Online Resources and Databases
New York Times Electronic Classroom Subscription
The New York Times offers a classroom subscription for free of the complete paper, as well as curriculum resources, online. To access these resources:
1. Go to
2. To access the classroom subscription, you will need the username and password. They are: 100233501
3. To access today’s issue of the Times, just click on the cover of the paper.
4. To access the lesson plans, curriculum guides, and other resources, click on the links on the right. Lesson plans can be accessed by using the Lesson Plan Archive.
Newsbank is an online database of magazines, newspapers, and other resources that can be used by students researching. It can be accessed as follows:
1. Go to
2. When the popup window appears, you will need the username and password. They are: 11740
3. To access the articles, click the database you would like and begin searching.
Newsday has now created a password protected site only for Optimum and Newsday subscribers. To access the site, go to
Password: newsday
NOVEL is a searchable database, similar to Newsbank that is free to all New York State residents. There are 4 main databases to access on NOVEL:
Password: empirelink
2-Ebsco (Ebsco is geared towards younger students),uid&group=empire&custid=s9836899
Username: 5wbhs
Password: 5wbhs
Username: novel2068
Password: novel
Use the search bar to search for the topic of your choice. When the search is complete, make sure you click on the tabs above the search results to locate magazine articles, media, websites, etc on the chosen topic.
Username: SK7N4JNM6D
Password: welcome
Remote username: Q7PWX7FTCV
Remote Password: welcome
In Basic Search, choose which databases and/or date ranges you would like to use. Also, click on full text only to ensure you receive full journal articles.
Another tab on the top is the Topics guide. This will help to narrow down a topic or find similar topics to the ones you are looking for.