Title I
Parent Involvement Plan
School___West Charlotte High School____
I. Parental Involvement Policy
A. List names and roles (teachers, administrators, parents, etc) of persons involved in
developing Parental Involvement Policy.
John Wall-Principal
Joline Adams- Data Analyst
Erica Nicholson- Parent Advocate
Erica Draine- Communities in Schools and Parent
Erika Logan-Gales- PTSA President
Dr. Daisy Walker- Volunteer Coordinator
Lester Roberts- Parent
OnicaGildersleeve- EC teacher
Jessica Savage- Math Teacher
Shelia Adams- Math Teacher
Matthew Mundorf- PE Teacher
B. Briefly describe the process your school used to:
1. select participants to develop the policy (school improvement team, parent
involvement committee)–School Leadership Team
2. develop policy (1-2 pages max) (policy should reflect Components II through XII
taken from Parental Involvement Section 1118 of No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)- See CMS and West Charlotte Policy
3. implement policy
C. Copy of Policy- See Policy
II. Annual Information Meeting
A. Describe your plan to convene an annual meeting to inform parents of their school’s
participation in Title I Part A. Include strategies to inform LEP parents.
- August 20th – Annual Meeting in combination with PTSA meeting.
- Information provided in English and Spanish
- Translators available
- Powerpoint and handouts available
- Snacks provided
III. Flexible meeting times
A. Parents will be offered flexible meeting times and parental involvement opportunities which will include but is not limited to PTSA meetings, parent teacher conferences, Parent University workshops, and parent nights. These meetings will occur at various times of the day to accommodate flexible scheduling.
IV. Title I Part A Planning
A. See Parent Involvement Policy
V. Parent Information and Opportunities
A. Describe how you will provide parents with the following:
See West Charlotte School Parent Compact and Title I Policy
1. West Charlotte High School will use ConnectEd messages, newsletters and our website to provide timely information about Title I Programs.
2. Parents will have unrestricted access to our school performance profiles online.
3. Parent Assistant log-in information will be provided to parents to monitor their child’s performance. In addition to Parent Assistant, progress reports and report cards will be provided to parents.
4. West Charlotte High School will have an Open House for parents. During this Open House, parents will learn about state standards, proficiency levels, assessment forms and have an opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss curriculum.Interpreters will be requested to accommodate non-English speaking parents and guardians.
5. Parents will be welcomed to attend regular meetings to participate in decision making.
6. Parents are encouraged to communicate suggestions and questions to WCHS staff members. Our staff will share parent suggestions and answer questions raised by parents. If the WCHS staff member is unable to answer the question, they will contact the WCHS staff member who can answer the question in a timely fashion.
7. Reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in
child’s class are extended to and shared with parents
VI. School-Parent compact
A. Compacts were discussed with parents by Mr. Wall, during the Title I Annual Meeting, and parents were given the opportunity to provide feedback. See school, parent, student compact.
VII. Building Parent Involvement Capacity
A. Briefly discuss how you will address the following:
1. Provide assistance to parents in understanding performance standards,
assessment, Title I, monitoring their child’s progress and participating in
decisions relating to the education of their child– Parent Curriculum Nights, Annual meeting, Access to parent assist –to monitor student progress, SLT involvement, Indistar access.
2. Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children
(literacy training, computer skills, homework assistance/workshops, family
literacy nights, adult ESL, GED etc.) Workshops provided by Parent University, SIG Coaches and Classroom Teachers during curriculum nights, partnerships with CPCC for the Adult ESL and GED programs.
3. Educate teachers and other staff to work with parents- Building Cultural Awareness PD provided by District and Project Lift Zone Office
4. Coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs/activities- Collaboration between PTSA, Parent Advocate, School Admin, Volunteer Coordinator, and Project Lift Zone.
5. Develop appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses- Collaboration with Volunteer Coordinator and Administration
6. Conduct other activities as appropriate and feasible that is designed to help
parents become full partners in the education of their child–See Policy
7. To ensure that information related to parent involvement is sent home in the
language used in the home, WCHS will send materials in the language spoken at home.
VIII. LEP and Disable Parents
A. Provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English
proficiency or with disabilities . Translators and specialist will provide support to parent nights at WC.
IX. Reservation of Funds: Not less than 1% of the LEA’s allocations SHALL be
reserved to carry out parent involvement activities, including family literacy
and parenting skills. (95% of this allotted to individuals Title I schools)
A. How will your school assure a portion of your allotment will be spent on parent
involvement?- See Policy
B. How will your school insure parent involvement regarding how funds will be allotted
for parental involvement activities? Title I Requests for Funding will be submitted to the Title I office for approval. Including incentives with Food and workshops.
X. Parent Request
A. Describe how you will provide reasonable support for parental involvement activities
requested by parents. – Review each request with the SLT and vote on each activity
XI. Annual Evaluation
A. Discuss timeline and plan for involving parents in an annual evaluation of the content
and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in improving the academic
quality of the schools.- See Policy.
XII. Other Parent Involvement Practices (School may include the following).
A. Describe how your school addresses the following, only if practices are part of your
schoolwide plan.
- School meetings will be offered at a variety of times to accommodate parents with varying availability