
The origins of settlement on the site of Tetbury may lie in the possible Iron Age hillfort, the earthwork remains of which are situated on the southern edge of the town and are designated as a Scheduled Monument. This same site may then have been used as a Norman castle. Tetbury was a borough in the medieval period and retains its characteristic medieval plan with central market place; this historic core is now covered by the Conservation Area.

Recent evaluation of development sites on the northern edge of the town have identified prehistoric and Roman activity, and further evidence of these dates is likely to be present in the landscape surrounding the town.

Land adjacent to Blind Lane, Tetbury – T_31

388786 194404


1 Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

SM 1008792 Bowl barrow 650m south south east of Chavenage House approximately 1.1km west of the site

SM 1016838 Bowl barrow 335m south east of Broadfield Farm approximately 1km east of the site

Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site

Tetbury conservation area approximately 500m south of the site

Chavenage House Registered Park and Garden (RPG 1000757 – Grade II) approximately 1.1km west of the site

2 Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

HER No. / Area Description
4218 / Field system? NW of Sir William Romney's School
13223 / Tetbury Bypass. Desk based assessment.
39945 / Archaeological desk based assessment carried out by Cotswold Archaeology during December 2010 of land off Hampton Street, Tetbury.
41627 / The post medieval Lightpill to Birdlip Turnpike.
42568 / Geophysical survey undertaken by Pre-Construct Geophysics on 5 August and 27 to 28 September 2011 for land off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42569 / Series of possible quarrying pits recorded as geophysical survey anomalies in August and September 2011 - and confirmed as such during partial excavations by Cotswold Archaeology between 28 November and 14 December 2011 - work in land off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42570 / Backfilled quarry recorded as a geophysical survey anomaly August and September 2011 in land off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42571 / Presence of a former structure recorded as a geophysical survey anomaly August and September 2011 in land off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42572 / Rectilinear enclosure recorded as geophysical survey anomalies August and September 2011 north of the reservoir north of the Tetbury Sports Centre, Tetbury Upton.
42573 / Possible curvilinear ditch anomaly recorded as a geophysical survey anomaly August and September 2011 in land off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42574 / Possible pits recorded as geophysical anomalies August and September 2011 north, south and west, and partly excavated November to December 2011 to the southwest, of the reservoir north of Tetbury Sports Centre, Tetbury Upton.
42575 / Site of demolished building recorded as geophysical anomalies August and September 2011 and partly excavated between 28 November and 14 December 2011 about 100m west of the reservoir north of Tetbury Sports Centre, Tetbury Upton.
42576 / Series of three former field boundaries recorded as geophysical anomalies August and September 2011 - one partly excavated by Cotswold Archaeology between 28 November and 14 December 2011 - to the northwest of in land off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42718 / Series of 36 evaluation trenches excavated by Cotswold Archaeology between 28 November and 14 December 2011 for Redrow Homes South West Ltd in advance of a planning application for the development of land off Hampton Street, Tetbury.
42719 / Unknown pit and pair of gullies partly excavated by Cotswold Archaeology 28 November to 14 December 2011 to the north of the reservoir off Hampton Street, Tetbury.
42720 / Modern find of a clay tobacco pipe stem made from topsoil by Cotswold Archaeology 28 November to 14 December 2011 about 75m north of the covered reservoir off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42721 / Modern find of a Post Medieval clay tobacco pipe and pottery fragments from topsoil by Cotswold Archaeology 28 November to 14 December 2011 about 74m northwest of the covered reservoir off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42722 / Possible human cremation burial of Unknown date recorded by Cotswold Archaeology between 28 November and 14 December 2011 about 115m west of the covered reservoir off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42723 / Unknown period sub-circular pit excavated by Cotswold Archaeology about 75m south of the covered reservoir off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
42724 / Post-medieval layer - possibly rubbish dump - partly excavated about 100m southwest of the covered reservoir to the north of Tetbury Sports Centre, Tetbury Upton.
42727 / Modern find of a post-medieval or modern pottery fragment from topsoil by Cotswold Archaeology 28 November to 14 December 2011 about 174m northwest of the covered reservoir off Hampton Street, north of Tetbury Sports Centre, Tetbury Upton.
42728 / Modern find of a post-medieval clay tobacco pipe stem fragment from topsoil by Cotswold Archaeology 28 November to 14 December 2011 about 174m west northwest of the covered reservoir off Hampton Street, Tetbury Upton.
43924 / Desk based assessment of Shipton Moyne water mains replacement scheme Phase IV, Hedr Lane to Blind Reservoir, Tetbury

3 Historic landscape character

Ridge and furrow mapped by NMP nothing visible on AP.

Not within the historic towns survey area.

A2 HLC category - Existing settlement of medieval or earlier origin

4 Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests

There is limited potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the investigations detailed below.

5 Recent planning history

In 2011 this formed part of a larger area for which pre-application consultations prompted desk-based assessment (SW10558; HER39945), geophysical survey (SW11217; HER42568) and trial-trenching (SW11275; HER42718). Late Iron Age and early Roman activity was represented by three intercutting pits and a ditch. In addition several undated pits, gullies, post-settings and a possible cremation pit were found.

6 Recommendations

An agreed mitigation strategy to cover:

·  Archaeological recording of assets to an appropriate level

Pike Field, Extension to Tetbury Industrial Estate, Tetbury – TET_E2

389966 194172


1 Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

SM 1016838 Bowl barrow 335m south east of Broadfield Farm approximately 100m north of the site

Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site

Tetbury conservation area approximately 700m south west of the site

2 Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

HER No. / Area Description
13223 / Tetbury Bypass. Desk based assessment.
27621 / Desk based assessment on land adjacent to London Road, Tetbury.
42823 / Geophysical survey carried out by Archaeological Surveys Ltd on 17 January 2012 for Foundations Archaeology on behalf of SIAC Property Developments Ltd in advance of the proposed redevelopment of land to the east of London Road, Tetbury Upton.
43484 / Evaluation on land south-east of Quercus Road, Tetbury
43924 / Desk based assessment of Shipton Moyne water mains replacement scheme Phase IV, Herd Lane to Blind Reservoir, Tetbury

3 Historic landscape character

Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.

Not within the historic towns survey area.

A2 HLC category - Existing settlement of medieval or earlier origin

4 Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests

There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the lack of previous investigation on this site.

5 Recent planning history

There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.

6 Recommendations

Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.

Land to west of Tetbury (recreation ground), Sherwood Road, Tetbury – T_45

388599 193459


1 Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

SM 1003421 Tetbury Camp approximately 600m south east of the site

Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site

Tetbury conservation area approximately 20m north, 125m east and 150m south of the site

2 Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

No undesignated heritage assets within 20m of the site

3 Historic landscape character

Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.

Not within the historic towns survey area.

A2 HLC category - Existing settlement of medieval or earlier origin

4 Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests

There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the lack of previous investigation on this site.

5 Recent planning history

There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.

6 Recommendations

Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.

Field north west of Highfield Cottage, Tetbury – T_71

389432 194373


1 Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

SM 1016838 Bowl barrow 335m south east of Broadfield Farm approximately 550m east of the site

Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site. One adjacent – Highfield Farmhouse, Off A433 (LB 128608 – Grade II)

Tetbury conservation area approximately 850m south of the site

2 Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

HER No. / Area Description
13223 / Tetbury Bypass. Desk based assessment.
21344 / A modern archaeological desk-based assessment of land at Highfield Farm, London Road, Tetbury Upton.
36987 / Archaeological evaluation of 39 trenches carried out by Cotswold Archaeology from 26 to 29 July and 24 to 27 August 2010 at Highfield Farm, Tetbury Upton.
36992 / Undated period ditches recorded in various trenches of evaluation work undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology late July and late August 2010 at Highfield Farm, Tetbury Upton.
36993 / Undated period pits recorded in various trenches of evaluation work undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology late July and late August 2010 at Highfield Farm, Tetbury Upton.
37006 / Geophysical survey undertaken 12 to 16 July 2010 by Pre-Construct Geophysics of land south of Highfield Farm, Tetbury Upton.

3 Historic landscape character

Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.

Not within the historic towns survey area.

A2 HLC category - Existing settlement of medieval or earlier origin

4 Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests

There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to density of archaeology known in the surrounding area and the lack of previous investigation on this site.

5 Recent planning history

There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.

6 Recommendations

Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.

Autonumis Site, Tetbury – T_61

389625 193723


1 Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

SM 1016838 Bowl barrow 335m south east of Broadfield Farm approximately 750m north east of the site

SM 1003421 Tetbury Camp approximately 800m south west of the site

Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site

Tetbury conservation area approximately 200m south west of the site

2 Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

HER No. / Area Description
38216 / A Second World War military depot is visible on aerial photographs. It is located in Northfield, Tetbury and some of the buildings are still in use as an industrial estate, Tetbury Upton.

3 Historic landscape character

Elements of the military depot mapped by NMP nothing visible on AP.

Within the modern area of Tetbury from the historic towns survey.

G4 HLC category - Existing settlement - present extent

4 Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests

There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the lack of previous investigation of this site.

5 Recent planning history

There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.

6 Recommendations

Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.

Land off Quercus Park, Tetbury – T_67

389876 193976


1 Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

SM 1016838 Bowl barrow 335m south east of Broadfield Farm approximately 400m north east of the site

SM 1003421 Tetbury Camp approximately 1.1km south west of the site

Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site

Tetbury conservation area approximately 550m south west of the site

2 Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site

HER No. / Area Description
19822 / Archaeological Evaluation at Land at London Road, Tetbury.
27621 / Desk based assessment on land adjacent to London Road, Tetbury.
42823 / Geophysical survey carried out by Archaeological Surveys Ltd on 17 January 2012 for Foundations Archaeology on behalf of SIAC Property Developments Ltd in advance of the proposed redevelopment of land to the east of London Road, Tetbury Upton.
42825 / Pair of geophysical survey anomalies recorded about 250m east of London Road on the northeastern outskirts of Tetbury, Tetbury Upton parish.
42963 / Series of 13 evaluation trenches undertaken by Foundations Archaeology between 31 January and 9 February 2012 on land to the south of Quercus Road, Tetbury Upton.
42965 / Unknown period ditch, gully and pit partly excavated in Trench 13 between 31 January and 9 February 2012 about 119m south southeast of the eastern end of Quercus Road, Tetbury Upton.
42967 / Modern 2012 findspot of a topsoil sherd of Post Medieval glazed red earthenware bowl recovered from Trench 13 between 31 January and 9 February 2012 about 119m south southeast of the eastern end of Quercus Road, Tetbury Upton.
43484 / Evaluation on land south-east of Quercus Road, Tetbury
43924 / Desk based assessment of Shipton Moyne water mains replacement scheme Phase IV, Herd Lane to Blind Reservoir, Tetbury

3 Historic landscape character

Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.

Not within the historic towns survey area.

A2 HLC category - Existing settlement of medieval or earlier origin

4 Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests

There is limited potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the investigations detailed below.

5 Recent planning history