Babcock Africa


To create and managed the monthly maintenance for the Babcock Africa website:

Babcock Africa International

Page to action / Requirements: / How often to be updated / Unit Price @ R250 p/h rate
Introduction Page / q  Contact to be maintained telephonically, e-mail or via transport to exchange information
q  1st page: Photos to be saved on Disk or CD from Babcock
q  Javascript or
q  Video clips on first page to be inserted
q  Download to server via FTP
q  Inserting and activate Links to other internet sites and
q  Divisions links to be inserted to Intranet
q  Create Headlines for page
q  Link to Intranet Lotus Domino via
q  Password activation
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis / Monthly / 5 mins
25 mins
2 hours
10 mins
30 mins
40 mins
40 mins
1 hour
30 mins
40 mins
6 hours
News Groups / q  Contact to be maintained telephonically, e-mail or via transport to exchange information.
q  Details to be saved or sent via e-mail to Webmaster to insert onto page
q  News Groups page to be updated with new and relevant details.
q  Download to server via FTP
q  Link to Intranet server and back to Internet site
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis / Monthly / 10 mins
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
2 hours
40 mins
5 h 50 m
Site Map / q  To ensure links are working and
q  Up to date
q  An exact guideline to the rest of the website through the
q  Intranet & (to ensure links are working)
q  Internet ( to ensure links are working)
q  Maintain add-ins
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 30 mins
30 mins
15 mins
40 mins
1 hour
3 h 50 m
Contacts / q  Contact to be maintained telephonically, e-mail or via transport to exchange information.
q  Contact Page to be updated with new employees and change of numbers, e-mails
q  Set-up of e-mail addresses
q  Through the Intranet
q  And Internet
q  Download to server via FTP
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis / Monthly / 15 mins
30 mins
1 hour
30 mins
40 mins
40 mins
3 h 25 m
About Us / q  Contact to be maintained telephonically, via e-mail or via transport to exchange information
q  Page to have relevant info updated and spellchecked
q  Graphics and gifs to be cropped to fit bandwidth
q  Download to server via FTP
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis / Monthly / 15 mins
50 mins
2 hours
40 mins
40 mins
4 h 25 m

Babcock Africa Contracting

Babcock Africa Contracting / q  Separate website on website
q  Entities such as About us
q  Contacts
q  News Pages
q  Online news releases
q  Babcock Chronical
q  New employees and resignations
q  Update on existing database
q  Intranet
q  Internet
q  Products
q  Releases and Promotions
q  New sales and referrals
q  Graphics and/or
q  Links to other sites
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 3 hours
1 hour
25 mins
30 mins
30 mins
3 hours
25 mins
1 hour
30 mins
1 hour
30 mins
45 mins
1 hour
1 hour
40 mins
16 h 30 m

Babcock Africa Fabrication

Babcock Africa Fabrication / q  Separate website on website
q  Entities such as About us
q  Contacts
q  News Pages
q  Online news releases
q  Babcock Chronical
q  New employees and resignations
q  Update on existing database
q  Intranet
q  Internet
q  Products
q  Releases and Promotions
q  New sales and referrals
q  Graphics and/or
q  Links to other sites
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 3 hours
25 mins
25 mins
25 mins
2 hours
4 hours
20 mins
1 hour
30 mins
1 hour
20 mins
1 hour
25 mins
1 hour
40 mins
16 h 30 m

Babcock Africa Welding

Babcock Africa Welding / q  Separate website on website
q  Entities such as About us
q  Contacts
q  News Pages
q  Online news releases
q  Babcock Chronical
q  New employees and resignations
q  Update on existing database
q  Intranet
q  Internet
q  Products
q  Releases and Promotions
q  New sales and referrals
q  Graphics and/or
q  Links to other sites
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 3 hours
25 mins
25 mins
25 mins
2 hours
4 hours
20 mins
1 hour
30 mins
1 hour
20 mins
1 hour
25 mins
1 hour
40 mins
16 h 30 m

Babcock Africa Plant & Equipment

Babcock Africa Plant / q  Separate website on website
q  Entities such as About us
q  Contacts
q  News Pages
q  Online news releases
q  Babcock Chronical
q  New employees and resignations
q  Update on existing database
q  Intranet
q  Internet
q  Products
q  Releases and Promotions
q  New sales and referrals
q  Graphics and/or
q  Links to other sites
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 3 hours
25 mins
25 mins
25 mins
2 hours
4 hours
20 mins
1 hour
30 mins
1 hour
20 mins
1 hour
25 mins
1 hour
40 mins
16 h 30 m
Babcock Africa Equipment / q  Separate website on website
q  Entities such as About us
q  Contacts
q  News Pages
q  Online news releases
q  Babcock Chronical
q  New employees and resignations
q  Update on existing database
q  Intranet
q  Internet
q  Products
q  Releases and Promotions
q  New sales and referrals
q  Graphics and/or
q  Links to other sites
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 3 hours
25 mins
25 mins
25 mins
2 hours
4 hours
20 mins
1 hour
30 mins
1 hour
20 mins
1 hour
25 mins
1 hour
40 mins
16 h 30 m
E-mail form connecting to Lotus Notes or I E Exchange / q  Forms and
q  Registration Feedback forms to be created and linked to
q  E-mail through
q  Internet &
q  Lotus Domino Intranet
q  Up to date e-mail addresses of employees
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 2 hours
1 hour
1 hour
30 mins
40 mins
40 mins
5 h 40 m
Search facility / q  Creating on-line search facility with relevant
q  Search engine links
q  META Tags to have correct wording and spelling
q  Uploading time via internet and
q  Intranet
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 2 hours
1 hour
30 mins
40 mins
2 hours
30 mins
40 mins
7 h 20 m
Javascript, Videos, Flash, Gifs and in general picture formats. / q  Javascript – special format to be programmed depending on javascript need.
q  Compatibility on site
q  Speedy loading time
q  Cropped gifs and Jpeg files
q  Videos with Flash and animation
q  Static or plain HTML or DHTML formats and programming
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 2 hours
30 mins
2 hours
2 hours
30 mins
40 mins
7 h 40 m


Babcock Africa News Online / q  15 Pager or more with links on every page
q  Update regularly
q  Uploading via FTP takes time for large sizes
q  Check availability on Local Server for Intranet capabilities
q  Links to agency or emplyee within the company with
q  A feedback or comment form to be created
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 5 hours
40 mins
40 mins
2 hours
2 hours
1 hour
40 mins
40 mins
12 h 40 m
Babcock Chronicals Online / q  Online News on new developments withing the company with links on every page
q  Update regularly
q  Uploading via FTP takes time for large sizes
q  Check availability on Local Server for Intranet capabilities
q  Links to agency or emplyee within the company with
q  A feedback or comment form to be created
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 2 hours
40 mins
40 mins
2 hours
1 hour
2 hours
30 mins
40 mins
9 h 30 m
Products / q  Relevant Gifs and Jpeg files
q  Keep sizes to be compatible to both the Intranet
q  And Internet site
q  Links to affiliate companies and
q  Distributors or Factories and
q  Onsite links to relevant employees to take care of
q  Technical issues
q  Feedback form or contact / e-mail form to be created
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 30 mins
30 mins
30 mins
1 hour
2 hours
40 mins
40 mins
6 h 10 m
Intranet Database for the Website / q  Website to update the Intranet site automatically via server
q  Database to be kept up to date on a monthly basis
q  Product releases and new customer detail to be added when needed
q  Create new links when necessary
q  Database to be webenabled through password protection
q  Fax facilities to assist in online promotions for new customers
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
1 hour
1 hour
2 hours
40 mins
40 mins
11 h 20 m
Password enabled stock control and sales info / q  Create sales and enquiry database on line and offline with
q  Password enabled facilities for current customers and
q  Internal staff members.
q  Prices and quotes to be handled online.
q  Tender release and new sales techniques
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 3 hours
1 hour
1 hour
4 hours
40 mins
40 mins
40 mins
11 h
Intranet Workspace development / q  Develop and maintain each staffs personal workspace,
q  Create links and user friendly fax facilities
q  And networks to other outside sources
q  Adapt new logo guidelines to letterhead to use
q  And install fax facilities on line
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 2 hours
3 hours
2 hours
2 hours
3 hours
5 hours
40 mins
17 h 40 m
Key Links to important sites / q  Keep up to date with new links and
q  Changed links
q  Access to other sites through password enabled facilities
q  Logos to be formed or requested with guidelines and carefully managed.
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 40 mins
40 mins
40 mins
2 hours
1 hour
40 mins
3 h 40 m


Registration Forms & Feedback forms with I.E and Netscape e-mail compatibilities / q  Set-up of e-mail marketing material or
q  Marketing through letter, fax or e-mail distribution of current and ongoing campaigns by clicking
q  A button for submission of forms to clients or other
q  Business entities
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Download to server via FTP / Monthly / 3 hours
2 hours
1 hour
1 hour
2 hours
40 mins
9 h 40 m
In General – Maintenance and other. / q  Evaluating META-tags, visible text, invisible text, images, table layout, overall appearance and aestetic.
q  Optimizing, re-designing and updating of pages, including graphics design
q  Adding and updating new pages
q  On-going re-phrasing of power scripting and optimising each individual page for different engines
q  Checking up on opposition
q  Optimizing links relevancy
q  Management of feedback forms
q  Assist in promotions and updates on campaigns on the webpage.
q  Creating Links with Graphics and Text
q  Changing colour of Text Links
q  Inserting Navigation Button Sets
q  Writing a description of the website
q  Placing a Page Name in the Title Bar
q  Overlapping Objects
q  Previewing on a regular basis on new developments of competition
q  Saving and uploading of files via the FTP.
q  Virus updates and missing links to be checked on a regular basis
q  Updating webpage on Monthly / weekly basis
q  Duties such as Letterhead design and other technical issues / Monthly / 2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
2 hours
3 hours
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
1 hour
1 hour
2 hours
2 hours
30 mins
3 hours
2 hours
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
7 hours
50.50 hours
Total hours