November 29, 2006 10:00 a.m.



Jeanne Mirro, Chairperson

Committee Members Present:


John DePrez, Cindy Frey, Sally Gaskill, Tom Hume, Marcus Jackman, Jeanne Mirro, ana Papakhian, Joyce Ribble, Mary Jane Schenk, Ron Stratten (via phone), Steve Tuchman

Committee Members Not Present:


Kelly Schreckengast, Irene Smith-King

IAC Staff Members Present:


Robyn Allen, Michelle Anderson, Jay Chauhan, Bobbie Garver, Monica Peterson, Lewis Ricci, Rebecca Stergos

1)Welcome and Introductions

a)Ms. Mirro called the meeting to order 10:05 a.m.

2)Consent Agenda

a)Meeting agenda

b)May 24, 2006Minutes

i)Mr. DePrez moved.

ii)Ms. Frey seconded to approve the consent agenda.

iii)Motion passed.

3)Cultural Trust Update

a)Plate sales update

i)Ms. Mirro reported that the BMV computer crash prohibited the monthly sales reports usually provided to the agency.

b)Investment update

i)Ms. Mirro reported that the balance in the Cultural trust in September was $1,012,995.75.

c)Legislative recommendation from CT Board

i)Ms. Mirro reported that the Cultural Trust Administrative Board recommendsthat the balance remain untouched for the time beingto earn interest.

ii)Mr. Ricci added that he believes the trust is meant to provide long-term health and viability of the arts in Indiana, which is why the board will not pursue additional changes to the legislation in this upcoming session.

iii)Mr. Ricci also added that the Attorney General confirms that private donations to the trust may not be earmarked for specific purposes.

4)Advocacy Update

a)Report on joint advocacy planning meeting with INCA

i)Ms. Mirro reported that the IAC and INCA held a joint planning meeting in July to discuss joint goals and map out how the two organizations could work together.

b)Agency advocacy update

i)Mr. Ricci reported that Mr. Stratten met with Mickey Maurer to discuss potential partnerships; Mr. Maurer recommended seeking the pending partnership with Department of Tourism and Office of Community and Rural Affairs.

ii)Ms. Anderson also noted that all IAC grantees are now required to send two letters of thanks to their local legislators.

5)Old Business

i)No additional old business was discussed.


6)New Business

a)Legislative survey briefing from INCA

i)Ms. Gaskill discussed briefly how changes to political parties in the state and federal legislature could provide opportunities for the IAC to garner additional support for arts-related legislation.

b)Update on IAC budget and legislative plans

i)Mr. Ricci discussed how the IAC budget may be affected by change packages in the State Budget Agency request and legislative bills.

(1)These changes could increase the state’s per capita funding from $0.67 to $0.98.

c)Governor’s Arts Awards committee

i)Ms. Mirro provided a handout regarding formation of a new planning committee for the 2007 Governor’s Arts Awards.

ii)Mr. DePrez suggested that a permanent award design be sought, or at least the consistent quality of the artistic product be monitored.

iii)Mr. Jackman pointed out that the purpose of the award was to raise visibility in the arts and local artists.

d)IAC Tagline

i)Mr. Ricci reported that the IAC’s tagline “Connecting people to the Arts” was up for renewal. He asked if the committee was interested in changing the line.

ii)The committee informally agreed to maintain the tagline as is, and Mr. Tuchman offered to help renew the tagline to avoid unnecessary attorney fees.

e)Ms. Gaskill reported that March 13, 2007 is Arts Advocacy Day in WashingtonDC. She reminded the committee to advocate for the arts on a national level as well as a state level.

f)Ms. Allen reported that the IAC will host a public awareness campaign in the south rotunda of the State House from January 22 to February 2.


a)Ms. Gaskill moved.

b)Mr. DePrez seconded to adjourn the meeting.

c)Motion passed.

d)Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.