Vocab List U.S. Government

1)Dictatorship, Democracy, Autocracy, Legislative Power, Executive Power, Judicial Power , Sovereign, Unitary Government, Federal Government , Confederation, Presidential Government, Parliamentary Government

2)bicameral, unicameral, Articles of Confederation, ratification, Framers, Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Connecticut Compromise, Three-Fifths Compromise, Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise, Federalist, Anti-Federalist

3)Popular sovereignty, limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, federalism, amendment, Bill of Rights, executive agreement, electoral college

4)Vocab Chapter 4 Division of powers, expressed powers, implied powers, inherent powers, reserved powers, concurrent powers, Supremacy Clause, categorical grant, block grant, project grant, Full Faith and Credit Clause, Privileges and Immunities Clause

5)Political party, political spectrum, partisanship, plurality, bipartisan, incumbent, faction, electorate, ideological parties, single-issue parties, economic protest parties, splinter parties

6)And 7.. Suffrage/franchise, disenfranchised, poll tax, registration, purge, poll book, off-year election, political efficacy, political socialization, party identification, straight-ticket voting, independent, open primary, closed primary, general election, (PAC) political action committee



9)interest group, public policy, public affairs, trade association, labor union, public-interest group, lobbying, lobbyist, amicus curaie brief, grass-roots pressures

10)Convene, Adjourn, Term, Apportion, gerrymander, constituency, delegate, partisan, trustee, bill, oversight function, franking privilege


12)Vocab Chapter 11/12 appropriate, impeach, Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, floor leader, majority leader, minority leader, whip, committee chairman, standing committee, sub-committee, conference committee, rider, filibuster, cloture, pocket veto

13)Chief of State, Chief Executive, Chief Diplomat, Commander in Chief, Chief Legislator, Chief of the Party, Chief Citizen, Presidential Succession, Balance the ticket, executive order, ordinance power, executive agreement, pardon, reprieve, commutation, amnesty





18)Jurisdiction, plaintiff, defendant, appellate jurisdiction, Judicial restraint, Judicial Activism, Criminal Case, Civil Case, Brief, Majority Opinion, Dissenting Opinion, Concurrent Opinion

19)Civil Liberties, Establishment Clause, Free Exercise Clause, parochial, libel, slander, sedition, prior restraint, shield law, symbolic speech, picketing, content neutral

20)Procedural due process, Substantive due process, search warrant, probable cause, exclusionary rule, grand jury, indictment, double jeopardy, bench trial, Miranda rule, preventative detention, capital punishment

21)Immigrant, refugee, assimilation, segregation, integration, affirmative action, reverse discrimination, naturalization, alien, expatriation, denaturalization, deportation