Planning a sightseeing tour - guide book, tourist information, guide - průvodce, courier - delegát, on a guided coach tour - na autobusové prohlídce s průvodcem, conducted walk - procházka s průvodcem, do sightseeing on one´s own with the help of a guide book, to take/show you round, to start at, through / via, on our way to, to drop in at - zastavit se v, to take a quick break at, starting point, it´s worth seeing (on account of) - stojí to za vidění (kvůli)

Places of interest - site of (pre)historical interest, battleground/battlefield - bojiště, remains - pozůstatky, preserve - uchovat, foundation stone, date of foundation, it dates back to/dates from - pochází z, to go back to - sahat zpět do, to be rebuilt - být přestavěn, renovated in (Gothic) style, the original building burnt down - vyhořela, was destroyed/demolished, to be restored, to be under reconstruction, to convert st int st - přestavět, fall apart - rozpadat se, to found - založit, historical building

Town and city - souvenir/gift shop, town hall - radnice, memorial - pomník, fountain - kašna, astronomical clock - orloj, plague column - morový sloup, ancient - starobylý, historical, medieval -středověký, Antics/Antiquity - antika, the Middle Ages - středověk, the Dark Ages - raný středověk, modern building, mansion - panské sídlo, palace, museum, showcase - vitrína, collection, art treasure - umělecký poklad, architectural masterpiece, rich in, to appreciate - ocenit, renowned - proslulý, famous, unique, picturesque - malebný, grand - velkolepý, breathtaking - dech beroucí, fascinating, curious - podivný, convent - ženský klášter, monastery - mužský klášter, abbey - opatství, diocese - diecéze, bishop - biskup, public buildings, narrow streets, twisty/winding - křivolaký, cobbled - dlážděný kočičími hlavami, remains of old town walls, fortifications - opevnění, city gate - městská brána, statue, sculpture, sculptural group - sousoší, tomb - hrobka, catacombs, lookout tower/watchtower - rozhledna, ruins, residence - sídlo, Jewish ghetto, urban conservation/preservation area - městská památková rezervace, national heritage sight - národní kulturní památka, Grade I listed building - chráněná památka I. třídy

Castle - moat - hradní příkop, drawbridge - padací most, dungeon - hradní vězení, hladomorna, torture chamber - mučírna, courtyard - nádvoří, watchtower - hláska, battlements - cimbuří, chamber - komnata, crown jewels - korunovační klenoty, castle collections, china - porcelán, pottery - keramika, tapestry - tapisérie, armory - zbrojnice, weapon, arms - zbraně, armour - brnění, coat of arms - erb, emblem - znak, tournament - turnaj, knight - rytíř, chivalry - rytířství, sword - meč, sabre - šavle, hunting trophies - lovecké trofeje, spooky - strašidelný, haunted house/a house is haunted - v domě straší, white lady, ghost, spectre - přízrak, headless knight, legend, to put a spell on sb - zaklít někoho, nobility - šlechta, noble - urozený, nobleman, maze - bludiště, open to the public - veřeině přístupný

Church and cathedral Orthodox - pravoslavný, Prostestant, Catholic church, mosque - mešita, dome - dóm, kopule, temple - chrám, tower, spire - vysoká věž, steeple - vež se špičkou, pulpit - kazatelna, preach in a chapel - kázat v kapli, altar - oltář, candlestick - svícen, cross, crucifix, stained glass - vitrážová skla, column/pillar - sloup, crypt, font - křtitelnice, holy water - svěcená voda, vestry - sakristie, belfry - zvonice, nave - chrámová loď, aisle - boční loď, ulička, pew - kostelní lavice, vault(ing) - klenba, cloister - křížová chodba, on the site of a 12th-century rotunda

Prehistoric life cave paintings, goddess image, the Venus of Vestonice, the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Ice Age, mammoth, fossil - zkamenělina, archaeological find - archeologický nález, remains - pozůstatky

Exploring art and architecture - styles: late/early, Antiquity/Antics, Romanesque/Norman, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Empire, Classicism, Neo-Gothic, Art Nouveau/Secession, Norman - v Anglii románský, perpendicular - pozdně gotický, zdobený, Tudor, Elizabethan, Georgian, Regency, Victorian

In the countryside primaeval forest - původní prales, mountain range - pohoří, uplands/highlands, karst - kras, caves, grotto - krasová jeskyně, waterfall, river valley, deer park - obora, game preserve/reserve - obora, abyss - propast, glen - horské údolí (Skotsko, Irsko) cliff - útes, volcano, footpath -pěšina, mountain climbing and hiking, wildlife conservation - ochrana přírody, nature reserve - přírodní rezervace, national park, safari park, botanical garden health resort/spa - lázně, mineral springs - prameny, hot spring, take the waters - pít léčivé vody

village feast - hody, folk festival, folk costume - kroj, dance, folklore, folk song, customs - zvyky, folk art, open air museum - skanzen, keep alive local customs

Main talking points

Describe a tour round your own town, capital city

If foreign guests were to visit your country, where would you take them, and why

A journey to England / Britain as you would plan it

Describe what noteworthy sights you have seen abroad

Name some parts of a castle or of a church

Name parts of their country you would recommend for their natural beauty

The importance of the care of historical buildings and other monuments


1.  Have you ever shown anyone round Prague or another town? Where did you take them?

2.  What general information could you give a foreign visitor about Prague?

3.  What remarkable sights are there in other towns of Bohemia and Moravia?

4.  In what way do you do sightseeing abroad?

5.  Which are the most famous picture galleries in the world?

6.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of a guided tour?

7.  Do people behave in the countryside as they should?

8.  What makes Prague unique among the capitals of Europe?

9.  Which health resorts and spas in Bohemia and Moravia are well-known abroad?

10.  Is folklore still alive in the Czech Rep?

11.  What is there to see inside a castle or a church?

12.  What supernatural beings occur in legends associated with castles and country houses?

13.  Why should a visitor to England not miss London?