6th Grade Industrial Technology
Exploratory Wheel Curriculum
Francis Howell School District
Board Approved: October 20, 2011
Francis Howell School District
Mission Statement
Francis Howell School District is a learning community where all students reach their full potential.
Vision Statement
Francis Howell School District is an educational leader that builds excellence through a collaborative culture that values students, parents, employees, and the community as partners in learning.
Francis Howell School District is committed to:
· Providing a consistent and comprehensive education that fosters high levels of academic achievement for all
· Operating safe and well-maintained schools
· Promoting parent, community, student, and business involvement in support of the school district
· Ensuring fiscal responsibility
· Developing character and leadership
Francis Howell School District Graduate Goals
Upon completion of their academic study in the Francis Howell School District, students will be able to:
1. Gather, analyze and apply information and ideas.
2. Communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.
3. Recognize and solve problems.
4. Make decisions and act as responsible members of society.
Industrial Technology Graduate Goals
Upon completion of their Industrial Technology study in the Francis Howell School District, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate industrial technology skills.
2. Practice the interpersonal, teamwork, and leadership skills that will help them function successfully in that environment.
3. Hone the lifelong learning skills that will allow them to adapt to and manage technology effectively.
4. Explore and develop flexible career paths and confidence in their ability to adapt to the workplace by continuously developing skills to promote their success in their chosen field.
Course Description for 6th Grade Industrial Technology
During this course, students will explore Industrial Technology processes, procedures, and career opportunities. Safety procedures are emphasized while presenting a basic knowledge of measurement, tools, and their applications. The students will gain hands-on experience in the construction of a number of projects.
Course Rationale
Instruction in industrial technology plays an important role for students who are preparing for technical careers after graduation—employment or higher level of education. It is also a crucial component of academic backgrounds for students who will pursue carpentry or construction careers. All students, regardless of their occupational choice, can benefit from woodworking instruction since it teaches the planning, safety and the building aspects of projects.
Curriculum Team
Albert Beard Bryan
Todd Bizzell Saeger
Arthur Heuer Hollenbeck
Justin Hayes Barnwell
Dustin Nuckolls Barnwell
Roger Proctor Francis Howell
Darren Toebben Hollenbeck
Bertis Wiley Bryan
Mark Wuertenberg Francis Howell
Secondary Content Leader Angela Syron
Director of Student Learning Dr. Travis Bracht
Chief Academic Officer Mary Hendricks-Harris
Superintendent Dr. Pam Sloan
Content Area: Industrial Technology / Course: 6th Grade Exploratory Wheel / Strand: SafetyLearner Objective: Students will acquire background knowledge of shop and home safety.
Concepts: A. Hand Tool Safety
B. Shop Safety
C. Machine Safety
D. Home Safety
Students Should Know / Students Should Be Able to· Proper and safe use of shop equipment (e.g. vice, screwdriver, hammer etc.).
· Proper and safe use of adhesives, cements, glue, and fasteners.
· Proper and safe use of finishes and solvents. / · Work safely and productively in a classroom environment.
· Recognize safe working techniques.
· Identify unsafe situations.
· Apply and demonstrate safe use of hand tools and power equipment.
Instructional Support
Student Essential VocabularyRespirator mask / Accident / Supervision / protection / safety / Chips
Hazard / Securely / Balance / Maintain(ed) / careful / Safety zone
setup / Permit / Operation / Notify / O.S.H.A / Guards
Readiness & Equity Section
SLA = Sample Learning Activities SA = Sample Assessments
21st Century Themes / Non Fiction Reading & Writing
Learning & Innovation Skills / Enrichment Opportunity
Information, Media, & Technology Skills / Intervention Opportunity
Life & Career Skills / SLA, SA / Gender, Ethnic, & Disability Equity
Sample Learning Activities / Sample Assessments
Learning Activity #1 : Safety Summarizing & Note-taking
Students will take notes on safety related activities and use a graphic organizer to summarize their understanding. The notes would include personal safety (attire, etc), finishing safety (chemicals, fire extinguishers, etc), and hand tool safety (how to hold/carry hand tools, how to cut with each hand tool, etc). The teacher will demonstrate and model aspects of safety to the students.
Students will summarize their understanding by choosing either a Venn Diagram, Frayer Model, or KWHL Chart (see appendix) to compare and contrast the function, use, and characteristics of the tools.
Activity’s Alignment
CLE / Work safely and productively in a classroom environment
CONTENT / H/PE 5- methods to assess health, reduce risk factors, and avoid high risk behaviors.
H/PE 6- consumer health issues
H/PE 7- responses to emergency situations
PROCESS / 1.10- apply learning in context
3.1- identify and define problems
4.6- work well in groups
4.7- practice safe healthy behaviors
4.8- prepare for the future
DOK / 2- skill/concept understanding
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES / Summarizing & Note-taking
Identifying Similarities & Differences
/ Assessment #1: Safety Test (see appendix)
Prior to taking the safety test, students will make flash cards that can be used to quiz one another. The flash cards will also be used in Sample Learning Activity #2 when the teacher demonstrates the application of various safety techniques.
Assessment’s Alignment
CLE / Identify unsafe situations
CONTENT / H/PE 5- methods to assess health, reduce risk factors, and avoid high risk behaviors.
H/PE 6- consumer health issues
H/PE 7- responses to emergency situations
PROCESS / 1.10- apply learning in context
3.1- identify and define problems
4.6- work well in groups
4.7- practice safe healthy behaviors
4.8- prepare for the future
DOK / 2- skill/concept understanding
Readiness & Equity Section
SLA = Sample Learning Activities SA = Sample Assessments
21st Century Themes / Non Fiction Reading & Writing
Learning & Innovation Skills / SA / Enrichment Opportunity
Information, Media, & Technology Skills / SA / Intervention Opportunity / SLA
Life & Career Skills / SA / Gender, Ethnic, & Disability Equity
Sample Learning Activities / Sample Assessments
Learning Activity #2 : Safety Demonstrations
The teacher will demonstrate the application of various safety techniques and skills to students while using different tools and equipment. The teacher reinforces key vocabulary terms by having students use their safety flash cards to predict the specific safety behavior demonstrated. After the safety application demonstrations, students will complete a vocabulary notebook page (see appendix) on 2 terms they had difficulty identifying.
Activity’s Alignment
CLE / Work safely and productively in a classroom environment.
Recognize safe working techniques.
CONTENT / H/PE 5- methods to assess health, reduce risk factors, and avoid high risk behaviors.
H/PE 6- consumer health issues
H/PE 7- responses to emergency situations
PROCESS / 1.10- apply learning in context
3.1- identify and define problems
4.6- work well in groups
4.7- practice safe healthy behaviors
4.8- prepare for the future
DOK / 2- skill/concept understanding
Nonlinguistic Representations
/ Assessment #2: Cooperative Safety
The teacher will place students into cooperative learning groups. Each group will have a list of safety techniques and skills they must demonstrate as well as a flip camera. The students will evenly divide the responsibilities and take turns demonstrating and filming. The teacher will monitor student safety technique as they demonstrate and film. The students will be able to watch the safety videos they create and the teacher will collect the videos and assign a grade to each student based on the technique they demonstrated.
Assessment’s Alignment
CLE / Work safely and productively in a classroom environment.
CONTENT / H/PE 5- methods to assess health, reduce risk factors, and avoid high risk behaviors.
H/PE 6- consumer health issues
H/PE 7- responses to emergency situations
PROCESS / 1.10- apply learning in context
3.1- identify and define problems
4.6- work well in groups
4.7- practice safe healthy behaviors
4.8- prepare for the future
DOK / 2- skill/concept understanding
Student Resources / Teacher Resources
Intervention: / General:
NOTE: These sections will be partially completed during the curriculum writing process and finalized during the year one review process.
Content Area: Industrial Technology / Course: 6th Grade Exploratory Wheel / Strand: MeasurementLearner Objectives: Students will acquire background knowledge of measurement and demonstrate appropriate application.
Concepts: A. Standard measurement
B. Metric measurement
C. Ortho Graphic projections
D. Isometric drawings
E. Scale
F. History
Students Should Know / Students Should Be Able to· Measurement based on the customary system.
· Measurement based on the metric system.
· How to use a ruler.
· How to add, subtract, and fractions. / · Measure to within 1/16th inch.
· Apply their understanding of each measurement system.
· Identify and use measuring equipment.
Instructional Support
Student Essential VocabularyRuler / Scale / Scaling / Inch(es) / Dimension / Yards
Meter / Millimeter / Centimeter / kilometer / Drawing / Quarters
Sixteenths / Eights / Half / Feet / Tape measure
Readiness & Equity Section
SLA = Sample Learning Activities SA = Sample Assessments
21st Century Themes / Non Fiction Reading & Writing
Learning & Innovation Skills / Enrichment Opportunity
Information, Media, & Technology Skills / Intervention Opportunity
Life & Career Skills / SLA, SA / Gender, Ethnic, & Disability Equity
Sample Learning Activities / Sample Assessments
Learning Activity #1 : Reading the Rule
Students will work in cooperative groups and brainstorm, using a T-chart on chart paper, what they already know about metric measurements (left column) and customary measurements (right column). The teacher will then provide a detailed demonstration on how to accurately take measurements. The students will then return to their T-charts and add and/or correct their brainstorming information.
Activity’s Alignment
CLE / Identify and use measuring equipment.
CONTENT / M 1- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; and the application of these operations and concepts in the work place and other situations.
M 2- geometric and spatial sense involving measurement.
M 5- mathematical systems
PROCESS / 1.8- organize information
1.6- discover and evaluate relationships
1.10- apply acquired information from ideas and skills.
DOK / 1- Recall
2 - Skill/Conceptual Understanding
Summarizing and Note-taking
/ Assessment #1: Measurement Quiz (see appendix)
Assessment’s Alignment
CLE / Identify and use measuring equipment.
CONTENT / M 1- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; and the application of these operations and concepts in the work place and other situations.
M 2- geometric and spatial sense involving measurement.
M 5- mathematical systems
PROCESS / 1.8- organize information
1.6- discover and evaluate relationships
1.10- apply acquired information from ideas and skills.
DOK / 1- Recall
2 - Skill/Conceptual Understanding
Readiness & Equity Section
SLA = Sample Learning Activities SA = Sample Assessments
21st Century Themes / Non Fiction Reading & Writing
Learning & Innovation Skills / Enrichment Opportunity
Information, Media, & Technology Skills / Intervention Opportunity
Life & Career Skills / SLA, SA / Gender, Ethnic, & Disability Equity
Sample Learning Activities / Sample Assessments
Learning Activity #2 : Application of Reading the Rule
Students will use what they have learned about the customary measuring system and the divisions of an inch to measure different points on a bench vise (see appendix).
Activity’s Alignment
CLE / Measurements must be accurate and measure within 1/16th inch.
CONTENT / M 1- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; and the application of these operations and concepts in the work place and other situations.
M 2- geometric and spatial sense involving measurement.
M 5- mathematical systems
PROCESS / 1.8- organize information
1.6- discover and evaluate relationships
1.10- apply acquired information from ideas and skills.
4.8- prepare for the future
DOK / 1- Recall
2 - Skill/Conceptual Understanding
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES / Reinforcing effort and providing recognition,
Homework and Practice. Modeling
/ Assessment #2: Choose and Measure Accurately
Students will select 5 items from around the room to measure. All items must be accurately measured to within 1/16th of an inch. Examples of items might include hammer, scrap wood, chair, vise handle, and eraser (see appendix Around the Room).
Assessment’s Alignment
CLE / Measurements must be accurate and measure within 1/16th inch.
CONTENT / M 1- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; and the application of these operations and concepts in the work place and other situations.
M 2- geometric and spatial sense involving measurement.
M 5- mathematical systems
PROCESS / 1.8- organize information
1.6- discover and evaluate relationships
1.10- apply acquired information from ideas and skills.
4.8- prepare for the future
DOK / 1- Recall
2 - Skill/Conceptual Understanding
Student Resources / Teacher Resources
Intervention: / General:
NOTE: These sections will be partially completed during the curriculum writing process and finalized during the year one review process.
Content Area: Industrial Technology / Course: 6th Grade Exploratory Wheel / Strand: Material Application & ProcessLearner Objectives: Students will acquire fundamental knowledge of material application and process.
Concepts: A. Design Process G. Edge Treatment
B. Construction Process H. Filing
C. Identification of Tools and Materials I. Sanding
D. Using a Template J. Finishing
E. Cutting wood H. Hardware
F. Drilling
Students Should Know / Students Should Be Able to· The correct name and use of tools.
· The correct tool for application.
· Types and uses of materials available.
· Types and uses of hardware (i.e.clip, hinges, screws, hooks, and hangers).
· How to follow directions and a logical plan.
· How to complete a project.
· The different types of finishes available for wood.
· The tools and applications for wood finishing.
· How to safely operate tools and machines. / · Demonstrate their knowledge of how to appropriately use the best tool for a particular operation.
· Correctly select the appropriate material and types of hardware for particular applications.
· Construct projects using a logical and sequential order.
· Use material, tools and machines safely.
· Work cooperatively with others in a safe manner.
Instructional Support