Horse Safety Australia

Box 209, Strathalbyn, SA 5255, Ph (08) 8536 3274, Fax (08) 8536 6115;

5-9 October 2008 “Crystal Cascades Horse Park”, Cairns

Costs: (All prices include GST)

Food, accommodation (in a residential campsite environment), supply of horses & tack, personal workbooks; ‘Statements of Attainment’ from the Training Package; qualifications (as attained) & Horse Safety Australia Membership $990.

Plus: paperwork (supplied at the clinic) minimum of one set per site $110

(This package includes sample Standard Operating Procedures, templates etc. as well as Jane Myers’ book Horse Safe -rrp $49.95.)

Please fill in and return the tax invoice on page 2.

There will be some paperwork to do before attending the clinic, to help complete the process of ‘recognition of prior learning’. This will be sent to you a few weeks befor the clinic with the receipt for your deposit. The balance of your fees will be due on the first day of the clinic.

Travel and accommodation

You will be responsible for your own travel. Normally participants live-in, as the clinic includes evening programs and preparation. (No reduction for staying off site). Directions to Crystal Cascades, Redlynch will be included with the paperwork sent to you.


The clinic will begin Sunday night after tea (7.30 pm) and finish Thursday before tea.

Tranfers can be arranged for insterstate participants. Please advise time of arrival/departure flight to enable scheduling of transport by CCHP staff.

Registration Procedures:

Please return the form on page 2, and $100 deposit (non refundable) to:

Horse Safety Australia , Box 209, Strathalbyn, SA 5255

Cheques to be made out to Horse Safety Australia

For direct debit the account details are:

Westpac Bank: Account Name: Horse Safety Australia

BSB 035 619; Account number 11 1046.

For identification purposes, please ensure the clinic name “Cairns” and your surname are indicated on any payment.

Registration forms may be faxed to 08 8536 6115 or

emailed to

******Please send us this form including your deposit of $100 per person (you may direct debit your deposit see details p.1)

ABN 44 215 962 886

Box 209,

Strathalbyn 5255


Date ………./……/………

Name of Participant



Suburb Postcode

Contact phone number

Item / Amount
per person
(including GST) / X no. participants / Total
Fees for Clinic / $990 / x
Plus paperwork (SOPs Templates etc. and Horse Safe book)
one set per site / $110
Less deposit paid with registration form / $100 / x
Remainder of fees (due at the start of the clinic)

Please indicate if you would prefer your materials in a form suitable for those with literacy problems

¨  I have no literacy problems

¨  I would like materials that help those with low literacy skills

Dietary needs for meals:

¨  I have no special dietary needs

¨  I have the following dietary needs:
