Unit 8 Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning

By Wei Li

Period: The first and second period of Unit 8

Teaching Objectives:

Learner will be able to master:

  1. New Words: implication, draft, clone, split, mount, intact, resemble, breed, deliberate, comparable, classify
  2. Expressions: work for, within one’s reach, come to life, in the wake of, break apart, identical to, What if…, refer to,
  3. Word Building:

1)trans+n/adj/v: transship, transform ,transnational

2)non+n/adj/v: non-art, non-profit,nonstop

Teaching Procedures

  1. Answer the following questions:

1)How did the world react to the first successfully cloned sheep?

2)What are the two broad categories human cloning situations often fall into?

3)Why do some parents want to save their fatally ill child through cloing?

4)Could cloned animals be used as organ donors?

5)What is the gravest concern about human cloning for society?

2.Four students in a group give a lecture about the text:one explained the new words, one explained the useful expressions,one explained the structure of the text and some difficult sentences,one give a summary about the text and translate some important sentences.

Language points:


  1. sth. That is suggested;sth that is not openly stated

The journalists discussed the political implications of the war.

I thought the implication was that they were splitting up.

b. involving or being involved, esp. in a crime

He was suspected of implication in several robberies.

The implication of the general manager in the criminal case fruther complicated the whole situation.

2)plain: obviously; plainly

It was just plain stupid to give him your address.

What she said was just plain wrong.


  1. increase in amount or degree

Sales were mounting after prices were lowered.

Tension mounted as we waited for the decision.

  1. go up or onto

She mounted her horse and rode off.

He mounted the platform and began to speak.

  1. prepare and produce;organize

The opposition is getting ready to mount a powerful attack on the government


  1. planned

The group decided to commit several acts of deliberate violence.

  1. moving, acting or thinking slowly and usu.carefully

We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while.

5)comparable: able or suitable to be compared

A comparable car would cost far more abroad.

comparative: compared with sth. Else or with what is usual or normal

After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparative comfort.

A heart is comparable with a pump.

6) refer to

a. use a particular word, expession, or name to mention or describe sb./sth

The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.

The professor referred to him as a graduate student with a bright future.

  1. talk about a particular subject or person

In her autobiography she often refers to her unhappy schooldays.

  1. go to sb/sth or look at sth. For information

She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes.

  1. direct sb/sth to sb/sth for help or to be dealt with

The shop referred the complaints to the makers of the articles.

6)What if …What would happen if…

What if we go and see a film tomorrow night?

What of you go instead of me?

7)break apart: break in pieces without force being used;come apart

Tribes grow and become powerful under brave and successful leaders, and then shrink or break apart when their chieftain is eventuallly defeated or killed.

Break off: come apart from sth.

She broke off some of the chocolate to give to the children.

8)work for

  1. apply to

The rules of safe driving work for everyone.

  1. make efforts to achieve sth

They worked for the complete abolition of capitalist exploitation of men by men.


Do exercises No. 2,3,4,5,6,9,10,,12.