Module 9: Recognizing and Controlling Anger and Impulses – Process Agenda

Time / Content / Handouts / Presenter /
10 min / Introduce Recognizing and Controlling Anger and Impulses
·  Slides 1 - Overview
·  Slide 2 - Review pre-learning assignment for Recognizing and Controlling Anger and Impulses
·  Slides 3-4 - Objectives / ‘Helping Children Control Anger and Impulses’
Instructional Practice Checklist
10 min / ·  Slide 5 – Participant Activity
·  Slides 6 – Just Breathe Video
·  Slides 7-9 Anger and Aggression
10 min / Recognizing Anger
·  Slide 10 – Helping Children Recognize Anger
·  Slide 11 – Video: Recognizing Anger – Sesame Street
·  Slide 12 – Book Nooks / Mouse Was Mad Book Nook
When Sophie gets Angry
10 min / Self-Regulation
·  Slide 13 – Participant Activity / ‘Self-Regulation Worksheet’
15 min / Teaching Self-Regulation Strategies
·  Slides 14-15 – Self-Regulation & Self-Soothing
·  Slide 16 – Anger Choice Cards / Make It Take It Activity
15 min / Introduce the Turtle Technique
·  Slide 17
·  Slide 18 – Video: Tucker the Turtle, Doyle’s classroom
·  Slides: 19-23 Participant Activity / Instructional Practices Checklist
NC Teaching Standards
NC Foundations
iPoints, Crosswalk
5 min / ·  Slides 24-25 Tucker Turtle Resources
15 min / Calming Strategies
·  Slide 26 I Can Calm Video
·  Slide 27 – Safe Place Breathing Participant Activity
·  Slides 28-29 – Safe Place & Safe Place Materials / Instructional Practices Checklist
15 min / ·  Slide 30 – Video: Safe Place in Norma’s classroom
·  Slide 31 – Formative Assessment Participant Activity / Anger and Impulses – Formative Assessment
2 min / ·  Slide 32 – Relaxation Thermometer
8 min / ·  Slides 33-34 – Family Engagement
·  Slide 35 – Impulse Control
·  Slide 36 – Yo Gabba Gabba Video / Help your Preschooler Gain Self-Control
5 min / ·  Slides 37 - Conclusion
·  Slide 38 – Post-learning Activity
·  Slide 39 - Questions / Post-learning Activities: Extension into the Classroom