Welcome to the Shakopee East Junior High Choirs!
The purpose of this handbook is to inform choir parents and students of the procedures and policies of the Shakopee Middle School choir program.
Group Descriptions
7th Grade Choirs
Seventh grade choirs meets every other day for the entire year and takes over where sixth grade leaves off by continuing further techniques of good musicianship and sight-singing. In addition, boys will be introduced to reading and singing in the bass clef. The choir will be reading music in unison, two- and three-parts. Choir members are expected to perform in three evening concerts. Written work (journaling, assignments, quizzes, and tests) will also be part of class.
8th Grade Girls Choir
Eighth grade girls choir meets every other day for the entire year. Girls will work to understand their changing and maturing voice while continuing to foster techniques of good musicianship and sight-singing. Girls will sing in unison, two-, three-, and four-part harmony. Choir members are expected to perform in two evening concerts.
Written work (journaling, assignments, quizzes, and tests) will also be part of class.
9th Grade Girls Choir
Ninth grade girls choir meets every other day for the entire year. Girls will be challenged with more independent musicianship, continued growth in proper singing technique, sight-singing, small group improvisation and assessments. Choir members are expected to perform in two evening concerts.
Written work (journaling, assignments, quizzes, and tests) will also be part of class.
8/9 Boys Choir
Eighth and ninth grade boys choir meets every other day for the entire year. Boys now have the opportunity to understand and experience their unique vocal maturation working in tenor and bass clefs. Boys will work on their vocal development using techniques unique to the boy’s changing voice, along with other basic fundamentals and techniques of quality signing and sight-singing. Choir members are expected to perform in two evening concerts.
Written work (journaling, assignments, quizzes, and tests) will also be part of class.
In order to best serve our choir students and get to know them and their voices, ALL CHOIR STUDENTS will have small group voice lessons on the opposite day of their choir rehearsal. Students will be expected to attend approximately four lessons a quarter and they will be graded. This grade is in no way affected by the quality of one’s voice, but rather by participation, effort and growth. A schedule of lesson times will be given with opportunities for make-up lessons if they are missed.
Select Choir & Bella Voce
Select Choir and Bella Voce are extra-curricular, auditioned choirs made up of seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students. Select Choir has mixed voices (girls and boys) and Bella Voce has treble voices (all girls). These groups rehearse outside of the school day two days a week. Select Choir rehearsals are typically Mondays AND Thursdays before school from 7:00am-7:35am. Bella Voce rehearsals are typically Wednesdays AND Fridays before school from 7:00am-7:35. Additional rehearsals may be added if and when needed.
These auditioned choirs are for the serious singer who will be more challenged by musical repertoire and rehearsal techniques. They perform music of up to four-parts and in a variety of languages and styles, and perform additional concerts throughout the school year.
7th Grade Pops Concert Soloists
Our final concert is our “Pops” concert when we sing more popular, known music. At this concert, we will include four soloists/small group numbers where the featured singer(s) will sing and entire song on their own. There will be a detailed audition process that will be explained later in the year.
8/9 Cabaret Concert
This concert will feature soloists or duets from East Junior High. The date of this concert will be Tuesday, April 15. Song choices must Broadway style, jazz standards or art songs. There will be an audition process in order to perform. More specific information will be given later this year.
Honors Choir (grades 7-8 & 9)
Any interested singer in choir may audition for the State Honor Choir. Auditions are recorded and held early this fall. Please check the following site for more specific information:
Music selected to prepare in class will include a variety of styles, incorporating the music of various countries, cultures, religions, and historical time periods. The music selected is NOT intended to endorse any particular religion or belief. If at any time a student does not feel comfortable singing a particular selection, he/she should feel free to talk to the director about it and arrangements can be made which will benefit everyone while keeping the utmost in confidentiality.
Please utilize:
This handbook
The choir page on the website
Letters and other information sent home
Phone calls
My school phone number is: 952-496-5702 Voice mail #6643
My school email is:
Students will be assigned a choir folder containing music for rehearsals. Students are responsible for their borrowed sheet music until it is checked back in. All folders and choir music must be returned in good condition. Replacement fee for the lost or damaged folder will be $8.00, while each piece of choir music will cost approximately $2.00 (each with a shipping and handling fee).
SELECT CHOIR and BELLA VOCE members must provide their own black, 1-inch, hard cover, 3-ring binder.
Performance Attire
BOYS: Black dress pants (not jeans), black socks, black dress shoes (not gym shoes), white button-up shirt with long sleeves, and a neck tie.
GIRLS: Black pants or skirts (must be below the knee when sitting), black nylons (not knee highs), black shoes with little or no heel, and white, dressy top with sleeves.
SELECT CHOIR: All black with a red color accent.
BELLA VOCE: All black with a pink color accent.
Expectations, Citizenship, Behavior & Discipline
In choir we work very hard to produce the best possible product – our concert and performances. In order to do this it is necessary for you to want to be in choir, sing, work hard, stay focused, and cooperate with the group process.
In rehearsals you will be expected to:
Ø Learn to read and perform music.
Ø Develop self-discipline and commitment through individual practice and participation in rehearsals and concerts.
Ø Understand musical elements, techniques, styles and presentation
Ø Exhibit the ability to collaborate, set goals, persist and strive for excellence.
As with all learning, some students may need more assistance than others. For some, a simple reminder may be all that is required to get back on track. For others, more extreme interventions may be required. Ultimately, we are looking for the student to learn to make good choices and to make them for the right reasons. I will assist students as much or as little as necessary.
Continued difficulty with decision making and classroom expectations may result in any number of the following consequences: changes in seating, phone calls/e-mails home, detention, processing time in another classroom, parent conference, office referral, permanent removal from choir.
Rehearsal Techniques 25%
Vocal production, rehearsal habits, sight-reading/ear-training assessments, rehearsal and concert preparedness. (This grade is not determined by inherent music ability, but rather by the effort put forth in class to become a better musician.)
Citizenship 25%
Attendance, participation, effort, focus, responsibility, self-discipline,
Concert Attendance 25%
Attendance is required at all concerts and performances
Written Work 25%
Quizzes, goal setting, journaling, assignments.
National and State Standards
National Standards
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines
5. Reading and notating music
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
7. Evaluating music and music performances
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture
State Standards
Please see the Minnesota state fine arts site
that contains our state music standards:
Concerts & Concert Attendance
Performances are considered final tests and the experience cannot be rescheduled or recreated. Attendance at concerts is mandatory. Students are given a concert (test) grade based on performance, concert etiquette, and conduct. Any unexcused absence from a performance will result in the student receiving zero credit for that concert.
Excused absences from concerts will result in a score of 70% and an assignment will be provided to make up points.
Excused Absences: (You will be allowed to make it up for full credit)
-An excused absence is one that has been approved by the director and is accompanied by a written note or e-mail from a parent/guardian.
-Examples of excused absences:
Significant Illness
Family Emergency
Death in the family
-Other extenuating circumstances:
“Once in a lifetime” events such as weddings, religious events, etc.
-Make-up work:
If a student misses a concert due to an excused absence, the student will be given a make-up assignment when Mrs. Van Sickle receives notice of the absence in order to make up for the test grade. If a student neglects to complete the assignment he/she will not receive credit for the assignment.
Unexcused absences: (You will be allowed to make it up for partial credit)
-An unexcused absence is one that has not been approved by the director and is not accompanied by a written note or e-mail from the parent.
-Examples or unexcused absences:
Lack of transportation Cold or sore throat
Forgot Overslept
Birthday Party Homework
Baby-sitting Shopping
Other events (sports, dance, recitals)
If you there is a conflict with these dates, it should be worked out in advance. If some conflicts are difficult to resolve, please contact Mrs. Van Sickle as soon as possible!
Reminder: Students are expected to stay for the entire duration of all concerts. If a student does need to leave early a note from the parent/guardian must be given to Mrs. Van Sickle and check out in person before leaving.
7th Grade
Tuesday, November 26, 7:00pm at West J.H.
Tuesday, March 4, 7:00pm at West J.H.
Thursday, May 15, 7:30pm at West J.H.
8th and 9th Grade
Tuesday, December 17, 7:00pm at West J.H.
Monday, May 5, 7:30pm at West J.H.
Select Choir and Bella Voce will be performing at all of the above concerts.
8th and 9th Cabaret Concert (Select Students only)
Tuesday, April 15, 7:30pm at West J.H.
Select Choir and Bella Voce will have additional performances throughout the year. You will be informed of these dates as soon as possible.
Concert Etiquette
Formal concert etiquette will be taught during class and expected during all formal concerts and performances. Parents can help reinforce the following basic behaviors with your child:
Ø Turn off the sound to all pagers, phones, watches, etc.
Ø It is important to attend the entire concert out of respect to the
efforts and dedication of all those involved. If one must leave or enter
while the concert is in progress, please do so only during the
applause between selections.
Ø Please refrain from talking or whispering during a performance. Remember that the performers can hear you every bit as well as you can hear them.
Ø Young children develop audience habits early. Please help them to
understand and follow the “no noise or movement during the performance” guideline. That may necessitate removing them from the concert hall for a time.
Ø Applause at the end of a jazz solo is appropriate to the style, but it
is not commonly expected during a band or choral solo. In the same
manner it is usually appropriate to hold applause in a multi-movement
selection until the whole piece has concluded.
Ø Every concert does not automatically conclude with a standing ovation.
Thank you for taking the time to read and understand the contents of this handbook. If you have any questions or concerns – please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please have the back sheet signed and returned by the second (next) choir rehearsal.
I look forward to an amazing year with our wonderful Shakopee East Junior High students!
Karen Van Sickle