[WoF]Strategy for War …


WoF are changing their strategy methods slightly – basically we will have 2 war leaders, one for offence, one for defence … these will be nominated in the pre-war meeting on ICQ. The war leaders should have access to Battlecom and be in contact with their teams, not necessarily each other 


Position 1 – Engineer

Position 2 – Soldier / demo

Position 3 – Soldier

Position 4 – Soldier / HW (in 7v7 or 8v8 wars only)

  1. Engineer

FR defence in basement ONLY – there are 4 places a SG can be placed but we are going to try for a FR placement or else a corridor placement at the end of the approach corridor opposite the Spiral area … this is dangerous if the lift area is unattended as medics and demos simply go down and spam …

Put it in the corner right next to the Flag (see picture) – you are the last line of defence, so by the time the enemy gets to you they should be pretty splattered if positions 2-4 have done their jobs right.

Place a dispenser at the FR entrance of one of the 2 corridors – it will slow the enemy down if nothing else, as well as give you a chance to possibly kill them by blowing it up as they approach – especially as they should have a soldier on their arse too.

Do NOT under any circs leave the FR area – you must stay there – (unless you are restocking).

[WoF]Tr@uma has 2 scripts which may help grenades / EMP throwing so see her for details.

  1. Soldier / demo

You will defend in a mobile way, the spiral / lift approaches and either kill or slow the enemy down sufficiently so that they will die upon entering the FR.

Listen to the warning from positions 3 and 4 for where exactly the enemy is coming from. In a 6v6 try and guard the lift approach mainly as position 4 will not exist. Then you can run back to the ramp approach if position 3 is killed n enemy gets through.

  1. Soldier

This position is crucial in a 6v6 and essential in a 7v7 or 8v8 where the enemy has a lot of light classes conc jumping up to the balcony.

Basically your job is to watch the approach to the balcony and kick the hell out of the classes alighting there, warn positions 1 and 2 as to where they are coming down and also assist position 4 (if it exists) in guarding the ramp area. Mainly focus on the respawn approach and the balcony though please .. unless they have soldiers rocket jumping up through the gap in the grating and getting around you – you will have to make that call – you are crucial as it is your damage that should hopefully stop them form getting past the 3rd and 4th lines of defence …

  1. OPTIONAL – Soldier / HW

In a 7v7 or 8v8 war, this is an extra defensive class (or an extra offensive, depends on enemy defences / attacks ).

Stand at top of lift in the doorway if you are a HW guy and DO NOT MOVE FROM THERE – it is impossible to get past a HW guy through that doorway unless they are dead. If you die ensure you warn positions 1 and 2 where the enemy is coming down from.

As a solider, it is important that you defend the lift approach but also that you are more mobile – soldier are sitting targets for other soldiers and must move around … namely on the ramp area and down below – DO NOT CHASE ENEMIES PAST YOUR DEFENSIVE AREA …

Also warn positions 1 and 2 if people get past you.


The defence team has a crucial part to play as always – there must be communication!!!

All defence team should be on 1 battlecom channel – please download it as soon as possible.

If you are unable to get on bcom, please ensure you create key binds appropriate for your position … see [WoF]Tr@uma / [WoF]Ramirez for details.

WoF battlecom server IP = PW = pepsi


Position 5 – Medic / Scout

Position 6 – Medic / scout

Position 7 – Demo/spy - OPTIONAL (depending on numbers)

Position 8 – Demo / spy – OPTIONAL (depending on numbers)

  1. Medic / Scout

Use conc jumps to get across to balcony with position 6 – scout out their defences – try and get an early cap before their defs are up if possible.

The strategy used in attack is going to depend largely on their defences.

Work with 6, 7 and 8 to obtain best strategy - COMMUNICATE

  1. Medic / scout

Use conc jumps to get across to balcony with position 6 – scout out their defences – try and get an early cap before their defs are up if possible.

The strategy used in attack is going to depend largely on their defences.

Work with 5, 7 and 8 to obtain best strategy - COMMUNICATE

  1. Demo / spy / soldier

This depends on the number of players but if we have 7v7 then position 4 goes defensive / mid-field and this one becomes offensive – type of class largely depends on enemy defences but a spy is very useful to knock out SGs and to support position 5 and 6 in getting the flag away. However, a demo will probably be needed to ensure the heavier defs are cleared.

Work with 5,6 and 8 to obtain best strategy - COMMUNICATE

  1. Demo / Medic / Scout / spy / soldier

Again this position depends largely on numbers and type of enemy defences – if these is a large contingence of heavy enemy defs then this class should go demo / spy to support the faster classes. Need to play it by ear and Offensive leader needs to make decisions.

Work with 5,6, and 7 to obtain best strategy - COMMUNICATE


Do NOT attack alone – always with a team or at least 1 other player – it is better to get 5 good flag runs than 8 attacks that do not produce anything.

All attackers should be on attack bcom channel on our WoF bcom server.

WoF battlecom server IP = PW = pepsi


  1. As we have found out, a War is totally time driven and speed, communication etc is absolutely essential.
  1. Do not waste time. Do not attack separately and do not leave your appointed positions unless instructed ..
  1. You will have 2 War Leaders– Ramirez / 1 other – they will make the call on attack, defence etc. Appeal to them if you need help anywhere – watch the screen for messages etc.
  1. Remember the map is only 25 minutes long – we MUST keep an eye on the time – if you are having serious problems with connectivity, let the leaders know and ring in a substitute – we should have enough players now to have one waiting in the wings
  1. It is essential, especially in a 6v6 that we have at least 2 subs – one attack, one defence waiting in gamespy or bcom to get in. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU WATCH THE MATCH ALL THE TIME … alternatively, you could watch it from the MORAT IRC server if the match is on a MORAT server and you will be able to tell if players are dropping and you need to go in.
  1. If you drop and a sub goes straight in, please revert to a sub position … watch the match and remain on bcom or rejoin it … this is essential in case we have other drops …
  1. If you want to play a different position, please let the leaders know – there is NO POINT in playing something you are not happy with – we would MUCH rather lose with everyone happy and playing their hearts out than win than have a lot of unhappy players … PLEASE TALK TO US 
  1. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THESE STRATEGIES, PLEASE LET US KNOW. EITHER BY EMAIL OR ON MB – we are not the type of clan who throws out bad ideas, we are happy to try anything and would rather everyone felt they were contributing 