Minutes of AUCU General Meeting
Wednesday 24th May, 2017
1.00pm – 2.00pm
Macrobert 051 and Suttie 210
Chair:Derek Dawson
In attendance: As per attendance sheets
Minutes: Dannette Marie
- Annual branch report. Derek ran through each item pointing out important and relevant aspects of each item.
- Accounts: Presented by Treasurer: David Watts.
- Presented statement of accounts (Sept 2015/16 – August 2016/17)
- Justification for local subscription rates increase presented
- Could local subscription rates be raised higher than what is proposed?
- What would a surplus in funds be used for?
- Keeping subscriptions reasonable is attractive for recruitment purposes.
Vote: Statement of accounts wasaccepted and carried unanimously.
Vote: Rise in local subscription rates was approved, but a statement will go out to members to consider a further rise in local rates.
3. Election of Aberdeen UCU Committee
Vote: Accepted and carried unanimously
4. Emergency Motions
(i) Motion 1: Working Abroad
‘Aberdeen UCU expresses concern at the way senior management has altered the "working abroad" section in the revised terms and conditions. Negotiation resulted in an agreement accepted by both parties in good faith. University senior management, after a long delay, suddenly and without satisfactory explanation, has brought back the revised terms and conditions for a hasty approval with a key clause removed protecting the rights of staff to refuse reposting overseas. This is not our view of partnership working nor effective negotiation, and we call on senior management to immediately return to the negotiating table. Furthermore, we call on senior management to explain how removing a clause protecting staff from the risk of punishment, should they refuse reposting, expresses the values outlined in the strategic plan and the principles of equality and diversity.’
Comments: Court is likely to pass this even when if it is clear that is doesn’t have approval of AUCU or Senate. This is part of Terms and Conditions so it is essential that a strong message is sent to SMT that we want to negotiate in order to agree a position. Individuals should be able to turn down offers at their own discretion. At Senate the Principal made it clear that individuals who didn’t want to work abroad when requested to do so wouldn’t have to. This statement was repeated by the Principal and is recorded in the minutes.
Requested mandate for AUCU Negotiating team to continue dialogue with SMT about this development.
Vote: Accepted and carried unanimously
(ii) Motion 2: Disinvestment v2
‘Aberdeen UCU notes with concern a new tactic being used by senior management to offer a settlement agreement (known legally as a "protected conversation") to individuals they wish to leave the university which, as the deadline for acceptance looms, is then followed up by the commencement of dismissal proceedings on the grounds of poor performance. We call on the
University Senior Management to explain:
- How this is aligned to the values outlined in the strategic plan?
- The safeguards that are in place to ensure this behaviour is aligned with the principles of equality and diversity and the staffing policy against discrimination, harassment and bullying in the workplace?
- How performance is being measured and compared against other staff?
- Why it considers moving straight to dismissal is more appropriate for some rather than more
supportive measures such as capability used for others?
- Why staff cannot be managed better to ensure capability issues are not a surprise?
- To provide assurance that use of this mechanism will stop immediately.’
Comments: Information discussed within a protected conversation situation is not admissible in an employment tribunal/court. Other universities are using ‘protected conversations’with disciplinary actions. Should individuals when requested to have a meeting with their Line Managers/Heads of School take a UCU representative with them? It appears that this tool could be used to initiate a ‘jump rather than be pushed’ response. If individuals are not explicitly informed that they are being invited to a ‘protected conversation’ with their Line Manager/Head of School then it isn’t a protected conversation. Timing of change is of concern.
Requested mandate for AUCU Negotiating team to continue dialogue with SMT about this development.
Vote: Accepted and carried unanimously
5. Election of Aberdeen UCU nominee to Court
Procedure outlined by Derek Dawson. An academic (and academic-related) nominee (1 position AUCU and the other from Unite and UNISON) will be voted on. Nominees’ submitted statements (sent out to all members). The ballot will open and preferential voting will take place. They will be an observer at June Court and then take residency in October. Four individuals submitted nominations. Allan Sim could not attend. Nominees briefly presented views/statements and received questions. Random ordering of presenters.
(i)Syrithee Pugh: presented and took questions
(ii)David Watts: presented and took questions
(iii)Allan Sim: not present, but asked members to read his statement and he will take questions via email
(iv)Scott Styles: presented and took questions
6. Annual Pay Award
- 1.7% on offer
- Local votes by branch are not binding, but give negotiators a steer
- The problem remains as to what SMT get as a pay rise compared to other university employees. A motion for Scotland Congress about discrepancy should be reinitiated. It is understood that there is a distinction between salary and remuneration (including pay and bonuses), but the discrepancy (1.7% national offer vs over 11.3% (?)increase in UoA Principal’s total remuneration package last year) isn’t acceptable.
- Offer is less than inflation. Congress is the appropriate place for this issue to be aired as ballots are of little use.
Vote: To carry forward to next GM where motion could be presented
Meeting closed 1.59pm.
[SR1]Could the list from the powerpoint go in here?