

Your age preferences:

Where will dog spend most of each day?

Where will dog sleep?

How many hours will dog be alone each day?

Your thoughts on Obedience Training Classes?

What are your thoughts on Crate Training?

Do you agree to the following?

Keep current license and ID tags on dog at all times?Yes No

Provide timely health care for dog?Yes No

Return dog to All About Labs Rescue, Inc. if you can no longer keep or care for dog? Yes No

Allow All About Labs Rescue, Inc. agent to visit your home prior to or after adoption?Yes No

Further comments and info that you think might help us find the right Dog for you, including more about your preferences and reasons for wanting a Dog:

Signature Waiver:

A)I agree by Initialing that by typing my name in is the same as signing my name to this legal document.

B)I give permission for the All About Labs Rescue, Inc. Agent to type my name to this document, causing it to be same as my legal signature on this document.

(Applicant's Initials)

Financial and Physical: I hereby testify that I am financially and physically able to care for this dog. I understand that proper food, veterinary care, bedding, toys, crate and so on can be costly and I am able to meet these requirements. I further testify that I am physically fit to provide all necessary activities with my dog.

(Applicant's Initials) .

Truthfulness: I understand that if the information contained herein is found to be false, my application can be refused or said adopted dog shall be relinquished to All About Labs Rescue Inc. without a refund of the Adoption Fee. (Applicant's Initials) .

Applicant's Initials:

Signature: Date:

AAL Application Fee: $10.00. This non-refundable fee goes toward the resources involved with reviewing each application. It will be credited towards the adoption fee should you adopt a dog from AAL. Please follow Payment Instructions at the end of this document. Note that applications cannot be reviewed until we have received the application fee.

AAL Adoption Fee: $375.00. Includes all vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery, health certificate, and microchipping, as well as the extensive work involved with the socializing and training that we provide to dogs. This does not include transport fee.

P.E.T.S. Transport Fee: For dogs traveling to the Northeast, there is a nonrefundable $125.00 transport fee payable by cash or check, directly to P.E.T.S., c/o Pam & Kyle Peterson, upon the pick-up of your dog.

Payment Instructions: All About Labs asks that you make your application fee and adoption fee payments online via PayPal. You can go directly to, or go to our website at (click on “Get Involved,” then scroll down to the PayPal tab under Item 4). Your payment should be made to the following email account: . If you need to pay by check, please make it payable to:

All About Labs Rescue, Inc

c/o Gina Hartsell

6 Ridgefield Cove

Little Rock, AR 72223
Matching Funds: Since we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your adoption fee is considered a donation. It can qualify for matching funds if your employer participates in the charitable matching funds program. We are happy to assist with this process as well.

For internal use only:

Date application received by All About Labs Rescue, Inc.: //



All About Labs Rescue, Inc. Representative:
