1. Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous or
    Past Simple.

Most people have heard of skateboarding, but how many people 1.…………………… (know)
about sandboarding? Some people believe that it 2.…………………… (begin) in ancient Egypt. Sandboarding3.…………………… (be) similar to skateboarding because participants
4. .…………………… (use) a flat board to ride over a smooth surface. But in sandboarding,
participants 5..…………………… (balance) on a board while it 6. …………………… (glide)
over a sandy surface. Today, this “new” sport 7.…………………… (become) popular in many
countries, and some holiday resorts 8. …………………… (start) to offer sandboarding activities
to their guests.

2. Complete the sentences with a suitable verb.

1.Nobody ……………………the car now.

2.Tom ……………………when he fell.

3.……………………many tourists ……………………this town during the summer months?

4.He is shy because he ……………………English well.

5.I ……………………something was wrong.

6.We generally …………………… to bed early, but tonight we …………………… for Dad to arrive.

3. Complete two sentences with the words given.

1.Mum / cook / dinner

a.while I was having a shower.

b.most evenings.

2.Jed / buy / new clothes

a. for last year’s party.

b.while his wife was having coffee.

3.Donna / not learn / French

a. this year.

b.last year.

4.We / play / football

a. when it started to rain.


4. Complete the passage with the words below. There are more words than you need. (9 x 2 = 18 points)



Every year, 1.…………………… save millions of people from 2.…………………… such as
earthquakes and floods.They often 3. …………………… wonderful results and are seen as
heroes because of their 4. ……………………. However, people don’t always 5. ……………………
that rescue workers 6.…………………… problems because of their work. They may feel
7.…………………… or 8.…………………… from other people. In order to minimise such reactions, they are encouraged to talk about their feelings and take care of their physical 9.……………………
by eating properly and resting whenever possible.

5. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Simple, Continuous or Perfect tenses.

1.We …………………… just …………………… the news!

2.The shop …………………… all the CDs before we got there.

3.The princess …………………… a blue suit when she visited the hospital.

4.The clouds …………………… the sun, so it’s dark now.

5.Sarah always …………………… postcards when she’s abroad.

6.Roger …………………… any meetings of the chess club last year.

7.It…………………… raining since the morning.

6. Complete the sentences using the words below. Make any necessary changes.

Sophie / work / in the library

when I first met her.

ever since I met her.

for eight hours last Monday.

right now.

for ten years when it closed.

7. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1.My friends and I can’t stand pop music. (enjoy)

2.I did my homework during the bus ride. (while)

3.What’s your opinion about this? (think)

4.They’ve never seen that film. (yet)

5.The last time I spoke to Pam was three weeks ago. (for)

6.John left the party at 9.00. I arrived at 9.30. (by the time)

7.Our guest arrived during the snowstorm. (while)

8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. There may be more than one
possible answer.

1.By the end of this year, he …………………… (spend) half his life in Italy.

2.I …………………… (complain) about the bad service in this restaurant.

3.…………………… he …………………… (coach) us next year?

4.Janice …………………… (write) a letter to her mother and will post it tonight.

5.They…………………… (build) the skyscraper next year.

9. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

The International Consumer Electronics Show 1. …………………… (take place) every January in
Las Vegas and it is always a popular event. The 2,500 exhibitors 2. …………………… (welcome)
the chance to show off their latest products, and the visitors 3. …………………… (know) that they
4. …………………… (receive) accurate information about the latest electronic gadgets and machines. However, although many buyers regularly 5. …………………… (place) orders at the show,
manufacturers 6. …………………… (warn) that some products 7. …………………… (become)
available only later in the year. Organisers8. …………………… (already plan) future shows, and
many participants 9. …………………… (now make) arrangements for their next visit because they
know that local hotels 10. …………………… (fill up) quickly!

10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable verb. (5 x 3 = 15 points)

1.A:Why don’t you ask Tom to prepare dinner?

B:Because he …………………… a film right now.

2.A:Is this your iPod?

B:No. I think it …………………… to Steve.

3.A:Did you buy anything yesterday?

B:No, by the time I got to the shopping centre, all the shops …………………… .

4.A:Did Robert tell you all about his trip to South America?

B:Actually, I …………………… to him yet. I’ve been too busy to call him.

5.A:Is he studying at university now?

B:Not yet, but he …………………… university next year.

11. Write a sentence that logically follows the first sentence. Use the words in brackets and any tense.
1.What’s it like to go scuba diving? (never)

2.Don’t call me tomorrow before 7 am. (sleep)

3.Nick didn’t show up for our meeting. (must)

4.Todd wasn’t hungry. (already)

5.You can borrow this book next week. (by then)

12. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

In October, 2009, Kelly Hildenbrandt and Kelly Hildenbrandt got married. This is not a joke,
although people 1.…………………… (must feel) confused when they saw the wedding invitations.
It all began when Kelly of Florida decided to see if anyone on Facebook had her name. She
2.…………………… (send) a message to the only match, a 24-year-old Texan man. Kelly Hildenbrandt3.…………………… (could ignore) her, but luckily he didn’t. Soon e-mails turned into daily phone calls, and before they knew it, they 4.…………………… (fall) in love. Life with the same name
5.…………………… (not always be) easy. A travel agent deleted one ticket for a cruise, thinking
that he 6.…………………… (book) the same person twice by mistake. The couple report that they
7.…………………… (not plan) to pass on their name to their children. “We 8. ……………………
(not call) our kids Kelly,” they say.

13. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes. Do not change the
original meaning of the sentences.

1.Eric has the ability to touch his nose with his tongue. (can)

2.What are his plans tonight? (going to)

3.It’s possible that they will go out for dinner tonight. (may)

4.It’s worth asking if you can get a cheap flight. (should)

14. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. Use the affirmative or negative.

1.My boss ……………………just ……………………three new employees.

2.They ……………………us to be careful but we didn’t pay attention.

3.By tomorrow, the hikers ……………………the next village along the path.

4.……………………you ……………………me about the meeting next week?

5.These sunglasses ……………………to me. I think they’re hers.

6.The house looked much better after they ……………………it.

7.We are on holiday, but we ……………………a good time because the weather is terrible.

8.At this time next week, I ……………………in the sea.

15. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

One day, as Nathalie Hoyland of Yorkshire, England 1. …………………… (walk) home from work,
she 2.…………………… (begin) to feel very tired.She 3.…………………… (know) she needed to
get home quickly and get into bed. Nathalie 4.…………………… (suffer) from a rare disease called
Kleine-Levin Syndrome since she was 17 years old. This disease, also called “Sleeping Beauty Disease”, 5.…………………… (cause) people to sleep for days and, sometimes, even weeks at a time. When this 6.…………………… (happen) to Nathalie, her family makes sure they wake her up regularly so that she can eat and drink. Over the years, Nathalie 7.…………………… (miss) school exams, her
birthday, Christmas and even week-long family holidays. Today, Nathalie 8. …………………… (work)
as a careers advisor with local youth. She hopes scientists 9.…………………… (discover) a cure for
the disease in the near future.

16. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1.Is that his car? (own)

2.Have you got experience hiking in a jungle? (ever)

3.We went to sleep and then they arrived. (by the time)

4.I am going to finish this book tonight. (by tomorrow)

5.Everybody had started watching the film before I arrived. (when)

6.The last time I saw Harry was when he was a child. (since)

7.I stopped eating chocolate years ago. (for)

8.They phoned a moment ago. (just)

17. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1.I ……………………… at the photo but I ……………………… you.

2.We ……………………… quietly in the room at the moment. We ……………………… to surprise Matthew.

3.I ……………………… that he ……………………… a party tonight; I’ll call and ask him.

4.……………………… you ……………………… something? It ……………………… great.

5.I ……………………… it! You ……………………… a dress today.

6.What ……………………… this word ………………………? I ……………………… the meaning of this sentence.

18. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1.What’s the matter with Jim? (laugh)

Why ...... ?

2.In my opinion, these shoes aren’t fashionable. (not think)

I ......

3.They can’t find their dog. (look for)

They ......

4.Please be quiet. (sleep)


19. Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Life’s great sometimes! Right now my owners are out and I 1.……………………… (guard) the house. They 2.……………………… (leave) me alone at home for a few hours every day and I usually 3.……………………… (enjoy) it. I 4.……………………… (not know) where they go. Anyway, at the moment I 5.……………………… (eat) a delicious steak that they left on the kitchen table. Samantha, the neighbours’ dog, 6.……………………… (bark) very loudly now. I7.……………………… (think) she 8.……………………… (want) to come in here and play but I’m not ready yet. In a few minutes, Samantha and 9.……………………… (meet) Gus. He’s the big brown dog who lives across the road. He often 10.……………………… (come round) to help me make holes in the garden. My owners get angry about the holes I make, but I’m a dog and that’s my hobby.

20. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.She ……………………… (feel) better after she ……………………… (take) her medicine last night.

2.I ……………………… (think) that Brad ……………………… (travel) to Italy now.

3.I ……………………… (not hear) the phone last night because I ……………………… (sleep).

4.Yesterday, I ……………………… (run into) Jim. I ……………………… (not see) him in years.

5.They ……………………… (not know) what they ……………………… (want) to study this year.

21. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1.I started eating before he arrived. (when)


2.These aren’t my jeans. (belong)


3.What’s your opinion of this? (think)


4.What are your plans at the weekend? (doing)


5.Cathy passed her driving test. Then she bought a car. (after)


22. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Stunt people 1.……………………… (perform) dangerous actions in films. They frequently 2.……………………… (endanger) themselves in order to bring spectacular scenes to the screen. However, a lot is done to protect them.

An early example was in a 1928 film when Buster Keaton 3.……………………… (perform) one of the most famous early stunts. The front of a house 4.……………………… (fall) on him, but Keaton 5.……………………… (escape) injury. Set designers carefully 6.……………………… (measure) the dimensions of the house so that it crashed down around Keaton, and not on him.

These days, technology 7.……………………… (make) stunts much safer. Digital special effects are used to make high-speed car chases and fiery explosions 8.……………………… (look) dangerous without putting the stunt person in harm’s way. However, not all stunt people appreciate the new, high-tech tools.

One stunt person says, “Computer tricks 9.……………………… (take) the thrill out of the stunt. I 10.……………………… (prefer) to do stunts without any special effects.”

23. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

IA:1.……………………… you ……………………… (see) Sue lately?

B: She 2.……………………… (go) on holiday to Turkey last week.

A:Really? Sue 3.……………………… (not be) on holiday for ages.

B:I 4.……………………… (hear) from her last week. She 5.……………………… (have) a wonderful time!

II A:I 6.……………………… (try) to phone you yesterday, but no one answered. What 7.……………………… you……………………… (do) at about 6 o’clock?

B:I 8.……………………… (lift) weights.

A:Really? When 9.……………………… you ……………………… (take up) weightlifting?

B:Not long ago. I 10.……………………… (train) for a competition these days.

24. Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1.He left only a few minutes ago. (just)


2.We started to watch the film before Lucy arrived. (when)


3.I left university. I never took my final exams. (before)


4.The last time we spoke was a month ago. (for)


25. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Although I 1.……………………… (know) for years that exercise is important, I 2.……………………… (not have) time togo to a gym every day. Then a friend told me about a great new computer game, Wii Fit, that 3.……………………… (help) people get fit at home! He told me that after he4.……………………… (try) this game, he 5.……………………… (stop) going to his gym! The next day, I 6.……………………… (buy) Wii Fit. There are about 40 activities and the game’s special graphics 7.……………………… (help) you to do the exercises correctly. Wii Fit8.……………………… (combine) fitness with fun, so when I 9.……………………… (read) that Wii Fit10.……………………… (sell) at a current rate of 90copies per minute, I wasn’t surprised.

26. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use a suitable tense. Pay attention to the time expression.
1.At 8 o’clock last night, I .

2.Tonight, my friends and I ......

3.I...... yet.

4.By the time I’m 25, ......

27. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

When we 1. ……………………… (move) to our new house by the sea, I was eight years old. Even before that,
I 2.……………………… (spend) every summer on a boat. My dad 3. ……………………… (teach) me to sail before
I 4.……………………… (learn) to ride a bike so I 5. ……………………… (know) how I wanted to spend my time at our new house – I 6.……………………… (plan) to get my own boat and sail it every day, which is exactly what I did. Now, when I 7.……………………… (look back) on my childhood, I realise how lucky I was to grow up by the sea. I still 8.……………………… (love) sailing.

28. Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the original ones. Make any necessary changes.
1.Tom finished reading the sports magazine; then he lent it to me.

Tom didn’t ......

2.The company I work for is sending me to Rome for a few years.

For the next few years, ......

3.We hope to move to our new flat by the end of the week.

By next week, ......

4.Everybody had begun eating before she arrived.

She ......

5.We’re still waiting for the bus to arrive.

The bus

29. Write sentences with relative clauses using the words provided. Make any necessary changes.
1.The hotel / we / used to stay / close down / last year


2.The Thames / is a famous river / run through London


3.The food / we / order an hour ago / not arrive yet


4.Peter / flat / I rent this month / is in London


30. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Sardinia holds the world record for the highest percentage of people who 1. ……………………… (live) to be over 100. Most of the locals 2. ……………………… (believe) that the reason lies in the place itself – the air and the food. But now, scientists 3. ……………………… (investigate) another hypothesis. For centuries, the islanders 4. ………………………
(not intermarry) with outsiders, so it is likely that Sardinians have got similar genes. Therefore, it’s logical to assume that they 5. ……………………… (share) a gene for longevity. Recently, a research team 6. ……………………… (succeed)
in analysing the proteins found in the Ychromosome. They 7. ……………………… (not find) the key gene yet, but the research coordinator has predicted that the team 8. ……………………… (come up) with the answer. As he’s a Sardinian, it’s likely that he 9. ……………………… (reach) the age of 100. Maybe, he 10. ……………………… (discover) the longevity gene by then.

31. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.

1.People stopped using phones with dials years ago. (for years)


2.Whose backpack is this? (belong)


3.They did the shopping. Then they prepared a meal. (after)


4.This is my favourite shop. I buy flowers here. (where)


5.The price of computers is starting to decrease. (By next year)


6.He arrived in the middle of the film. (watching)


32. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.The storm ……………………… (appear) to be over now.

2.I think we should cancel the game. It looks like it ……………………… (snow).

3.Don’t phone Ann. She ……………………… (do) her homework.

4.The room looked fantastic after they ……………………… (paint) it.

5.The grass is wet. It ……………………… (must / rain).

6.I’m taking the dog to the vet. It ……………………… (not eat) anything for days.

33. Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1.I’m sure he worked very hard. (must)


2.I’m sorry I bought these expensive shoes. (shouldn’t)


3.Maybe Mark is too busy to meet us tonight. (might)


4.The film we plan to watch starts at 9.00. (at 9.30)


5.That’s the hotel. A murder occurred there. (where)


6.The last time I saw him was on Monday. (since)


34. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Jane Spader1. ……………………… (not notice) the dark sky as yesterday’s storm was approaching. She 2.……………………… (not hear) the thunder or see the lightning. She was too busy talking on her mobile phone as she was walking to her car. The next thing Jane remembered was that she 3. ……………………… (lie) on the ground and her 12-year-old brother Tom was shaking her and calling her name. The lightning 4. ……………………… (strike) Jane. Luckily for her, Tom 5. ……………………… (see) what had happened and immediately called an ambulance. Incredibly, Jane survived. A doctor at the hospital said, “Jane was very lucky. The lightning 6. ……………………… (could / kill) her.” Metal objects 7. ……………………… (attract) lightning. So when you’re outdoors in a thunderstorm, even holding amobile phone can be dangerous. I’m sure Jane 8. ……………………… (not make) that mistake again.