NebraskaDivisionofthe InternationalAssociationforIdentification
2018Conference Vendor Registration/ContributionForm
April 3rd–4th, 2018
Company Name:
Email: Company Website:
Phone: Fax:
1 / Exhibitorsbooth
(Includes1conferencetable,a web link on the NEIAI’s web site,businesscardsizeadintheNEIAINewsletter,businesscardsizeadinthe2018NEIAIConferenceprogram) / $300.00 / $
2 / AdditionalExhibitorsboothtable at the annual conference
(Pricequotedisper table) Numberofadditionaltables / $250.00 / $
3 / FullpageCOLOR adinthe2018NEIAIConference program
(Pleaseprovidetheadvertisementfile) / $250.00 / $
4 / FullpageBLACKWHITEadinthe2018NEIAIConference program
(Pleaseprovidetheadvertisementfile) / $150.00 / $
5 / Newsletter advertisement
(Includes publication in all annual newsletters and a web link on the NEIAI’s web site. Pleaseprovidetheadvertisementfile) / $250.00 / $
6 / Sponsoringlunch at the annual conference for all registered attendees
(Pricequotedisperday) / $4,000.00 / $
7 / Sponsoringbreak timerefreshments
(Pricequotedisperday, includes morning and afternoon refreshments) / $1,500.00 / $
8 / SponsoringPresident’s Reception
(Held on the first day of the conference; includes food and beverages) / $2,000.00 / $
9 / Monetary donation toward the NEIAI’s expenses(Funds may be applied toward the NEIAI’s operational expenses, to include annual conference expenses and/or Harold Moon Scholarship) / $
pleasecontactNinaAnderson-Trumble. / TOTAL / $
Pleasemailthisregistration form and paymentto:
Nebraska IAI PO Box 22060
Lincoln, NE68542
2018NEIAIConferenceVendor Contact Nina Anderson-Trumble (402)479-4915