The current international situation shows more clearly than ever that nuclear weapons are an ineffective solution to conflicts that manifest deep regional and global crisis engendered by thirst

The United States and France have inertial confinement fusion laser projects under construction (the National Ignition Facility and the Megajoule) that will be used for a wide range of nuclear weapons experiments, and to train new generations of nuclear weapons designers. These facilities can be used for research that could eventually lead to the development of pure fusion weapons

The current international situation shows more clearly than ever that nuclear weapons are an ineffective solution to conflicts that manifest deep regional and global crisis engendered by thirst for power, inequities and injustices. Genocides and war crimes, such as those seen recently (e.g. Rwanda, Kosovo) were not prevented by nuclear deterrence. Likewise, international terrorism is not prevented by nuclear blackmail.

The promotion of democracy, justice, and peace cannot coexist with the threatened destruction of entire populations. We further note that the fall of racist or totalitarian regimes (e.g. South Africa, eastern Europe) was not brought about by the threat or use of nuclear weapons. We conclude that nuclear abolition is urgently needed in order to augment our security, and that stepped up international efforts towards achieving true peace and justice are imperative.

We affirm the Abolition 2000 Global Council’s March 14, 2002 “Call to Action,” condemning the United States Nuclear Posture Review and U.S. plans to develop new nuclear weapons that are more useable and thus more likely to be used. We call instead for the immediate elimination of nuclear weapons.

We appeal to all states that possess nuclear weapons, as well as all nations represented at the April 2002 NPT Preparatory Committee meeting, to demonstrate by concrete actions a renewed commitment to the process of nuclear disarmament. As a first step, we insist that all nuclear weapons be taken off hair-trigger alert. We demand regular reports on progress towards implementation of the 13-point plan adopted in 2000 at every NPT Preparatory Committee meeting and Review Conference. Finally, we call on the international community to meet – without further delay – in a conference to negotiate a Nuclear Weapons Convention with a timebound framework for achieving nuclear disarmament and appropriate verification measures to realize the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.

-- April 13, 2002, by the participants in the Abolition 2000 Annual General Meeting: from the U.S.; U.K.; Russia; France; Norway; Germany; Japan; Belau; Egypt; and Aotearoa (New Zealand). The Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons is made up of over 2000 nongovernmental organizations in more than 90 countries.


Abolition 2000 is a global network to eliminate nuclear weapons. Supported by citizen groups, political leaders, religious leaders, professional associations, colleges and universities, nobel laureates, retired military leaders, and municipalities.



2002年 年次総会宣言

2002年4月13日 ニューヨーク市






















Maryna Harrison

Alice Slater

Tel: 212-726-9161 Cell: 917-523-7151 Fax: 212-726-9160 Email:



Jacqueline Cabasso: 510-306-0119 (Cell)

(日本語訳: 大庭里美 アボリション2000グローバル評議員)


℡/Fax:082-828-2603、Email: (大庭)

Abolition 2000 is a global network to eliminate nuclear weapons. Supported by citizen groups, political leaders, religious leaders, professional associations, colleges and universities, nobel laureates, retired military leaders, and municipalities.