15 March 2006

Embargo: for immediate release

Contact: Pooja Aggarwal

Nature Publishing Group

+44 (0)20 7843 4891

British Pharmacological Society announces an option for author-paid open access articles in the British Journal of Pharmacology

The British Pharmacological Society (BPS) is pleased to announce that the British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) will accept open access articles, subject to payment of a publication fee.

The journal is moving to a mixed revenue model of subscription charges and publication fees. The open access option will be available to all authors submitting on or after 1 April 2006. For the remainder of 2006, the publication fee will be $2,500, €1850 or £1250 + VAT (where applicable). Articles published with a publication fee will be clearly identified in the online and print editions of the journal with a ‘BJP Open’ logo (BJPOpen).

Editors will be blind to the author’s choice, avoiding any possibility of a conflict of interest during through peer review and acceptance. Authors paying the publication fee will be entitled to self-archive the published version immediately on publication, in the repositories of their choice, and in any format. Other articles will continue to be published under Nature Publishing Group’s (NPG) exclusive License-to-Publish, where NPG’s usual self-archiving policy will apply.

Print subscription prices will be unaffected.

This change follows the introduction of ‘Online Open’ on the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, published by BPS and Blackwell Publishing. BPS is committed to providing authors with all the relevant publishing options in this period of technology change, while protecting the financial foundations of its publications which support its charitable activities for the advancement of pharmacology.

BJP is published by NPG on behalf of BPS. NPG publishes the open access title Molecular Systems Biology with EMBO, and subscription journals such as Nature and Nature Medicine, as well as other society-owned titles such as Modern Pathology and Kidney International.

About BPS

The BPS is the primary UK learned society concerned with research into drugs and the way they work. BPS members work in academia, industry and the health services, and many are medically qualified. The Society covers the whole spectrum of pharmacology, including the laboratory, clinical and toxicological aspects.

About NPG

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd, dedicated to serving the academic, professional scientific and medical communities. NPG's flagship title, Nature, is the world's most highly-cited weekly multidisciplinary journal and was first published in 1869. Other publications and services include Nature research journals, Nature Reviews, Nature Clinical Practice, a range of prestigious academic journals, including society-owned publications, news content from and scientific career information from Naturejobs.

NPG is a global company, with headquarters in London and offices in New York, San Francisco, Washington DC, Boston, Tokyo, Paris, Munich, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Gurgaon and Basingstoke. For more information, please go to

Contact details: Links:

Pooja Aggarwal

Nature Publishing Group

The Macmillan Building

4 Crinan Street

London, N1 9XW, UK

T: +44 (0)20 7843 4891


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