Citizens Association Newsletter Summer2007

Property Management People

82A Wormans Mill Court

Frederick, MD21701

(800) 336-8009

Fax (301) 694-9514

Community Manager

Renee Hall x 1023

PMP Office Hours

M-F 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Next Regular Board Meeting…

Is scheduled for Monday, July 2, 2007 at 7 P.M., at the SeventhDayAdventistChurch on Summit Point Road.


Tuscawilla Hills Citizens Association

July 9, 2007 Meeting Agenda

7:00 P.M. at the SeventhDayAdventistChurch on Summit Point Road

  1. Reading of last meetings minutes
  2. Board of Directors minutes
  3. Treasurers Report
  4. Management Co. Report
  5. Delinquent Road fund Report
  6. Committee Reports
  7. Parks and Recreation - Bob Tansil
  8. Garden Club – Doris Walsh
  9. Grounds and Roads – Tom Ashby
  10. Covenants – Gary Kable
  11. Questions and Issues from the floor

WeNeed Your Help Now!!!

By this time all owners should have paid the years Road Fund Assessment in full!!! If you have not paid your dues for 2007, please pay them now. And if you are past years delinquent, please pay now or call 304-725-1468 or 301-694-6900 x-1011 to set up payment arrangements. Payments may also be made online by logging on to , and clicking on “Pay Assessments” at the upper left corner. You may pay via e-check or credit card (there is a $5 processing fee when paying by credit card). You may also sign up for automatic payments via this site.

Road Repairs cannot commence without yourpayment.

Visit the Community Website at:

Trash Cans Storage

Many residents are not removing their garbage cans from public view in a timely manner and are storing them regularly in view. Trash can receptacles may be placed at the curb the evening before pickup and must be put away by the evening after pickup. Please do your part in keeping Tuscawilla Hills looking its best.

Tuscawilla Hills Leash Law Reminder

Tuscawilla Hills has a leash law that is supported by Jefferson County Animal Control Department. Any dog caught running loose can be picked up and taken to the animal shelter. It will cost the owner $100.00 to retrieve their animal. Residents arealso asked to clean up after their pets when you take them on a walk.

Unlicensed, Unregistered, Unlawful

4-Wheelers, Dirt Bikes, Go Carts, Golf Carts, Scooters, Go Peds…the list goes on & on. If it is not a licensed, registered motor vehicle, please do not drive it in Tuscawilla Hills…not even down the street…not even to get to the empty field…not at all.

Street Lights Outages

The street lights in Tuscawilla Hills are maintained by Allegheny Power. If you notice a street light that is not working,please report the outage to PMP with thelight pole location and pole numberto generate a work order for the repair. The pole number is located on the light pole on a silver tag about 6’ off the ground and contains six (6) numbers/letters.

Landscape Repairs

Thanks to the water department for repairing the landscape on Lindsey, Douglas and Deerfield, where water line repairs were made over the course of the last 8-10 months.

CommunityParkThe Soccer Field and CommunityPark are for the use and enjoyment of Tuscawilla Hills owners and residents. All guests must be accompanied to the parks by an owner/resident of Tuscawilla Hills. Please do not give permission to friends, family or anyone else to use the facilities without your presence. Clubs & organizations must seek approval from the Board of Directors prior to use of these facilities.

Thank You!

Many thanks to those property owners, who performed maintenance repairs on their homes, have cleaned up their property and taken yard waste to the dump. Although, some improvements were completed due to the property inspection letters, many of you already had a maintenance plan in the works. Curb appeal is extremely important in maintaining property values, and everyone’s combined efforts are greatly appreciated. PMP

Storms and Fireworks

If your dog is safely inside the house when thunder and lightning starts, he is likely to just hide under the bed. But outdoor dogs have nowhere to hide and may become frantic. Dogs have been known to break chains, go over, under, or through fences, or do anything else they can to get away from storms. Cats that are outside will also flee blindly and may not be able to find their way back home.

Fireworks are much like thunderstorms to pets and can cause the same frightened reaction. As more and more communities plan firework displays, more pets are exposed to the noise and lights that fireworks produce. The shelter always has many more lost pet reports the morning after thunderstorms and fireworks displays.

Keep your pet safely inside. If storms are predicted or your community is having a fireworks display, keep the curtains closed and the air conditioner on to muffle the noise. Don't leave your pet outside unattended--he may well have run off by the time you come back out to get him. Make sure your pet is wearing ID tags; if he runs off, those tags are his ticket home. If your pet does get lost, call your local animal shelter immediately to file a lost pet report.


Tuscawilla at a Glance

The total of the 2007 dues in the amount of $240.00 were invoiced to all owners with no discount for early payment, and offered the option of paying $120.00 by March 1, and the balance by May 1, 2007.

As of May 31, 2007, there are 82 homeowners delinquent on their dues representing $32,695 in assessments owed to the Association.

Income and Expenses

As of May 31, 2007

Total cash in the operating account on 5/31/07$65697

Total income received in May$ 4864

Total expenses in May$ 9000

Total Receivables (Past Due Assessments)$32695

Total Prepayment of Assessments$- 1844

Total Reserves as of May 31, 2007$49514

For those residents who have not paid their dues, LISTEN UP! The community you live in, enjoy and use on a daily basis is struggling financially to keep up roads and common areas which in turn increase or deplete your property value. $32,695 in delinquent homeowners is unacceptable. You may be interested to know that the Board has selected a new, very aggressive, attorney to collect from those of you who have not paid. All legal costs associated with the collection of these past due balances

are paid by the delinquent homeowner. Your outstanding balance could easily double or triple if you wait to pay until after the attorney has taken over. The association may seek judgments and seize your personal property to repay these debts. Call today, pay today and keep your community beautiful.


Dog Warden/Animal Control728-3289

Health Department728-8415

Parks & Recreation728-3207

CharlesTownCity Police725-2714

Sheriffs Department728-3205

State Police725-9779


American Red Cross263-5241

Social Security Administration667-1512

Meals on Wheels263-5522

Human Services263-0941

Big Brothers/Big Sisters263-5522

WV Youth Advocate Program267-0770


WV State Website for services such as:

Missing Children

Registered & Wanted Sex Offenders

Most Wanted

Legal Division


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