Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness Monthly Meeting

February 20, 2018

St. John’s Episcopal Church, 15 Summer Street, Randolph, VTor via phone

Board Representative / Board Member Position / Affiliation / Present Y/N/P
(P= phone)
Doug Sinclair / Addison CoC / Charter House / Y
Elizabeth Eddy / Bennington CoC / BROC - Community Action South-West Vermont / Y
Suzanne Legare Belcher / Caledonia/Essex CoC / AHS - Field Representative / Y
Margaret Bozik / Chittenden CoC / Champlain Housing Trust / Y
Holly Olio / Franklin/GI CoC / NCSS / N
dawn butterfield / Lamoille CoC / Capstone Community Action / Y
Kathy Griffin / Orleans CoC / Northeast Kingdom Community Action (NECKA) / N
Heather Hinckley / Rutland CoC / Homeless Prevention Center / Y
Brooke Jenkins / Washington CoC / Good Samaritan Haven / Y
VACANT / Windham South
Pat Burke / Windsor-South/Windham-North / Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) / Y
Renee Weeks / Windsor-North/Orange / Upper Valley Haven / Y
Josh Davis / Co-Chair / Groundworks Collaborative / N
Peter Kellerman / Co-Chair / John Graham Housing and Services / Y
dawn butterfield / Treasurer / Capstone Community Action / Y
Rebeka Lawrence-Gomez / Secretary / Pathways Vermont / N
Ari Kisler / Youth / Vermont Coalition of Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs (VCRHYP) / Y
Kara Casey / Domestic and Sexual Violence / Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence / Y
Jim Bastien / Veterans / U.S. Veterans Administration / N
Whitney Nichols / Person with Lived Experience / P
Shawn Kelly / Person with Lived Experience / N
Emily Higgins / Vermont Agency of Human Services / AHS - Office of Economic Opportunity / Y
Brian Smith / Dept of Mental Health / AHS - Department of Mental Health / N
Shaun Gilpin / Housing Partners / DHCD / N
Daniel Blankenship / Public Housing Authority/Collaborative Applicant / Vermont State Housing Authority / Y
Meghan Morrow Raftery / HMIS Administrator / Institute for Community Alliances / Y
Erhard Mahnke / Member-At-Large / VAHC / P
MaryEllen Mendl / Member-At-Large / United Ways of Vermont, 211 / P
Deborah Ormsbee / Member-At-Large / Vermont Agency of Education / Y

Additional Attendees:

Greg Hessel / Regeneration Resources
Sarah Phillips / OEO
Tara Chase / Youth Services
Stephen Lunna / UVM-SSVF
Laurel Chen / VCEH/VSHA
Jessica Radbord / Legal Aid
Joyce Cloutier / Veterans Inc.
Justin Wagner / Clara Martin Center
Liz Genge / Downstreet Housing
Sherry Marcelino / Lamoille County Mental Health Services
Caitlin Ettenborough / Institute for Community Alliances
Amos Meacham / Pathways Vermont (acting secretary for this meeting)
Beth Kennett / Cabot Creamery/Liberty Hill Farm

Douglas moves to accept minutes from January’s meeting, Heather seconds

○Motion unanimously approved

●Dawn, treasurer’s report review:

○Bill from Legislative breakfast paid

○Meeting with Daniel to discuss changes in what activities covered by HUD for consumer representatives

○Big handful of invoices sent out to people, a lot due

Committee Reports

●PiT Committee- Mary-Ellen & Daniel

○Forms re: PiT being tabulated

○2-1-1 in contract to enter paper forms (Daniel still collecting those), Capstone is fiduciary agent

○ICA still waiting for three agencies to confirm their HMIS data

○Some agencies used Google form, determining who used what forms so we know who/what is missing

○Ari: youth count done by ___, looks like it will be almost 300 (estimate)- that is total of precariously housed and literally homeless

■asked McKinney-Vento liaisons to break out by accompanied or unaccompanied

■not literally homeless (couch surfing) so not in PiT

■Estimate of 25% participation from the liaisons, more than last year

●Discussion of how to increase participation of liaisons in local CoCs, as well as local recruitment

●Strategic Planning- Greg Hessle

○Survey going out to VCEH in next week or so to gather input

○1-on-1 calls will be happening, sometime this week will be scheduling; if you do not hear from Greg in next week but want to have interview with him be in touch

○Laurel announces retreat on May 29th (?) in place of regular VCEH meeting- all board members participating, anyone else invited

○Action plan by July

●Legislative Update- Erhard Mahnke

○Friday before Town meeting is crossover date; bills have to be out of the last committee of jurisdiction

○Budget- House Appropriations

■Number of VCEH people testified at hearings

■Governor recommended level funding for a lot of AHS programs and VHCB, so far appears Appropriations is willing to go along

●Improvement from last year but VAHC recommended a number of increases

■Cuts currently in budget

●$2 million unspecified AHS grants

○List would be assembled by Secretary by end of fiscal year

●$1 million unspecified Reach-Up grants

○Jessica (ACLU)- Number of families has gone down but complexity of needs is great

○Any savings from reduced caseloads is being used as justification to cut Reach-Up

●$4.3 million services for developmentally disabled

●A little over $1 million in person attended personal care services

●ESD cuts discussed among group

○Bill to increase rental housing safety

■Modest, scaled back from VAHC proposal

■Creates database of statewide rental housing

●Could be used post disasters to find housing

●Could be used to assist with code enforcement in more rural areas

●Working on the details, various methodologies proposed- possibly would make some information from landlord certificates public (other than single unit landlords)

■Creates rental housing advisory group

●Tenant law, code enforcement

●Help town officers enforcement of codes

●Looks to report from Health Dept how to strengthen town health officers

○Bill of Tenant Rights

■Could use help writing House General Committee

■Partners with ACLU

■Afraid we might lose this bill

■Concern around law enforcement piece

■Interest in expanding to protection from discrimination for employment status- please let Erhard or Jessica know if you know of someone in that situation

○Senate passed bill the increases the minimum wage to $15/hr by 2024

■Not as aggressive as hoped, wanted 2022

■Has better chance of passage in house with longer time frame

○Discussion of expungement legislation- S.173

■Liz- as housing manager and on the opiate counsel, being able to expunge records could remove a housing barrier

■Erhard- legislature has good record on making it easier to expunge records, will check in if a specific question is emailed

■Jessica- Morade from ACLU can update

Youth Action Board- Ari

○Been meeting for about a year, working to put together a plan to end youth homelessness

○Working on application to HUD for demonstration project

○Hands out the Draft Charter for YAB

■Created by three youth with lived experience or DCF foster system signed on to be on the board, with facilitation by Bethany

■Would make the YAB a committee of VCEH and VCRHYP, would sit on both boards

■Warning for VCEH March vote on the Draft Charter

■First meeting of YAB to take place at beginning of March

■Geographic distribution of members, still doing recruiting for YAB

■Outreach has been targeted to youth who participated in focus groups

●Daniel- HUD NOFA will be starting earlier this year, exact date not known yet

○Score from application still not available but did find out that CoC funding does not increase funding every year

○No bonus projects around the nation were funded

○If awarded the youth grant, it would be incorporated into the CoC application

○Will probably be able to serve a couple more S+C and RRH through grant savings and FMR

○FMR amounts can be increased some by reasonable accommodation various mechanisms, talk with your field rep

○We lose a couple of points on application because both VRS and VASH are not in HMIS

■There have been a lot of conversations about building capacity for VASH reporting

Rapid Rehousing Review Brainstorm

○CoC Planning Grant allows for a lot of activities, including review of how RRH is working

○RRH is a new type of program for CoC and VSHA, created with providers

○Not as effective or seemless as could be, led to review

○Technical advisor having review done of all RRH programs, not just CoC RRH

○How do the different RRH interact, work together

○Goal: get clearer policies and procedures- one size does not fit all but also need it to be easier program to manage

■Experience has been that applicants are people with really high needs- is shown in the data but needs formal analysis

■Assessment is that most people need the medium term, up to 24 months, but doesn’t have to be for the whole 24 months

●Standard could be for 3 months and then extended as needed

○Need to build relations with landlords

○Doesn’t work for people with more complex needs, which is many of the CAP service recipients

○Landlord member comments

■won’t accept people who have to pay more than 50% of income for rent

■concerned about people falling off the cliff when subsidy ends

■3 month way too short

■Need a tool that better identifies needs at outset- CE assessment intended for that

■Distress related to the timeline is significant for landlord, tenant, providers, all involved

●People can be transitioned from RRH onto S+C

●Could Coordinated Entry data be used as to how many people needed short, mid, long terms, etc

○CE assessment not evidence based practice

■Current policy is that if recipient’s income goes up, their rent portion stays the same- being reevaluated

○Can provide landlords with demonstration that person/family can be a good tenant

○Rutland has had a lot of success because of landlord liaisons

○Service capacity levels vary from area to area, provider to provider

■Tiering system helps because we can work to get services from places where they are available

○Discussed who would be leading the review, what the review can hope to accomplish

■What happens to people when the subsidy runs out- who’s successful and who’s not, and why

■Feedback can be provided offline, Daniel plans to reach out to everyone as well

○How does Coordinated Entry connect/interface with RRH

○We did not have minimum for services match- 25%; so we could not apply for services to accompany

○Maybe the Dept of Health can provide service match, and what it is already happening that can be documented

○Email Laurel by the end of tomorrow for more comments on planning for the review

Serve Vermont- Sarah

○VCEH putting in application for 11 VISTA members to support

○Proposed activities announced, written materials of application shared

○Develop partnerships between homelessness providers and SUD treatment providers

○Support CoCs to do local needs housing support assessment for people in recovery

■Goal of Opiate Council to have statewide assessment

○All local lead agencies are willing to host VISTA members

■Cost $6K, local lead agreed to $2K (plus office, supports etc)

■OEO contribute other $4K

○OEO will fund parttime oversight position, Capstone will house that position- they are also the fiscal agent

○Application to be submitted in two weeks

○Looking like will be funded, will need kick-off meeting, VISTA starts in August

○Q: are the host sites already done deals? Still need a couple board approvals

○Project will be owned by VCEH, project manager will be interface with the coalition

Discussion: Liz “would it make sense to discuss a subcommittee” around this disorder? (SUD)

○Would be great to have a joint thing with Chittenden

○Mental health and SUD? A lot of similar barriers, can be more of an issue for housing people with mh

○What would be the goals and objectives of the committee

○Youth committee has brought in people from a lot of other areas that aren’t normally at this table, maybe this committee could also

○Other committees have been successful partly because of substantial outside TA (youth, veterans)

○Can apply for TA through HUD, TA can be used to develop the committee

○Would need a formal vote to establish this committee

○Any grants available through SAMHSA? Jessica has seen it through Chittenden contacts but they are not applying, SUD license provider needed

○Meeting this afternoon in Washington County for group to do a collective impact ___

○Sarah can inquire if anyone at the state is applying for grant

○Would be good to have reps from DMH and ADAP on any committee to help with any system changes at state level

○Can put this on the agenda for next month

○VISTA kickoff meeting could maybe be used to have conversation with other people/agencies that need to be involved

○Don’t need to re-create the wheels; a lot already happening

○Daniel: ‘Any objections to a request being submitted to getting TA for developing the committee, or objections to the working toward starting the committee?’ None voiced

Laurel: who can we invite to a conversation about the intersection of employment and homelessness?

○Sarah Buxton


Announcement, Sarah: Coordinated Entry training in Barre, need to register in advance. People who are doing the housing assessment need to do the training. It’s a day long, in person training.

Meeting Adjourned

Minutes submitted by Amos Meacham, Pathways Vermont