Task: You and your partner (s) will create a cartoon/poster/sign/banner/collage/poem/song/ad/brochure that deals with combatting social isolation-loneliness. You will choose an appropriate setting that will clearly show your character is feeling and why they are feeling that way. Your creation should have a title, a hashtag, slogan. It should encompass what to do when you see someone who is alone and-or a suggestion of how to “reach out and help” someone. All creations must be neat, colorful, symmetrical, passionate and powerful. Writing or print should be clear and visible. You will use rulers, straight edges or design by computer. You will make sure your creation deals with the following:

  • Based on video, what are some signs that someone is socially isolated? How do the signs from your quotes/image/video compare to others?
  • Based on your quote/image/video, what do you think it feels like to be socially isolated?
  • Imagine that you know the person/people from your quote/image/video. What is one thing you might do to help?
  • How do you think someone who is socially isolated would feel if you tried to make them feel less lonely? Why?
  • You don’t have to help someone who is socially isolated, so why should you?
  • Regarding the “In My Shoes” activity sheet: the top three questions will help them plan their cartoon. If you have ever felt socially isolated, you can draw a picture of that time. Or, they can make up a situation, but it should be realistic.
  • Add #startswithhello or create your own hashtag slogan. Make sure cartoon, drawing illustration, images, collage is easy to figure out-clear.

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
CONTENT / Team thoroughly deals with the theme of combatting social isolation-loneliness and body of work carefully reflects empathy and questions posted. It has greatpower and passion. Message is focused and clear. Contains title and hashtag. / Team mostly deals with the theme of combatting social isolation-loneliness and body of work mostly carefully reflects empathy and questions posted. It has good power and passion. Message is mostly focused and clear. Contains title and may contain hashtag / Team partially deals with the theme of combatting social isolation-loneliness and body of work somewhat carefully reflects empathy and questions posted. It has fair power and passion. Message is somewhat focused and clear. May or may not have title and hashtag. / Team does not deal with the theme of combatting social isolation-loneliness and body of work does not carefully reflect empathy and questions posted. It lacks power and passion. Message is un focused and unclear. Doesn’t have title and hashtag.
CREATIVITY / Original, unique or takes “old” message or theme and recreates in a new and “fresh” way. Team greatly uses imagination and combines with knowledge and “know how.” / Mostly original, unique or takes “old” message or theme and recreates in a new and “fresh” way. Team mostly uses imagination and combines with knowledge and “know how.” / Somewhat unique or takes “old” message or theme and recreates in a new and “fresh” way. Team fairly uses imagination and combines with knowledge and “know how.” / Un original, not unique or does not take “old” message or theme and recreates in a new and “fresh” way. Team does not use imagination or combine with knowledge and “know how.”
PRESENTATION / Thorough, neat, colorful, artistic. Appropriate for school. Reader can “automatically get engaged” in your creation. / Mostly neat, colorful, artistic. Appropriate for school. Reader can mostly “automatically get engaged” in your creation. / Somewhat neat, colorful, artistic. Appropriate for school. Reader may or may not “automatically get engaged” in your creation. / Lacks neatness, color and artistic qualities. May not be appropriate for school. Reader does not get engaged in message automatically.
CONVENTIONS. / Spelling, capitalization, punctuation are correct. / Spelling, capitalization, punctuation are mostly correct. / Spelling, capitalization, punctuation are somewhat correct. / Spelling, capitalization, punctuation are mostly incorrect.
TEAMWORK / All members made a strong attempt to contribute equally and resolved conflicts peacefully. / All members made a good attempt to contribute equally and resolved conflicts peacefully. / All members made a fair attempt to contribute equally and resolved conflicts peacefully. / All members did not attempt to contribute equally and resolved conflicts peacefully.


Julian and Kyle

Vivian, Angela and Jane

Estella, Ethan and Erica

Seth, Gal and Jack

Rohan, Malakai and Wesley

Poyee and Alycia

Siri, Inaya & Sophia

Lucy, Irene & Amanda