Spring Curriculum Map Year 3

Literacy / We are learning about:
Hot Like Fire by Valerie Bloom.
We will be looking a variety of poems written by Valerie Bloom during our Literacy lessons. We will focus on free verse poetry which does not need a set rhythm, rhyme or structure and ensure children are reading poetry from other authors. We will practise reading aloud poetry with expression and enthusiasm, as well as unpick the features during our guided reading sessions. We will also be exploring performance poetry, using Valerie Bloom and Michael Rosen videos to inspire us.
Greek Myths and Legends.
In Spring 2 we will be looking at a range of Greek myths and legends such as Theseus and the Minotaur, Medusa andOrpheus and Eurydice. We have excellent resources to bring the myths and legends to life such as comic strip versions, which we hope to recreate in our literacy lessons. We will write diary entries from the point of view of a character, write letters to a character, and use tablets to research particular gods and goddesses in order to create non-chronological reports.
Throughout our literacy lessons we will continue to embed the importance of responding to marking, editing and improving work and check unfamiliar spellings using a dictionary. We are beginning to use thesaurus’ to up level our vocabulary and use them in our class word chart. / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • reading a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books together
  • practising handwriting as often as possible
  • practising reading aloud and questioning
  • practising finding unknown words in a dictionary
  • children read with adults and share books for pleasure
  • practising reading inference questions
  • using educational websites including:

  • visiting local libraries, museums and places of interest
  • watching news channels and reading newspapers.

Maths / Statistics
-drawing and interpreting bar charts, tally charts and pictograms.
-properties of 2D shapes
-right angles within shapes
-parallel and perpendicular lines
-mental strategies (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
-written methods (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
-problem solving and reasoning questions involving all four operations
-ordering tenths on a number line
-adding and subtracting fractions
-recognising ½ and ¼ of shapes or amounts
-measuring lengths and widths using centimetres and millimetres
-measuring weight in grams and kilograms / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • helping to recite timestables up to x 12
  • discussing new strategies learnt in school with your child
  • using items of food (pizza, cake) to discuss fractions with your child
  • encouraging the use of Times Table Rockstars
  • using educational websites including:

Science / How Plants Grow
-Planting seeds and observing growth
-Scientific enquiry based skills such as recording, predicting and concluding
-Labelling and drawing a plant
-Cross curricular links to literacy – ‘Bean Diary’
Light and shadow
-Investigating different light sources
-Similarities and differences between day time and night time
-Knowing the definitions of opaque, translucent and transparent
-Setting up shadow investigations / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • visiting museums of interest including the Science Museum
  • discussing scientific processes in everyday life
  • using educational websites including:
  • reading and sharing science articles of interest.

Topic / Geography: Our European Neighbours
-Identifying different European countries
-Identifying and describing flags from different countries
-Developing our map skills
-Comparing European countries
History: Roman invaders and settlers
-Labelling a Roman soldier
-Timeline of history
-Who were the Celts?
-Studying Roman life using artefacts and texts / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • exposing children to atlases
  • locating places using Google Earth
  • discussions about Europe
  • visits to museums
  • research on Romans

Art / Famous buildings
-discussing the aesthetics of a building
- identifying famous buildings around the world
- discussing a range of architects and looking at their work
- adding to designs / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • visiting art galleries
  • visiting different cities
  • discussions about architecture in London

DT / Photo frames
-designing and making a photoframe
-discussing materials / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • researching information on the Design and Technology Association website

ICT / ‘Responsible internet use’ and ‘Keeping information safe’.
Cross curricular activities
Exploring software e.g. Microsoft Word / PowerPoint / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • accessing Mathletics and Reading Eggs
  • accessing Espresso
  • discussions about how to behave and stay safe online
  • vigilant monitoring of children’s activities online.

PSHE / Anti-Bullying
-empathising with how people would feel if they are a victim of bullying
-how to recognise various forms of bullying
-staying safe online
Building self-esteem
-discussing what makes us all unique and why that is important
-ways to build our self-esteem / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • discussing the importance of being kind to others
  • celebrating children’s achievements
  • vigilant monitoring of children’s activities online

Music / The Dragon Song
-We follow the Charanga scheme of work. / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • encouraging children to play a musical instrument
  • sharing new songs and rhythms together

French / Topic 1: On fait le fete
Topic 2: Portraits / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • practising familiar words and phrases learnt at school
  • providing opportunities for children to practice skills when on holiday
  • encouraging the use of pen pals
  • using Google Translate or language dictionaries.

Outdoor Games / Game Activities
Through Hockey and Tag Rugby pupils will develop their understanding of basic rules and skill development (throwing, catching, running). / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • encouraging children to participate in extra-curricular sporting activities
  • watching sport together as a family
  • discussing tactics, techniques and achievements

Indoor PE / Dance
Ancient Egyptians Dance scheme / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • Listening to a range of music and encourage children to find the beat

RE / Christianity
Why is Jesus important to Christians? / Parents can support learning at home by:
  • visiting local places of worship
  • discussing various beliefs and morals.