Hampton Elementary Charter School PTO

July Preplanning and Budget Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, and Location: Friday 07/17/15 at 3:00 P.M.; HECS Conference Room

Meeting called to order by President Erin Studstill at 3:11 P.M.

Attendance: Erin Studstill, Britt Langford, Mimi Lewis, Kat Scott, Jamie Allen, Ivonne Cuebas, Brandi Kotsalis, Tiffany Maher

Guests- Nancy Smith-parent

Minutes: N/A

Officers’ Reports

President: given by Erin Studstill

o  Provided copies of the PTO Board Meeting Agenda, Budget, Open House Agenda, 2015-2016 Calendar of Events, Santa Shop Contract, Bylaws of HECS

o  Provided and discussed the budget in depth. Revenue $10150.00 Expenses $2600.00 the only change from the previous year was a motion to reduce Arts Alive from a $1000.00 to a $900.00 monetary contribution. And offer a fundraising event or/and volunteers to assist with the event. Explained all forms in depth.

Committee Reports

Still Forming Committees ideas are the Beautification Committee, Welcome Committee, Hospitality, Special Events, Room Parents, Box Tops, and Fundraising

Old Business

Nothing to carry forward

New Business

Motions: made, initial and second, unanimous vote

-Reduce Arts Alive from $1000.00 to $900.00

-$3.00/yr. Family Pledge (includes voting decision is needed); can join anytime

-Added Sweetheart Dance to events

-Continue on with Santa Shoppe headed by Natalie Waggoner

o  General information

- Open House-PTO Table

Hand out the Publix cards

Raffle the Box Tops basket (direct fundraising) and promote the Box Top Program

(Britt offered her thoughts as coordinator)

Sell T-Shirts

Promote PTO including Membership

-Fall festival moved up to support involvement

-Talent Show moved to May to give a break after all the testing and fill in to the end of the year as academics wind down for the year.

-Spring Fling will be before testing for a similar reason

-Look at but not ready to action ideas for the teacher’s appreciation week, Mr. Keefer has ideas as well.

-Start thinking where food sales are the best fit for PTO as a fundraiser, not quite ready to action (Steam Night, festivals, and block party)

-Think about a PTO Pink Walk

o  Fundraising Goal:

-Purchase the Sunshade

-Continue normal events. Possible add one or two

-Discussed direct donations and membership donations

-Ask local Businesses-direct

o  Future Meetings

-PTO Meetings for all will be held at the beginning of Steam night quarterly

-PTO Board Meeting are held 2nd Friday prior to the week of the Governance board meetings so we can present ideas and focus on achievements. Ad Hoc meetings as needed.

o  Action

-Add one or two events to the calendar (Cancer awareness drive, 1950’s dance, Dad’s camping night, Pink Walk, Block Party, Lil Jimmy)

-Check with Melissa Roberts regarding the Banners ($60.00)

-Create PTO Badges for the board (Tiffany)

-Create basket for the raffle at open house (Britt)

-Order shirts for table sales (Erin)

-Double check if the up for 60 is submitted by Ms. Watkins (Ivonne)

- Family Pledge – look into an incentive for the first class per grade with full participation.

-Discuss what we need for a photo booth or DJ/band for Sweetheart dance.

-Website- Ask ladies what they think of a small introduction on the board up front or website.

-Decide on Volunteer Days (Ivonne)

-Santa Shoppe Schedule and rotation of volunteers and set-up (PTO will ask for Wrap and accessories (tags, etc.) donations)

-Vote on Bake Sale for Steam nights

-Create second Family Pledge Drive around February (?)

-Bylaws to be updated and sent to us revised (Erin)

Next meeting is August 14, 2015 at 7:45 A.M.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM

Minutes compiled by Tiffany Maher, Communications Secretary