Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Radu Popa” Chis Bianca

Cls a VII-a B

The magic of colours

There is a big variety of colours, one more beautiful than other.

The colours represent many of human feelings. For example:

Red means love, passion and represents fire.

Yellow means jealousy but also affection for someone and represents the warmth of the sun.

Blue means calm, sadness and represents the youth.

Purple means power, mistery and represents a person who is less realistic.

Green means joy, hope, rebirth and represents life.

White means purity and represents the cold.

Black means angry, mistery and represents death.

The colours have a strong relationship:

Red and green are the Christmas’ colours;

Orange and black are Halloween’s colours

Red, yellow and green are Easter’s colours

There are some groups of colours named binary colours and complementary colours.

In Romania at weddings the brides sre usually dressed in white to express the purity and the bridegroom is usually dressed in black.

The wedding guests are usually dressed in black ( for men) and yellow, red, purple and blue.

At burials the people are dressed in black to express the suffering for the person who went in the other world.

Our flag’s colours are red, yellow and blue.

For our country they are our emblem. They represents our nationality.

Our national costumes are very different from a zone of the country at other.

The components of the national costume are:

~pasant woman’s embroidered blause, wich is white.

~a long skirt wich is white

~a kerchief

~a texture wich is puted on the skirt and is usually boidered and is red or black.

This is the usual national costume.

In Romania are very little buildings wich are total coloured. Just in Maramures are some coloured buildings and in Moldova the Voronet Monastery with it’s popular color Voronet Blue.

The buildings are usual grey or beige and the ropf is sometimes coloured.

This are our colors in our country.