Classroom Of The Heart, Mind and Hands!!!

Welcome to Mrs. Califano’s New Home away from Home!!!

Welcome to the classroom of the heart, mind and hands! It is going to be a great trimester. I would like to take this time to outline the course and share a few guidelines with you.

Course Description:

This is a survey course focusing on the four areas of human existence (1) physical self, (2) emotional self, (3) mental self and (4) social self. Course emphasis will be on various problems teens face in today’s society: stress, self esteem, relationships, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, growth and development, nutrition, STD’s and AIDS. This has class has been designed with the adolescent in mind.

Supplies: Students are required to have the following materials with them everyday.

  1. 100-150 page spiral
  2. glue stick
  3. pen and pencil
  4. MIS agenda book
  5. Highlighter
  6. A 3x5 notecard

Classroom Behavior: Golden rule, respect others and yourself, as well as, the classroom and the school.

  1. Be Polite
  2. Be Productive
  3. Be Prepared
  4. Be Prompt
  5. Be Positive

Student Responsibilities: Follow class rules and standards.

  1. Bring materials to class daily
  2. “Walk” into classroom and sit in assigned seat, before the bell.
  3. Respect the rights of others.
  4. Participate in class work and activities.
  5. When absent ask your seat partner for the notes and see me for any hand outs.
  6. Cell phones, electronic devices, gum and hats are prohibited.

Grading: The students citizenship grade is based on the citizenship rubric as stated in the MIS Planner.

The students academic grade is based on oral participation, classwork, organization, tests and projects.

100%-90%=A 89%-80%=B 79%-70%=C 69%-60%=D

Units of Study:

  1. Health and Wellness
  2. Goal Setting
  3. Decision Making
  4. Communication
  5. Stress
  6. Self Esteem
  7. Tobacco
  8. Alcohol
  9. Drugs
  10. Growth and Development
  11. Nutrition
  12. Eating Disorders
  13. Relationships
  14. Infectious and Noninfectious Diseases

Do not cut along the line

Print Student Name______Period______

Student Signature______

Parent Signature______Date______