Tadcaster Swim Squad

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Sunday 21st May2017

Present:Tom Carswell, Eleanor Carswell, Ruth McHenery, David Atkinson, Victoria Sharpe, Tracy Holbrook, Sam Collins, Charlie Heard, Sarah Moss, Stephen Catt, Conrad Romer.

Apologies:Chris Porter, Fiona Garnett, Chloe Collins, Ellie Heard, Bobby Collins, Danny Martland.

VSopened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

1. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising.

SC updated that the refund has been received from COSSS for Premier Meet.

Minutes Agreed.

2. Captains

TC had no issues.


EC updated in coaches' absence on first 3 points.

  • Groupings Review - been done and emails sent out to swimmers if any changes. RM and EC putting together a groupings guidance document as referenced in JWA. Coaches inputted what they consider.
  • Review process for new starters - trial on Saturday 24th June - see membership.
  • Underwater camera - good - will use more in summer when more space. Would then like to have feedback sessions with swimmers to review footage.
  • Uni Student Proposal - long discussion about pros and cons and how it would be organised and managed, particularly in the future as more potential returning swimmers. Would they be invited by coach, register interest or just turn up on off chance? Concerns about the impact on the lanes and the development of the rest of squad would be restricted. Agreed to talk to pool and discuss possibility of developing a coached masters group. Hiring lanes in adult only sessions? Also raised that we have 2 different cohorts of uni students - York uni and returning Tad swimmers. Need to look at availability to all. Ask DM about availability and his ideas for the 2 groups. Agreed that extra sessions at York pool are more flexible and will continue to be invited to them. Agreed that until it is decided how to manage it, uni swimmers are not able to swim at sessions at Tad pool. Extra sessions are more flexible and will be welcome to come to those.

Action SC/EC/RM

4. Pool

No representative present but sent a message.

  • JWA - accident report - Pool happy to add extra column for squad to the pool accident book. Is this enough detail? RM to look at ASA membership and see what details are required and level of accident? Agreed we should get a book for the gala bag.
  • Discussion about maximum number of swimmers in squad for JWA. Agreed 95 in current situation.

All happy to proceed with updates in JWA. EC to organise meeting with VS and CP to sign.

Action EC/VS/CP

5. Treasurer

Main account - balance £4447.88. Includes £112.50 refund for NERs which needs to be returned to withdrawn swimmers.

Fund raising account - balance £Nil. All refunds handed out. Will leave account open for any future fund raising.

Contingency fund - raised in last meeting. Possibly add extra onto gala entries. Due to cancellations of a few galas have saved some money recently.

Query about continuing fund raising - ask for donations of time or money. If camp is organised for next year then they will be doing fund raising.


Nothing to report.

7. Swim21

Nearly there!

Action EC

8. Galas

Need new secretary - SCa stepping down.

  • COSSS July and Rotherham July both full so can't enter. Derventio Summer Spectacular chosen instead on July 1st. Entries done.
  • YCBC entries done. Disappointing number of swimmers entered.
  • COSSS Snow Frills - Nov need to do entries early.
  • NERs cancelled on 6th/7th May - some swimmers withdrawn and refunds received.

DP been asked to compile list of swimmers who've done galas and which ones. DM to say at AGM that coaches will be looking at attendance and gala attendance and will be moving swimmers up and down groups dependent on needs and aspirations of swimmers.

9. Kit

28 bullet hats ordered.

10. Website/Twitter

Swim camp story.

Jemima Browning - Diana award and Stingrays.

Calendar update.

Thanks to Sarah Catt for twitter.

11. Training Camp

DA held debrief with DM and some of committee and swimmers last week. Very positive feedback and want to do again.

Swimmer feedback meeting - Friday 26th May 6.20pm. Parents Friday 26th May 7.00pm. EC to send email.

Action EC/DA

Agreed to think about next trip if want to do next year. EC to email parents to see what interest there is and to email Sports Abroad and ask about availability.

Action EC

Swimmers to be screened up front and made clear it is a working camp and will only be considered if have the right record of behaviour and attitude as will be representing TSS.

Also possibility of an away gala?


  • Honorary members - mentioned in Constitution - do we still have any as need to tell ASA as not actually a member of TSS. CH to email details of Alan Donlan to RM.

Action CH/RM

  • New members - trial on Saturday 24th June 6pm, swimmers invited off waiting list and from development group. Coaches set criteria for swimmers to demonstrate. RM emailing swimmers with details. Will need some timekeepers (older swimmers) to help. RM and EC having meeting with DM and JC to look at format of the trial.

Action RM/EC/DM/JC

  • Saturday Mornings - RM said are 4 spaces on Saturday mornings so she will ask coaches if any Foundation swimmers are to be invited.

Action RM

  • Lapsed members - leavers have been lapsed today so can no longer participate under TSS name.

13. A.O.B.

13.1.JWA - CP happy with amendments. Queries as above. All approved.

Action EC/CH

13.2. Constitution - agreed as a resolution at AGM to update in line with current ASA model constitution.

Action EC/CH

13.3. Shallow Dives - JC has updated RM on some swimmers who have done and needs to set a date to do others.

Action JC/RM

13.4.Communication - emails to be marked info, action, urgent so people know whether to respond.

Action All

13.5. Extra Sessions - York Sport June to September. Tuesday evening C and Foundation, Thursday evening A, B and uni. 4 week block bookings - if no interest sessions will be cancelled. EC to book and send emails out.

Action EC

13.6. Strength and Conditioning -will continue after exams.

13.7. Tuesday mornings - Query whether B group come to Tuesday morning sessions while exams on and swimmers not attending and holidays. EC to speak to DM. Not swapping sessions , agreed cost of £5. SC to talk to CP about payment.

Action EC/SC

13.8. 8 year award - SM to look at ordering plate.

Action SM

13.9. Request from swimmer to swim in summer- FG to be asked if she can go in Development squad as squad dynamics changed and now not as much flexibility.

Action RM

13.10. Swimmer of the month - query whether we still have any medals and if it can be restarted? EC to check in locker and look at ribbons and dates on medals.

Action EC

13.11. Behaviour in changing rooms - Agreed irregular checks better by DM, CH, DA. If necessary speak to parents and record. If parent not around after session email to be sent. Ensure written record is kept of behaviour and action taken.

Action DM/CH/DA/All

13.12. Request for mentoring - Swimmer is doing coaching course and would like some experience. DM happy to have them poolside during training.

Insurance: The committee is not aware of any claims or incidents/circumstances that may become a claim. There are no outstanding claims on the insurance.

The next meetings will beFriday 9th June - AGM - 5.30pm, Sunday 9th July at 4.30pm and Sunday 6th August at 4.30pm.