May 27, 2015, 8:30-10:00

Present / Alison Morrison-Shetlar, Brandon Schwab, Richard Starnes, Brian Railsback, Lowell Davis, Becky Kornegay, Dale Carpenter, Doug Keskula, Mimi Fenton, Carol Burton, Jeff Ray, George Brown, Darrell Parker, Kevan Frazier
Recorder / Anne Aldrich


Office of Student Success
(Lowell Davis) / We have 117 students for Catamount Gap and 185 for ASP.
Hunter Library
(Becky Kornegay) / Brown, Reynolds and Starbucks are renovating and the library is getting all their furnishings.
Graduate School and Research
(Mimi Fenton) / Enrollment is up 26 for summer and we still have a ways to go. We are off a bit for fall but have 3 months until census. For summer, all we can do is go up. We are also inching our way to sustain the increase we got in grants last year.
Office of Undergraduate Studies
(Carol Burton) / The relocation of the Mountain Heritage Center is going really well and is looking great. Targeted move date is June 10.
Kimmel School
(Jeff Ray) / An offer has been made for a development officer to be shared between the College of Education and Allied Professions and the Kimmel School.
Martin Tanaka an an entrepreneurial team won a major award in the field.
College of Fine and Performing Arts
(George Brown) / We had an advancement council meeting of the Friends of the Arts. We grossed over $150,000 in scholarship funds
College of Business
(Darrell Parker) / The Project Management program has admitted 17 for fall. The marketing plan is inching us along.
Biltmore Park
(Kevan Frazier) / The shift of student services from Biltmore Park to campus continues to present issues. We meet today to discuss options.
Next Tuesday (June 2) is instant decision day for engineering.
On June 4th we are hosting Goodwill’s Business Advisory Council. The topic is entrepreneurship.


Update from Executive Council
(Alison) / Deposits are up a bit. Executive Council has run worst and best case scenarios regarding faculty positions. Based on this exercise, Alison asked the deans to go back and review faculty positions regarding priority. Currently in the budget is a 2% raise for state employees. We will have Greg send the recurring requests summary for all the divisions.
We had a request that went through Space Management Committee to move Parking Services out of Camp Building. This has been approved because they are moving into space utilized by the UP program. There has been a space identified for the UP Program.
There has been discussion regarding the Leadership Summit specifically regarding board development. Alison met with a group in Raleigh consisting of board members and they discussed the role of board members and how to bring friends of the university back to the fold. The more scholarships we have, the less it costs the individual to be a student on our campus. There has been a great deal of discussion regarding the type of scholarship. Merit scholarships provide parents with bragging rights, regardless of amount of the scholarship.
There continues to be discussion on the science building. Alison expressed appreciation for those that met with the Governor this past Friday.
Advancement Activities (All) / In addition to the attachment covering these activities:
College of Arts and Sciences - Richard stated they have identified five alumni in an initial pilot for the WCU catalysts. They indicate what WCU has meant to them, then the advancement board will follow up for any potential donors.
UNC Online
(Lowell Davis) / Matthew Rascoff and Kristen Crosson have been in discussion to get a sense on what is happening with UNC Online. There are a number of issues.
Tuition is to stay on the home campus, the SCHs go to the host campus. We will have the opportunity to make adjustments. We will be held harmless regarding funding for the next 12 months. We have a year to figure out the exact funding model. There is concern that students can take up to two courses online and are only required to check a box indicating they have been advised. There is no oversight regarding student success, advising, etc.
They are looking to do customized messaging and an aggressive marketing campaign to UNC students. We had questions about summer, tutoring, etc. There are no answers at this point. They do not know who will be responsible for providing access to Blackboard. Financial aid is also an issue. Discussion ensued. This is a major topic of discussion to keep on our radar.
CHHS Emergency Plan
(Doug Keskula) / One of the college goals in our strategic plan is to keep all staff, faculty and students safe. We had a fire drill early this winter and found that people did not really know where to go or had a real sense of what to do. This reinforced our need to develop a plan. Therefore we worked with Public Safety, Tracy Zontek, other faculty and students throughout last fall and spring to develop this safety plan. Our executive committee will vote on the plan today. This effort has had a tremendous amount of collaboration. Doug briefly reviewed highlights of the plan. Discussion ensued.