June 18, 2008

  1. Call to Order at 7:03pm

Members Present: Terry Gartside, Ken Fields, Craig Benham, Kathy Thelen, Doug Earle, Dan Skorich, Liz Rhoads, Dave Zyble (late)

Members Excused: Chadd Smith, Dave Zyble

  1. Guests: Joe Barberio, Janet Barberio, Kevin Thelen, Stu Shafer, Melissa DeMong, John Waugh, Mindy Hirsch, Brage Golding, Julie Golding
  1. Approve Minutes of previous meetings

Regular Board Meeting – May 21, 2008 – Doug Earle – motion/Liz Rhoads – second Minutes Approved

  1. Treasurer’s report – As of today, 80% dues paid. Second notices went out last week.
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Lake – Stu Shafer – Fish Stocking – April/May/October – good time to stock – Imlay Hatcheries will deliver. Bad year with the weeds…SONAR didn’t work on the Milfoil. Lake cannot be retreated with SONAR – they will use Renovate. The lake was treated Tuesday and through out the summer. Samples will be taken every few days to check.

Brage and Julie Golding – had emailed a problem with weeds on their property….they are in the cove on the north east side of lake. Identified 3 issues: 1. Natural debris from trees 2. Winter – leaves fall into lake and the wind directs them to that area 3. 2 + weeks after weed die from treatment they are pushed into that are by lakes currents. Currently they are having Ken Hasper come and clean up the weeds. They can’t use the lake at their property due to the smell of the rotting weeds. Board will try to work with Goldings for solution. Will get estimates from Hasper and Chad to see what potential cost of clean up will be. Stu will check with Bob McLean to see how the clean up was done on the north west side of the lake several years ago.

It was noticed that TruGreen or ChemLawn was not using 0 phosphorus fertilizer. A member approached them and asked…owners need to be aware that these companies may not be complying with lake friendly treatment. Dan will compose a letter to these companies that a resolution was passed regarding the use of lake friendly (0 phosphorus) fertililizer.

Fish stocking – motion to authorize made by Earle/seconded by Benham with the provision that it will be ok to stock in light of a recent fish kill – approved.

PLM will bring a proposal to the board, not exceeding the budget, to correct the weed problem we are currently experiencing.

  1. Building Control – Approved Ray Visser’s additions.

We can, as a board, act on building requests via email if application and complete information is received. Earle – motion/Rhodes – second – Approved with the understanding that if it is unanimous it is ok to approve – if there are objections it will need to be brought to a meeting unless questions can be resolved via email. All comments will be recirculated and the request will not be approved until all are in favor.

  1. Beach/Park - 1st Choice – Dam Work – some concern expressed by member about them being on her property and being loud. 1st Choice left and came back at a later time. Great job done by Chad and his group. Terry has done a nice job with the plants.
  1. City Liaison – no report – will contact city for info from assessing department on new members
  1. Newsletter and Information Committee – Dan will be doing a President’s letter. Articles need to be to Melissa by July 12…to be published by the end of July. Newsletter to include info on fertilizer companies.
  1. Welcoming Committee – Still not getting info on new members…we need the city’s help.
  1. Compliance – issues pending…will bring proposal to board. Complaints about violations of “No Wake Lake”…violators can be sent letters if names are turned in.
  1. Advisory – Met once. Went through starting the process…setting up goals, what can be done, trying to gather building and use restrictions from all the subdivisions…create a chart to compare the similarities/differences. Next meeting is July 1, 2008.
  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Fish Stocking – to be done in October
  1. Resolution to Leo Pasch – Dan tried to deliver in person a couple of times – no answer. It was mailed to him.
  1. Doug Earle – insurance report – no report at this time.
  1. New Business
  2. Windstorm damage – Tim trimmed fallen limbs on East side.
  1. Dam Repair – Chad is working on it…it is looking nice.
  1. Lake Debris – Goldings present with pictures of debris. Round table discussion of board…unanimous that what we caused we should help take care of. Craig will call Hasper for quote on clean up if done every 3-4 weeks. Liz will call Chad and get quote from him for same thing. Lake and Parks Committees to meet with Goldings and Haspers/1st Choice to see the area in question.
  1. Candy Cane Park – It is in its current condition because a few years ago when the board asked the neighbors what they wanted the board to do with the park the neighbors said for the board to do nothing. The access is limited by a planter that was installed in the lane by a home owner. The board is attempting to address the access rights and this will be followed up on. Suggestion that the board meet at CandyCanePark and walk through it. There are some limitations due to the fact that it is on a flood plain but the boundaries could be defined. The board CANNOT treat the mosquitoes…we are not authorized to do this…as was determined when it was investigated a few years ago.
  1. Members Comments
  2. Janet Barberio – asked how long it would be following the weed kill on Tuesday before the lake can be used. The company posts signs along the water front with that information…although it is usually only a day or two…the signs should be checked.
  1. John Waugh – Cautioned the board on contributing to the clean up efforts of individual members as it could cause further problems. Asked about a possible special assessment for lake front owners to help with such clean ups.
  1. Announcements – none
  2. Adjourn – Rhodes – motion/Benham – second – Meeting adjourned @ 8:55pm