Sherwood Community Centre
Woodthorpe House
Mansfield Road
0115 955 3152
Registered Charity Number 1004373
Praising good behaviour and being positive is an important part of our approach to managing behaviour. We believe that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and children are free to develop their play and learning without fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone else. It is our aim to help children to develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.
In order to achieve this:
- Rules governing conduct and behaviour within playgroup will be discussed and agreed and explained to newcomers both adults and children.
- Staff will endeavour to provide a positive example for children with regard to care, friendliness and courtesy.
- Desirable behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share will be encouraged.
Dealing with unacceptable behaviour:
- Physical punishment will neither be used nor threatened.
- Children will not be sent out of the room by themselves.
- Children will not be singled out or humiliated in front of others.
- One to one adult support will be given to children who do wrong; and they will be told what they did wrong and encouraged to correct their behaviour.
- It will be stressed in all cases that it is the behaviour and not the child that is unwelcome.
- Playgroup is multicultural and interaction between cultures will be encouraged.
- Any behaviour problems will be handled in a developmentally appropriate way taking into account the child’s level of understanding and maturity.
- Recurring problems will be addressed between playgroup and parents using observation records to help understand the cause.
- Any special needs will be taken into account.
- If at any time a member of staff has to use any physical intervention on a child ie : to stop them injuring themselves or another child or a member of staff, then this will be recorded in our incident record book. Physical intervention could be lifting a child down from a table or moving them to a safer area of the Playgroup if they were having a tantrum, maybe throwing their arms and legs around. All such incidents will be recorded and parents will be informed on collection of their child.
- Staff have all had training in positive behaviour management techniques arranged through our advisory teacher
- We ensure that parents are aware of any behavioural incidents which have led to a record in our accident book . If a child continues to display unwanted or challenging behaviour we work closely with the family to set up a way of recording positive achievements such as stickers and reward charts.
- If a child continues to display persistent unwanted or challenging behaviour we will refer the child for further assessment such as hearing checks( with family consent)
- If the child requires constant supervision and support we will also apply for emergency ISG support funding to give more one to one supervision and to work specifically on positive behaviour management strategies
Signed on behalf of Sherwood Playgroup ------