Sts. Peter & Paul

Pastoral Council Meeting

May 5th, 2016

6:00 p.m. in Library

Those in attendance:

Father Tony Jill Peterek Toby Gualandri

Deacon Rusty Herbert Strunk Vanetta Hand

Janita Lopez Peter Hudson Patrick Mattingly Mario Silva

Mike Senneway

Those not in attendance:

Lidia Rodriguez Bob Stewart

Greg Machalec

I.  Opening Prayer – Father Tony offered a reflection entitled “On Holy Ground”. Father stressed that God lives among us and that place is ‘Holy Ground’.

II.  Reviewed Minutes of the April Meeting – Motion to adopt the minutes as presented was made and seconded, respectively, by Toby Gualandri and Herb Strunk. Motion was adopted.

III.  General “End of School Year” activities-

1.  Eighth Grade graduation coming.

2.  Confirmation: One liturgy completed, one more to go on 5/9.

3.  First Communions: Underway within the Sunday Mass Liturgy

4.  Facilities Plannning: Requests have been solicited from ministries for the 7/1/16 thru 6/30/17 fiscal year for facilities needs and fundraising activities.

5.  Teen ACTS: Summer retreat set for 1st weekend in August. Also, preparing for Florida and Colorado mission trips.

IV.  Ministry Reports-

A.  Herbert Strunk

1.  Catholic Daughters: No report submitted

2.  Eucharistic Adoration: Need people for morning slots.

Deacon Rusty requested that the ministry submit uncovered times so that a request for volunteers can be made in Flocknotes, etc.

3.  Knights of Columbus:

-  Attended State K of C convention at Corpus Christi. 462 attendees.

-  Awards ceremony to be held 5/24

4.  Doll Ministry: No report

B.  Greg Machalec

1.  Parish Choirs: No report.

2.  Lectors: All of the teen and adult proclaimers have been re-trained.

3.  Eucharistic Ministers: Completed training for 28 new Eucharistic ministers. Will do one on one training throughout the year.

4.  Thrift Store: No report

C.  Mario Silva

1.  Youth Ministry: No report.

2.  Couples Prayer: - Will finish latest series in two weeks.

3.  Ushers and Greeters (Hospitality Ministry): No report.

4.  Little Flowers: No report.

D.  Patrick Mattingly

1.  Men’s ACTS:

-  ACTS Core Team Meeting was held. Main Items discussed:

a.  Reviewed March ACTS Retreat. 34 retreatants, 2 no shows. Financial results not yet available.

b. website - looking at a July 1st activation.

c.  Latest ‘Coffee with Christ’ was Saturday, April 23.

d.  3 & 5 Year Strategic Plan: Very forward thinking by the ministry in a number of ways including succession planning. Once the initial plan is completed it will likely be refreshed on an annual basis.

e.  Breaking down Matthew Kelley’s “Rediscover Jesus” into chapter presentations by the core team.

-  Coffee with Christ: Usually the 4th Saturday of the month. The April rendition had 20 attendees. Mike Norris outlined upcoming spiritual growth events running from March through December. Deacon Rusty gave a teaser on his upcoming presentation Tuesday night and Deacon Ben gave the closing prayer.

-  Men’s ACTS scholarship drive at the Adobe Café exceeded the goal and raised $860.

-  “Experiencing God’s Mercy” presentation: “The Sacraments Are Our Strength” by Deacon Rusty. Good turnout (77) despite the threat of severe weather.

2.  Rachel’s Journey (formerly Project Rachel):

-  MYDFM campaign has raised $28,400 so far. Highest amount to date.

-  K of C dinner May 24.

-  Next Planned Parenthood Prayer Day is Tuesday May 10.

-  Next retreat date is scheduled for May 14.

-  The Grotto Monument for the Gabriel Project & Rachel’s Journey has been funded, design finalized, placement determined and work order released to Dietz Memorial. The monument will take a few months to complete. The ministry requests that a dedication ceremony be held along with a photo of same in Today’s Catholic.

Deacon Rusty, can you arrange for this to happen?

-  Women’s ACTS Reunion gathering Thursday, April 28.

-  Rachel’s Project Director for the Arch-Diocese is retiring and a replacement has not been named as yet.

-  Fundraiser for Baby Delia is Saturday, April 30 at K of C from 11:00a-5:00p.

-  A structure for task assignments within the ministry is being put in place by Stephanie.

-  Next Ministry Team Meeting is Wednesday, May 25. @ 6:45p.

3.  Gardening Angels:

-  The succession issue is still open and Tim will discuss with Deacon Rusty.

-  Some maintenance issues need to be addressed.

4.  Disaster Relief : No report.

5.  Pro-Life: ‘40 Days of Life’ campaign has completed. More information and statistics on the website: San Antonio was one of 273 cities worldwide that participated. Sts. Peter & Paul was represented for two hours each of the Saturday’s during the 40 Days. During the campaign, 471 babies were saved (that we know of) and 125 Planned Parenthood workers walked off the job.

E.  Lidia Rodriguez

1.  Gabriel Project:

-  Hotline answered 62 calls

-  4 cribs were given out in April.

-  Had 20 new families sign up for the month.

-  Had referrals from 10 area agencies to help moms in need.

-  Helped 152 families with diapers and clothes.

-  Pre-K and Kinder CCD classes collected change for the Gabriel Project that amounted to $203.00.

-  Training: Two different hotline trainings were held at the Holy Spirit House in April to train new volunteers on how to answer our Gabriel Project Hotline phone. We also had a combination hotline/angel training for those interested in becoming Angels for Moms in The Gabriel Project.

-  Have set a 2016 hotline rotation schedule with 8 Hotline Volunteers who answer the phone for a week at a time.

-  Bought a special baby sleeper for a newborn baby who has been stopping breathing (the baby has been safely sleeping ever since she received the sleeper) and provided specialty formula that the mom was unable to afford.

-  Visited a mom who gave birth in the hospital and developed a lung blood clot and almost died. We are helping her with all her special needs.

-  Have a Gabriel mom who has also been part of Family Promise who is thriving, highly motivated and has been spotlighted as the poster child of Family Promise! She says she owes so much to The Gabriel Project. We helped her with a daycare scholarship so she could go to work.

-  Have been coordinating with Family Promise for almost 2 weeks to get shelter for a homeless mom who is 7 weeks pregnant.

-  Blanca Martinez, the outreach counselor from Medicaid Texas Health STEPS (health insurance for babies and children), is now coming the first Wed. of each month at diaper day at The Holy Spirit House to help moms with health insurance questions.

-  Hosted the “Second Time Around” Booth at the Spring Festival on Saturday, April 23. Manuel Rodriguez, Joy Krause and Marianne Naugle were in charge of the booth. $175.00 was made and all proceeds are being donated to SPP School.

-  BBQ Fundraiser and Bake Sale was held on Saturday, April 30 at the Knights of Columbus parking lot for one our Gabriel Project babies. Baby Delia has had two life- saving surgeries since she was born prematurely on Jan. 21, 2016. The mother of Delia wrote us a thank you note saying they are overwhelmed with the generosity. She said they are so pleased with the help from the Knights’ financial contributions and for everyone who brought baked goods for dessert sales. Baby Delia is now on a feeding tube AND bottle feeding 3 times a day. She is up to 10 pounds and is beginning to thrive. Hope she will be able to come home in June.

2.  St. Anne’s Christian Mothers and Alter Society: Have one more meeting before September and that will be a ‘salad and dessert day’ open to spouses.

3.  Welcome Committee-Ministry Awareness Weekend: No report.

4.  Women’s ACTS:

-  Had a very successful retreat and reunion meeting.

-  Had a good turnout for our second Sisterhood ‘connect and reconnect’ evening last Thursday, about 60 women. An evening of music, skits and testimonies.

-  Next retreat director and co-director are Karen Nowlin and Merry Dirienzo. They will begin teaming mid-July and the retreat will be in October.

-  Introduced two new ACTS core members: Marcie Rodriguez, publicity and Ana Rivas, treasurer.

F.  Bob Stewart

1.  Lending Library: No report.

2.  Scouts:

Troop 163: No report

Cub Scouts: No report

3.  Catholic Alliance: No report.

4.  Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School Charitable Trust: No report.

G.  Toby Gualandri

1.  Divine Mercy Cenacle: No report.

2.  Divine Mercy Chaplet: No report

3.  Helping Hands: No report.

4.  Family Promise: No report.

H.  Juanita Lopez

1.  Archives: Continuing to meet monthly and work on same matters.

2.  Saints Peter and Paul School: No report.

3.  Sick and Homebound: No report.

4.  God’s Healing Love: No report.

I.  Curt Hand (by Vanetta)

1.  Bible Study: No report.

2.  RCIA: No report.

3.  CCD: No report.

4.  Catholics for Freedom of Religion:

-  Making plans for observing the 2016 iteration of the U.S. Bishops' call to aFortnight for Freedom,June 21 - July 4. This year's theme is “Witnesses to Freedom" and will highlight stories of several people of faith from around the world. The observance generally involves a Holy Hour, Religious Freedom Prayer Cards in the pews throughout the fortnight, and participation in the 4th of July parade.

-  Planning to host a movie night, June 22 at Alamo Draft House, at which we will screenFor Greater Glory, the story of the Mexican government's persecution of the Catholic Church 90 years ago and the resulting resistance and martyrdom of many faithful Catholics. Proceeds from ticket sales and donations will go to the Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund, which assists the persecuted Christians of the Middle East. To date nearly $10 million has been raised and spent via that fund to provide housing, medical aid, education, and general relief to persecuted Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria and to raise awareness of their plight.

J.  Peter Hudson

1.  PTC: No report.

2.  Bereavement: No report.

3.  Marriage Encounter:

-  Next WWME Weekend is May 13-15 in San Antonio. Space available.

-  Undergoing Leadership discernment.

-  Please pray for San Antonio/Corpus Christi Marriage Encounter.

4.  CYO:

a.  Basketball: No report.

b.  Volleyball: No report.

c.  Baseball: No Report.

K.  Jill Peterek

1.  Healing Ministry: No report.

2.  Rosary Guild: No report.

3.  Prison Visits: No report.

4.  SOS Food Bank: No report.

Note: The following reports were given at the April meeting but were submitted after the cut-off for inclusion in the April minutes. They are included here for the record:

Prison Ministry – Ken Bates took over the ministry about 2 months ago. He reports that usually 2 volunteers per week will go to the jail. On occasion, they are turned away because the jail is understaffed.

Ken plans on contacting Deacon Rusty to see if there may be a date / time available for the Prison Ministry to host an organizational meeting at the parish. If a meeting space is available he would like to have a notice in the bulletin seeking new members/volunteers.

Healing Ministry –Looking for suggestions on how to get the word out about their ministry. Additionally, they would like to make their ministry available to anyone in the community, not just parishioners. They do have some creative ideas they are working on, and may have more information for next month

SOS Food Bank – Colleen Cooper will officially take over later in April and mentioned that the Letter Carrier’s Food Drive is coming up in May.

Rosary Guild – Plan on having a table at the School Spring Festival. Will have free rosaries available and are happy to teach anyone interested how to make their own rosary.

V.  Father Tony Comments

-  Funerals for Mgsr. O’Callahan and Fr. Schwerting will be held at SPP on 5/5 and 5/6, respectively.

-  Vice Principal, Dr. Robsen, has resigned. The position is open for now.

-  The parish made an offer for the house located next to ‘Holy Spirit House’, which was rejected. Appraised value of the property is $73,000 to $78,000.

-  Still adding 10 to 15 families per month to the parish.

-  Statue for the ‘Meditation Entrance’ coming sometime soon. Decision on which way to’face’ the statue is under consideration.

VI.  Other Business: None.

VII.  Next meeting will be June 2nd.

VIII.  Mike Senneway adjourned the meeting at 6:44 PM after the closing prayer.