
A guide to be used by all engineering students for writing formal laboratory reports


Ann Templeton


JEE223 Thermal Engineering

Date of Submission

27 February 2018


Bill Smith

Abstract (optional)

The abstract is a short precis of the whole report and its purpose is to give the reader an impression of the experiment and the results obtained in the shortest possible time. Usually it is a single paragraph containing a few sentences, though in some cases, it may be comprised of several paragraphs. Abstracts are indented 1 cm from both the left and right hand margins. Times New Roman is the preferred font type to be used for formal reports.


This section sets up the reader for the rest of the report. When writing an introduction, it is important to keep in mind the understanding and experience of the prospective reader. Often it contains background information to show how this work fits into the general body of knowledge. In the case of an undergraduate laboratory report, the reason for doing the work might well be that the writer was been told to do it. In such a case it is usually sufficient to state the aim of the experiment, for example “The aim of this experimental investigation is to determine the variation of delivery head with volumetric flowrate for a centrifugal pump operating at constant speed.”

The format in this template is the recommended way to report experimental results. The goal of a report should be to present the information as clearly and completely as possible, while still concentrating on being concise. Write in complete sentences using a passive voice, taking care to avoid grammatical errors. Reports should be prepared as single sided page documents. Use the headings in this template that apply to your report.


This section is used to explain all equations, theoretical principles, and assumptions that are used in the experiment and the analysis. The primary purpose of the theory section is to show how the raw data is manipulated to become results. Relevant equations used are to be presented and described to illustrate their basis and origin. This section should include diagrams where needed. Define all variables used in the equations. Write equations using an equation writer in a word processor.


In this section, the details of the way the experiment was performed, how the equipment was configured, the way the data was collected, etc., are described. With your lecturer’s permission, you may simply refer to any relevant laboratory handout rather than retype this information.


This section should contain both observated measurements and calculated results with sample calculations when appropriate. Laboratory reports are only as good as the experimental work on which they are based and therefore it is important to pay careful attention to accurate data collection and transcription. Any lengthy calculations should be included as an appendix. Decide whether a table is the best way of presenting the data or alternatively use a graph, bar chart or pie chart. Usually it is not necessary to present the same information in both a graph and a table, although occasionally this can be helpful. Every table should have a table number and a caption and should be referred to in the text. Do not include tables or graphs unless there is at least a sentence or two (and often there is much more than this) in the text so that the reader knows why the information has been included and what it has to do with the discussion at that place in the report. For example, Table 1 compares the measured deflection for steel and brass beams due to a single central load.

Table 1 Comparison of beam deflections with variation of a single point central load.

Load (kg) / Beam Deflection (mm)
Steel / Brass
1 / 1.7 / 2.9
2 / 3.2 / 6.24
3 / 5.23 / 10.21
4 / 7.17 / 13.8
5 / 8.84 / 18.56
6 / 11.34 / 22.31

Likewise every graph or chart should have a Figure number and a caption and should be referred to in the text. For example, figure 1 compares the measured deflection for steel and brass beams due to a single central load.

By convention a table number and caption is placed above the table while a graph figure number and title is placed underneath a graph and other diagrams. Computer packages such as MATLAB and Excel are useful for plotting graphs but you may need to develop mastery of the software package to ensure that the figure numbers and titles are in the correct location.

Where you have a choice, all graphs should be positioned so that they can be read with the page in its normal position. This will always be possible with portrait-style graphs where the y-axis is longer than the x-axis. Small diagrams should be placed in the text, as close as possible after the text reference. Do not put them before the text reference; unexplained diagrams distract the reader. Full-page diagrams and graphs may be placed before or after the text reference, whichever is more convenient for the reader. It can be helpful to group full-page diagrams together at the end of the report, particularly when they are referred to in several places.

The correct way of labelling the y axis is to have the text running vertically from the bottom of the axis to the top. The axis labels should be positioned centrally, with the text running parallel to the axis.

Mark experimental points clearly with distinctive symbols such as '×' or '+'. For curves drawn through theoretical points, do not show the points; the curve alone is sufficient. Where several curves are drawn on the same axes, they must be clearly identified on the graph. Either label the curves, or use different symbols for the points and a key to the symbols.

Figure 1 A comparison of measured deflection for steel and brass beams due to a single central load.


This section is used to demonstrate the significance of the results, and to explain why they are or are not consistent with those that would be expected from theory and analysis.

  • Discuss the significance, or meaning, of the results.
  • Discuss discrepancies between theoretical and experimental results, and their likely causes.
  • Provide an error analysis for the data and results.
  • Discuss any difficulties encountered in performing the laboratory.
  • Suggest changes that could be used to improve the lab. These may be included in the labs for future generations.


This section is a summary of the most important parts of the discussion of the results, and nothing should appear in it that has not been given previously. The conclusions follow logically from what has gone before. The simplest conclusions are straightforward statements of numerical results or empirical equations, together with, if possible, an indication of their probable accuracy. For example, “The Young’s modulus of the alloy was found to be 86.6 GN/m2, with a standard deviation of approximately 0.5%.” Short thoughtful conclusions should be used. It is unnecessary to state that the experiment was sucessful. The reader will judge whether or not the experiment was sucessful.


All references should be listed here in alphabetical order as illustrated below:

Reeves, T.C., & Laffey, J.M. (1999). Design, assessment, and evaluation of a problem-based learning environment in undergraduate engineering. Higher Education Research and Development Journal, 18(2), 219-232.

Woud, H. K., & Stapersma, D. (2002). Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems, London: IMarEST.

Use American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style both for intext citation and the list of references at the end of the report. The University of Tasmania Library provides comprehensive information on referencing using the APA style of referencing.

References intext should contain both author and date. The following example illustrates an intext citation and reference list style according to the APA style.

Some research (Woud & Stapersma, 2002) suggests that …

… there is strong evidence of this in the literature (e.g., Reeves and Laffey, 1999).

Remember failure to appropriately acknowledge the ideas of others constitutes academic dishonesty (plagiarism), a matter considered by the University of Tasmania as a serious offence.


This section is optional. Appendices are used for very detailed or lengthy sections of information. Information placed in an Appendix is usually supplementary to, or supportive of the discussion in the body of the report, but usually it is not critical to the main points being made in the report.

Appendices are referenced using letters, i.e. Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. Each appendix always starts on a new page.