2016 Rehearsal Instructions – IU East
IndianaUniversity East
Thursday, May 12, 2016(5:10-6:30) Richmond High School
- On Thursday evening, May 12th (5:10 – 6:30), IU East will conduct a commencement rehearsal at Richmond High School.
- Candidates for graduation – pleasegather in the RHS cafeteria by 5:10 p.m.
- Once in the cafeteria, line-up behind your school’s sign (i.e., Business, Education, Nursing, etc…)
- Please silence your cellphones.
- Staff will distribute honors cords to those students who have qualified for them.
- Only December 2015 and May 2016 honor graduateswill receive cords.
- Please wear your honor cords at commencement (over your left shoulder).
- If your name does not get read, but you believe it should have been, please contact your School Dean.
- Staff will also distribute military/veterans service cords.
- Once everyone is lined-up, we will begin the processional/marchfrom the cafeteria to the Tiernan Center.Candidates will march out of the cafeteria, being led by their school’s banner carrier.
- Follow your school’s banner carrier to the Tiernan Center. You will be directed to your seat, where you will remain standing. Further instructions will follow from the podium.
- The order of the procession is:
- Grand Marshal
- Graduating class (led by their school’s banner carrier)
- Faculty
- Platform party
- When everyone is in their place in the Tiernan Center, we will proceed through the commencement script. At the appropriate time in the script, we will announce, “Be seated.”
- The announcement of your names and crossing the platform.
- Precede one row at a time to the stage.
- Walk up the steps (right of the platform), give your (imaginary) 3x5 name card to the Registrar. [You will have an actual name card Friday for commencement.]
- When Mr. Hicks readsyour name, proceed across the stage. Your school Dean will congratulate you. AsChancellor Cruz-Uribe congratulates you, you will be given a diploma cover, and then you will descend the steps on the left side.
- Return to your seat and remain standing.
- Do not sit until your entire row has returned.
IV.Practice the recessional.
- Platform party will leave first
- Faculty will follow the platform party
- Graduates will exit after the faculty, beginning with the first row. Remain seated until the usher indicates that it is time for your row to exit. Each row will exit when the usher indicates.
Reminders for Friday night’s Commencement Ceremony (May 13)
- Arrive at Tiernan Center by 5:00 p.m. (earlier if you are getting photos: 4-5 p.m.)
- Graduates need to be in the RHS cafeteria by 5:10 p.m. Leave personal belongings with family or friends.
- At 5:30 p.m., line-up in numerical order, according to the 3x5 name card that you will be given on Friday night in the cafeteria.
- Tassels on the right and honor cords on the left.
- At 5:40 p.m., we will begin the procession/march from thecafeteria to the Tiernan Center. Please hold on to your name card.
- In the Tiernan Center, do NOT talk to or joke with Terry who is trying to get everyone to their seat.
- After commencement, go to the smaller auxiliary gym to turn-in your cap & gown.
Announcement regarding proper crowd etiquette. Please, please, please ask your family and friends to remain in the auditorium until the commencement ceremony ends and, if they must go to out to the foyer, that they remain quiet. Thanks!
Banner line-upBanner CarrierBanner Placement
- Grand MarshallAngie Cooksey
- Indiana University EastMary Blakefield(right of center line)
- Business & Economics (BUSE)(left of center line)
- Education (EDUC) (right of IUE)
- Humanities Social Sciences (HSS) (left of BUSE)
- Natural Sci Mathematics (NSM) (right of EDUC)
- Nursing (NURS) (left of HSS)
- Social Work (SWK) (right of NSM)
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