Natural Science Department OCE 1001: Introduction to Oceanography Spring 2008

Office Number:
Office Hours: Posted on office door or by appointment.
Telephone: 941-993-4616
Email Address:
Web Page:
Department Website: / Course Coordinator: Felix Rizk
Office Number: 637 Venice
Office Hours: Posted on office door or by appointment.
Telephone: 941-408-1479
Email Address:
Web Page:
Department Website:

Course Description: OCE 1001, Introduction to Oceanography (3) (A.A.)

This course meets 3 hours a week, with no lab component. This course will satisfy the area V requirements of the A.A/A.A.S/A.S. general education requirements. Although there are no prerequisites, a basic science background is helpful. This course introduces the student to the scientific study of the oceans by exploring basic principles from marine science sub-disciplines such as chemical, physical, geological, and biological oceanography.

Course Performance Standards - Students may access course performance standards online by clicking on the "course performance standards" link at the following web address: . A hard copy may be obtained from the instructor or the department office.

Text Book and Materials- Enhanced Essentials of Oceanography, 4th edition, by Tom S. Garrison. ISBN:0495451975.

Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory. Absences or tardiness will not be tolerated. More than 4 absences will be penalized at a rate of 5 point off final grade. Attendance will be monitored. Two or more consecutive absences without an attempt to contact the instructor will be sufficient grounds to withdraw a student from the course, but a total of 4 hours of absences during the semester can also lead to the withdrawal of the student. Attendance will be considered when deciding borderline grades. If you know you are going to miss a class, see me in advance. However, it is the responsibility of those students who miss class lectures to make up missed work on their own. For general college requirements, see page 34 of MCC Catalog.

Grade Evaluation and Policies: Your final grade will be determined from the following:

Attendance - 5%

Class assignments, quizzes, and Projects - 35%

Unit Tests - 45%

Final exam - 15%

Test dates will be announced a few days ahead. Reviews will be held prior to each test. The test content will focus largely on the lecture notes and any sections recommended directly from the textbook. No make-up tests will be allowed. Anyone showing up more than 15 minutes late will not be allowed to take a test.

Final exam will include only the last sections of the course. All exams/tests are provided in multiple-choice , short answer and fill in the blank.

Extra Credit: An optional extra credit assignment will be available, on individual basis, for 5% additional added to your final course grade. See the instructor if you have interest in this effort.

Your final letter grade will be based on the following percentile ranges:

90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C 60 - 69 = D 59 or less = F

An 'I' grade will be assigned only when end of semester emergencies occur. A "w" grade can be assigned if a student withdraws by the withdrawal deadline (see Attendance Policy). The college assigns an audit grade if the student fills the appropriate form obtained from registration. To use this course for AA degree transfer purpose, most college/universities accept a final grade of "C" or better.

College Withdrawal Policy:In accordance with MCC policy as stated in the College Catalog, students may withdraw from any or all courses without academic penalty of a "WF" by the withdrawal deadline as listed on the MCC academic calendar. This semester this date is March 19, 2008 for full semester courses. For all late start courses, these dates will appear in the student’s schedule, or students may call the Natural Science office for additional information..The student must take responsibility for initiating the withdrawal procedure. Students are strongly encouraged to talk with their instructors first before taking any withdrawal action.

Statement of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of ideas, facts, opinions, illustrative materials, data, direct or indirect wording of another scholar and/or writer - professional or student - without giving proper credit. Expulsion, suspension, or any lesser penalty may be imposed for plagiarism.

Standards of Conduct: Students are expected to abide by all Lancer Student Handbook guidelines.

Course Success Statement: To be successful in this course, you are expected to attend class regularly, prepare for class by reading assigned work prior to class meetings, completing and submitting take-home assignments by the scheduled deadlines, and asking questions in/out of class.

Tentative Course Outline: (The instructor reserves the right to modify the schedule when appropriate).

Each unit represents approximately 4 weeks.

Holidays/Important Dates:Monday, Jan. 21 MLK, college closed

Friday, Feb 15, Faculty/Staff Development Day: classes scheduled after 4pm meet as


Monday, March 10 through March 16: Spring Break: college closed

Wednesday, March 19, Last day to withdraw without academic penalty

Final Exam week: April 28th through May 1