Bloem Water is a schedule 3 B Public Business Enterprises (PFMA, Act 1 of 1999), which has been established in terms of the Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997).

Bloem Water accordingly invites suitably qualified and experienced Service Providers to submit proposals to Bloem Water for the following civil works associated with:

Scope of Work

The project involves the design, tender and overall project management process of the project for the construction of the Water Supply to Springfontein. The following options are:

  • The bulk pipeline from TLC Reservoir near Maphodi to TreinspoorReservoir is also a distribution main to Maphodi Township reticulation. A proposed new bulk pipeline from TLC to Treinspoor will be implemented with no other connection allowed, the pipeline’s approximate length 2 km. The pipeline will be designed to accommodate the new development that is situated near the Railway Bridge.
  • Pumping main from Treinspoor Reservoir to Rondavell Reservoir is a 110mm diameter pumping main, the pumping main is leaking and need to be replaced. There are also two pumpstations at Treinspoor Reservoir which will need refurbishment.

The service provider should in all respects comply with the conditions as set out below and as specified in the tender document. It is estimated that tenderers should have a CIDB contractor grading in a CE Class of construction works and have a 3CE PE or higher in accordance with Regulation 25(18) or 25(7A) of the Construction Industry Development Regulations, 2004. Only tenderers that satisfy the eligibility criteria stated in the tender document will be eligible to submit tenders. Potentially emerging enterprises who satisfy the criteria stated in the bid document may submit bid offers.

Tender documentation with complete details are available from Tuesday , 03 February 2015 on request and upon payment of a non-refundable tender deposit of R500,00, payment must be made to Ms Delphine Campbell at the Bloem Water Finance Department. Documents may be collected at the following address upon producing proof of payment:

Supply Chain Management Office; Bloem Water

2 Mzuzu Street, Pellissier


Completed tender documentation must be addressed as below and deposited before 12:00 on Friday, 13 February 2015at the Tender Box situated at the Bloem Water Reception Area for:

Attention: Ms N Madonsela

Supply Chain Management

Bloem Water

2 Mzuzu Street, Pellissier


Each bidder must submit an envelope clearly marked Tender No BW208/SF/14 – KOPANONG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY –WATER SUPPLY TO SPRINGFONTEIN with the bidders name and address. Bloem Water complies to the Broad Black Economic Empowerment Act and gives preference to compliant service providers.

A Compulsory Briefing Session will be held on Monday, 09 February 2015 at the Kopanong Local Municipality, PMU Offices, Trompsburg at 10h00.

Tender documentation which is incomplete, filled in incorrectly, or which is received after the close of the tender, will not be considered. No tenders transmitted by fax or e-mail will be accepted.

Prequalifying bids will be evaluated in line with the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) principle of 90/10 for tenders above R1000000. A total of 90 points is allocated for Price and Functionality and 10 points for Preference (BEE Certification compulsory to qualify for any points).

Should you not receive any feedback from Bloem Water after 4 weeks of submission, consider your tender unsuccessful.

Queries can be directed to:

Mr Boyce Sonti

MOT Professional Services Consultant

Tel: (012) 998 7668

Fax: (012) 993 2679 or
