Name: ______Date: ______


Mr. Herman

Exeter SHS

Grade 11

Chapter 10.1 The Kinetic – Molecular Theory of Matter




Elastic collision


Ideal gas

Real gas


•State the kinetic-molecular theory of matter, and describe how it explains certain properties of matter.

•List the five assumptions of the kinetic-molecular theory of gases. Define the terms ideal gas and real gas.

•Describe each of the following characteristic properties of gases: expansion, density, fluidity, compressibility, diffusion, and effusion.

•Describe the conditions under which a real gas deviates from “ideal” behavior.

Kinetic- Molecular Theory

•The kinetic-molecular theoryis based on the idea that particles of matter are always in motion.

•The theory can be used to explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases in terms of the energy of particles and the forces that act between them.

Kinetic- Molecular Theory of Gases

•An ideal gasis a hypothetical gas that perfectly fits all the assumptions of the kinetic-molecular theory.

•The kinetic-molecular theory of gases is based on the following five assumptions:

1.Gases consist of large numbers of tiny particles that are far apart relative to their size.

•Most of the volume occupied by a gas is empty space

2.Collisions between gas particles and between particles and container walls are elastic collisions.

•An elastic collision is one in which there is no net loss of total kinetic energy.

3.Gas particles are in continuous, rapid, random motion. They therefore possess kinetic energy, which is energy of motion.

4.There are no forces of attraction between gas particles.

5.The temperature of a gas depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles of the gas.

•The kinetic energy of any moving object is given by the following equation:

KE = ½ mv2

•All gases at the same temperature have the same average kinetic energy.

•At the same temperature, lighter gas particles, have higher average speeds than do heavier gas particles.

Hydrogen molecules will have a higher speed than oxygen molecules.

The Kinetic-Molecular Theory and the Nature of Gases

•The kinetic-molecular theory applies only to ideal gases.

•Many gases behave nearly ideally if pressure is not very high and temperature is not very low.


•Gases do not have a definite shape or a definite volume.

•They completely fill any container in which they are enclosed.

•Gas particles move rapidly in all directions (assumption 3) without significant attraction between them (assumption 4).


•Because the attractive forces between gas particles are insignificant (assumption 4), gas particles glide easily past one another.

•Because liquids and gases flow, they are both referred to as fluids.

Low Density

•The density of a gaseous substance at atmospheric pressure is about 1/1000 the density of the same substance in the liquid or solid state.

•The reason is that the particles are so much farther apart in the gaseous state (assumption 1).


•During compression, the gas particles, which are initially very far apart (assumption 1), are crowded closer together.

Diffusion and Effusion

•Gases spread out and mix with one another, even without being stirred.

•The random and continuous motion of the gas molecules (assumption 3) carries them throughout the available space.

•Such spontaneous mixing of the particles of two substances caused by their random motion is called diffusion.

•Effusionis a process by which gas particles pass through a tiny opening.

•The rates of effusion of different gases are directly proportional to the velocities of their particles.

•Molecules of low mass effuse faster than molecules of high mass.

Deviations of Real Gases from Ideal Behavior

•Because particles of gases occupy space and exert attractive forces on each other, all real gases deviate to some degree from ideal gas behavior.

•A real gasis a gas that does not behave completely according to the assumptions of the kinetic-molecular theory.

•At very high pressures and low temperatures, a gas is most likely to behave like a nonideal gas.

•The more polar a gas’s molecules are, the more the gas will deviate from ideal gas behavior.

Chapter 10.2 Pressure


Atmospheric pressure


Millimeter of mercury






•Definepressure, give units of pressure, and describe how pressure is measured.

•State the standard conditions of temperature and pressure and convert units of pressure.

•Use Dalton’s law of partial pressures to calculate partial pressures and total pressures.

Pressure and Force

•Pressure (P) is defined as the force per unit area
on a surface.

•Gas pressure is caused by collisions of the gas molecules with each other and with surfaces with which they come into contact.

•The pressure exerted by a gas depends on volume, temperature, and the number of molecules present.

•The greater the number of collisions of gas molecules,
the higher the pressure will be.

•The SI unit for force is the newton, (N), the force
that will increase the speed of a one-kilogram mass by one meter per second each second that the force is applied.

•example:consider a person with a mass of 51 kg. At Earth’s surface, gravity has an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2.

•The force the person exerts on the ground is therefore 51 kg × 9.8 m/s2 = 500 kg • m/s2 = 500 N

•Pressure is force per unit area, so the pressure of a 500 N person on an area of the floor that is 325 cm2 is:

500 N ÷ 325 cm2 = 1.5 N/cm2

•The greater the force on a given area, the greater the pressure.

•The smaller the area is on which a given force acts, the greater the pressure.

Measuring Pressure

•A barometer is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure. The first barometer was introduced by Evangelista Torricelli in the early 1600s.

•Torricelli noticed that water pumps could raise water only to a maximum height of about 34 feet.

•He wondered why this was so, and thought the height must depend somehow on the weight of water compared with the weight of air.

•Torricelli reasoned that if the maximum height of a water column depended on its weight, then mercury, which is about 14 times as dense as water, could be raised only about 1/14 as high as water.

•He tested this idea by sealing a long glass tube at one end and filling it with mercury. Inverting the tube into a dish of mercury, the mercury rose to a height of about 30 in. (760 mm), which is about 1/14 of 34 feet.

•The common unit of pressure is millimeters of mercury, symbolized mm Hg.

A pressure of 1 mm Hg is also called 1 torr in honor of Torricelli for his invention of the barometer

•Pressures can also be measured in units of atmospheres. Because the average atmospheric pressure at sea level at 0°C is 760 mm Hg, one atmosphere of pressure (atm) is defined as being exactly equivalent to 760 mm Hg.

•In SI, pressure is expressed in pascals. One
pascal (Pa) is defined as the pressure exerted by
a force of one newton (1 N) acting on an area of
one square meter.

•The unit is named for Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and philosopher who studied pressure during the seventeenth century.

•One pascal is a very small unit of pressure, so in many cases, it is more convenient to express pressure in kilopascals (kPa). 1 atm is equal to 101.325 kPa.

Sample Problem A

The average atmospheric pressure in Denver, Colorado is 0.830 atm. Express this pressure in

a. millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and

b. kilopascals (kPa)

Given:atmospheric pressure = 0.830 atm

Unknown: a. pressure in mm Hg

b. pressure in kPa

Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures,

Gases Collected by Water Displacement

•Gases produced in the laboratory are often collected over water. The gas produced by the reaction displaces the water in the reaction bottle.

•Dalton’s law of partial pressures can be applied to calculate the pressures of gases collected in this way.

•Water molecules at the liquid surface evaporate and mix with the gas molecules. Water vapor, like other gases, exerts a pressure known as vapor pressure.

•To determine the pressure of a gas inside a collection bottle, you would use the following equation, which is an instance of Dalton’s law of partial pressures.

Patm = Pgas +P H20

•If you raise the bottle until the water levels inside and outside the bottle are the same, the total pressure outside and inside the bottle will be the same.

•Reading the atmospheric pressure from a barometer and looking up the value of

P H20 at the temperature of the experiment in a table, you can calculate Pgas.

Sample Problem B

Oxygen gas from the decomposition of potassium chlorate, KClO3, was collected by water displacement. The barometric pressure and the temperature during the experiment were 731.0 torr and 20.0°C. respectively. What was the partial pressure of the oxygen collected?

Given:PT = Patm = 731.0 torr

= 17.5 torr (vapor pressure of water at 20.0°C, from table A-8 in your book)

Patm= PO2 + P H2O

Unknown: P O2 intorr


start with the equation:Patm = P O2 + P H2O