
Second Grade


Rachel Bradford and Jennifer Ayers

Time Frame: 5 Days

Unit Introduction

Everything is made of matter. Which can cause matter to be a broad, yet specific unit of content. This unit is to be taught with the intentions of using all three modalities of learning. This was prepared for our visual, audio, and kinesthetic learners. Students should talk about, see, and use their own bodies and senses to understand the phases of matter. Through this science unit, math, language arts, movement, technology, and the fine arts were integrated to further the success of comprehension. It is important that students understand and can relate this unit to everyday life, as it creates a base for future science standards of learning. The students will concentrate on the description, properties and characteristics of matter. This will include the phases of matter; solid, liquid and gas. In this unit, students will use prior knowledge of the water cycle, units of measurement, and living vs. non-living.

The first step in this unit of matter is identifying the characteristics of the phases of matter. Students need to learn this before moving on to measurement and changes in the phases of matter. Measurement encompasses conversions, weight, mass, volume, and using the metric system versus Standard English. The changes in phases digs deep into temperature by assessing the addition and removal of energy. This first week prepares students for a successful introduction to the understanding of matter; how to categorize its various forms and measure its properties. Next week, we will focus on changes in the phases of matter, which will be followed by a week revolved around measurement.


General Unit Objectives

○The students will be able to identify the three phases of matter and their characteristics.

○Students will be able to relate to everyday life by identifying phases of matter in the classroom.

■Students will also be able to measure in the correct units. This includes mass and volume.

○Students understand that everything is made of matter. They will do this through individual assessment, group projects and discussion.

■A final movement activity will summarize matter and its phases by having the students work together.

Specific Objects

○Day One- Introduction

■Given the information from the Brain Pop video, the students will be able to explain that all things are made out of matter as well as identify and classify the three stages of matter with 80% accuracy.

■Given the SmartBoard activity, the students will be able to use the smartboard to help identify at least three characteristics of the three stages of matter.

○Day Two- Solids

■Given the solids, liquids, and gases graphic organizer, the students will be able to identify and list 3 characteristics of a solid.

■With the scales, the students will measure the mass of solid objects in pounds and grams with 80% accuracy.

○Day Three- Liquids

■Given the solids, liquids, and gases graphic organizer, the students will be able to identify and list 2 characteristics of a liquids.

■With the measuring cups and graduated cylinders, the students will measure the volume of liquid objects in cups with 100% accuracy.

○Day Four- Gases

■Given the solids, liquids, and gases graphic organizer, the students will be able to identify and list 2 characteristics of a gases.

■Given the discussion about the water cycle, the students will create and label a water cycle chart with solid, liquid, gas, evaporation, condensation and precipitation with 50% accuracy.

Day Five- Recap and Changes in Phases

■Given the activities the past four days, the students will be able to fill out a blank graphic organizer with the five characteristics of the phases of matter.

■Given the space outside, the students will be able to collectively, as a class, identify with movement the phases of matter with 100% participation.

Standards of Learning

●Day 1:

○SOL C/T 2.1: Demonstrate an operational knowledge of various technologies.

A)Use various types of technology devices to perform learning tasks.

Use a keyboard, mouse, touch screen, touchpad, and other input devices to interact with a computer.

Use appropriate buttons, gestures, menu choices, and commands to manipulate t he computer when completing learning tasks.

B)Communicate about technology with appropriate terminology.

Use basic technology vocabulary as needed.

●SOL Science 2.3:The student will investigate and understand basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Key concepts include

A)identification of distinguishing characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases;

B) measurement of the mass and volume of solids and liquids; and

C)changes in phases of matter with the addition or removal of energy.

●SOL Language Arts 2.12:The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.

a) Generate ideas before writing.

b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and expository writing.

c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.

d) Revise writing for clarity

●Day 2:

○Science SOL 2.3 The student will investigate and understand basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Key concepts include

a) identification of distinguishing characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases;

b) measurement of the mass and volume of solids and liquids; and

c) changes in phases of matter with the addition or removal of energy.

●Math SOL 2.11 The student will estimate and measure

a) length to the nearest centimeter and inch;

b) weight/mass of objects in pounds/ounces and kilograms/grams, using a scale; and

c) liquid volume in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters.

●Language Arts SOL 2.12:The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.

a) Generate ideas before writing.

b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and expository writing.

c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.

d) Revise writing for clarity

●Day 3:

○Science SOL 2.3 The student will investigate and understand basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Key concepts include

a) identification of distinguishing characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases;

b) measurement of the mass and volume of solids and liquids; and

c) changes in phases of matter with the addition or removal of energy.

●Math SOL 2.11 The student will estimate and measure

a) length to the nearest centimeter and inch;

b) weight/mass of objects in pounds/ounces and kilograms/grams, using a scale; and

c) liquid volume in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters.

●Language Arts SOL 2.12:The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.

a) Generate ideas before writing.

b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and expository writing.

c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.

d) Revise writing for clarity

●Day 4:

○Science SOL 2.3 The student will investigate and understand basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Key concepts include

a) identification of distinguishing characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases;

b) measurement of the mass and volume of solids and liquids; and

c) changes in phases of matter with the addition or removal of energy.

●Fine Arts SOL 2.4:The student will create works of art inspired by a variety of concepts, themes, and literary sources.

○Language Arts SOL 2.12:The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.

a) Generate ideas before writing.

b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and expository writing.

c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.

d) Revise writing for clarity

●Day 5:

○Science SOL 2.3 The student will investigate and understand basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Key concepts include

a) identification of distinguishing characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases;

b) measurement of the mass and volume of solids and liquids; and

c) changes in phases of matter with the addition or removal of energy.

●Movement SOL 2.2 The student will apply the basic movement concepts to change performance of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills.

○a) Use the concept of relationships (e.g., over, under, around, in front of, behind, and through) in dynamic movement situations.

○b) Use the concepts of spatial awareness (e.g., location, directions, levels), and effort (time, force, flow) in static and dynamic movement situation

Introduction to Matter

2nd Grade

Day 1


●Today’s lesson is the first in a series of five days focusing on Matter. Today we will move from learning living versus nonliving. The students will now identify that all things are made of matter. Furthermore, matter has three phases; solids, liquids and gases. This is the start of the week because the students need to understand that everything is made of matter first and that it is categorized into three phases.

●SOL C/T 2.1: Demonstrate an operational knowledge of various technologies.

A)Use various types of technology devices to perform learning tasks.

Use a keyboard, mouse, touch screen, touchpad, and other input devices to interact with a computer.

Use appropriate buttons, gestures, menu choices, and commands to manipulate the computer when completing learning tasks.

B)Communicate about technology with appropriate terminology.

Use basic technology vocabulary as needed.

●SOL Science 2.3:The student will investigate and understand basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Key concepts include

A)identification of distinguishing characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases;

B) measurement of the mass and volume of solids and liquids; and

C)changes in phases of matter with the addition or removal of energy.

●SOL Language Arts 2.12:The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.

a) Generate ideas before writing.

b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and expository writing.

c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.

d) Revise writing for clarity


●Given the information from the Brain Pop video, the students will be able to explain that all things are made out of matter as well as identify and classify the three stages of matter with 80% accuracy.

●Given the SmartBoard activity, the students will be able to use the smartboard to help identify at least three characteristics of the three stages of matter.



●To introduce matter, the teacher will review living and nonliving by creating a chart on the board. V


Living / Nonliving
Things that :Grow
Lively and active
(What you are looking for) / Things that:Do not grow
No movement
(What you are looking for)

●The teacher will have the students raise their hands to help fill in the chart.

○What is does living and nonliving look like?

○What are some living things? Nonliving?

●Once the chart is completed, the teacher will have a discussion about the differences in living and nonliving. A

○Looking at the chart, do you see any differences between living and nonliving?

○Is the object active and moving or is it stationary? Can the object grow and reproduce?

●To transition into matter, the teacher will ask the students if they know any similarities between living and nonliving.


●The teacher will play the Brainpop Video to introduce the idea of matter and its three characteristics. V/A

○“We will be watching this brainpop video to give us examples of what matter, solids, liquids and gases are. I want you to listen for examples of each to help you with the stations we will be doing after this.”

●Students will be placed randomly into four different groups. There will be a group for solids, liquids, gases and the SmartBoard.

●Students will be invited to explore, with their science journals, each matter station. V/K

●Each station will be focused around solids, liquids and gases.

○1.)Solid Station- Rock, Pencil, water bottle

○2.)Liquid Station- Water bottle filled with water, lotion

○3.)Gas Station- balloon filled with Helium, empty water bottle

○4.)InteractivePowerpoint- as a group the students will be able to explore the definitions and characteristics of the three states of matter.

●At each station there will be three questions:

○1.) What do they see?

○2.) What do they feel?

○3.) Can the object be held?

●Students will be asked to write down characteristics they saw on the video and form new ones.

●After 6 minutes at each station, students will join in a think-pair-share with their group describing the characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases.V/A

●For strugglers, let them draw a picture diagram in their journal. V

●For advanced, let them pair up with a struggler to explain the characteristics to further their understanding. A


●After the video, group discussion, and matter station tour, students will have used all modalities of learning to explore the characteristics of matter.

●Students will then have a worksheet listing the three states of matter.

●Students will independently cut out the pictures of matter and place them under the correct state. K

●As a whole, the class will then discuss the proper placement for each picture to ensure understanding. V/A


●Smart Board


●Interactive Powerpoint (

●Brain Pop Video (

●Solid Station- Rock, Pencil, water bottle

●Liquid Station- Water bottle filled with water, lotion

●Gas Station- balloon filled with Helium, empty water bottle

●Science Journal

Evaluation Part A:

●Looking at the students science journals, could they explain the fact that everything is made of matter?

●Watching the students at the SmartBoard, did the students accurately identify at least three characteristic of the three stages of matter?

●Could students identify at least 3 characteristics at all their stations in their science journal?

Evaluation Part B:

●Did the students meet your objectives?

●How do you know?

●Did your lesson accommodate/ address the needs of all your learners?

●What were the strengths of the lesson?

●What were the weaknesses?

●How would you change the lesson if you could teach it again?


2nd Grade

Day 2


●Today’s lesson will focus primarily on solids and their characteristics. Students will explore and review the characteristics they learned from the solid station from the introduction lesson. Solids are measured by their mass in pounds/ounces and kilograms/grams using a scale. The students will be able to practice their measuring skills while learning about the characteristics of solids. This will tie into past, present, and future math lessons.

●Science SOL 2.3 The student will investigate and understand basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Key concepts include

a) identification of distinguishing characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases;

b) measurement of the mass and volume of solids and liquids; and

c) changes in phases of matter with the addition or removal of energy.

●Math SOL 2.11 The student will estimate and measure

a) length to the nearest centimeter and inch;

b) weight/mass of objects in pounds/ounces and kilograms/grams, using a scale; and

c) liquid volume in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters.

●Language Arts SOL 2.12:The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.

a) Generate ideas before writing.

b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and expository writing.

c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.

d) Revise writing for clarity


●Given the solids, liquids, and gases graphic organizer, the students will be able to identify and list 3 characteristics of a solid.

●With the scales, the students will measure the mass of solid objects in pounds and grams with 80% accuracy.



●What is a solid? From the four table groups in the classroom, allow students 5 minutes to brainstorm words describing the properties of a solid. A

●Invite a student from each group to go up to the board and list the properties. This can also be done one group at a time or have four separate columns for each group to go up together. V/K

Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 / Group 4

●Once the students list the properties and sit back down, ask another student from each table, one table at a time, to share with the class what properties they identified and why? A

○What is the size of a solid? Texture? Color?

○How do we measure them?

○Do they have their own shape or do they take the shape of the object they are in?


●With science journals out on their desks, students will open to the next blank page. This should be directly after their introduction to matter page. K

●Students will be given 10 minutes to write the properties of a solid into their science journals. K/V

●Students should also have their graphic organizer, which should have been folded into their science journal. This will be used as the assessment at the end of the lesson.