36 questions

Listening Comprehension

The Logical Answer

Listen to the phrase and choose the most appropriate situation for using the phrase. Circle the corresponding letter: a, b, or c. You will hear each question twice.

(DOK 1) NM.IL.1 – I can understand a few courtesy phrases.

____ 1.

A. You accidently step on someone’s toe.

B. You didn’t quite hear all the instructions

C. You trip and fall in class.

D. You forgot all your pencils at home

E. You are wandering around trying to find the bathroom

____ 2.

A. You accidently step on someone’s toe.

B. You didn’t quite hear all the instructions

C. You trip and fall in class.

D. You forgot all your pencils at home

E. You are wandering around trying to find the bathroom

____ 3.

A. You accidently step on someone’s toe.

B. You didn’t quite hear all the instructions

C. You trip and fall in class.

D. You forgot all your pencils at home

E. You are wandering around trying to find the bathroom

____ 4.

A. You accidently step on someone’s toe.

B. You didn’t quite hear all the instructions.

C. You trip and fall in class.

D. You forgot all your pencils at home

E. You are wandering around trying to find the bathroom

____ 5.

A. You accidently step on someone’s toe.

B. You didn’t quite hear all the instructions

C. You trip and fall in class.

D. You forgot all your pencils at home

E. You are wandering around trying to find the bathroom

____ 6.

A. Your friend sneezes.

B. You didn’t quite hear all the instructions

C. You trip and fall in class.

D. You forgot all your pencils at home

E. You are wandering around trying to find the bathroom

____ 7.

A. You accidently forgot to bring a pencil to class.

B. You are speaking really well.

C. Your friend sneezes

D. You don’t know the answer to the question.

E. You are wandering around trying to find the bathroom

Reading Comprehension

(DOK 2) NL.IR.2 – I can connect some words, phrases, or characters to their meanings.

____ 8. What day(s) does the student have English?

A. Tuesday and Thursday

B. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

C. Thursday and Friday

D. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

____ 9. What period(s) does the student have math on Fridays?

A. à huit heures quarante-cinq

B. à quatorze heures vingt-cinq

C. à onze heures dix

D. à neuf heures vingt-cinq

____ 10. What class(es) does the student have before the first break on Wednesday?

A. Math, PE, and English

B. PE, Science, and Spanish

C. French and a snack

D. Spanish, English, and Science

____ 11. What classes does the student have after lunch on Tuesday?

A. English, Science, and Math

B. Spanish, English, and Science

C. History, Spanish, and English

D. English and Science

____ 12. What time does English start and end on Monday?

A. il commence à treize heures quarante et termine à quatorze heures vingt-cinq

B. il commence à onze heures cinquante-cinq et termine à douze heures vingt-cinq

C. il commence à dix heures dix et termine à dix heures vingt-cinq

D. il commence à huit heures quinze et termine à neuf heures quarante


Mon emploi du temps

Bonjour. Mon nom est Claude Demartine. Je suis de Fort-de-France, la capitale de la Réunion – Une île

tropicale près de Madagascar, en Afrique. Je suis africaine. J'ai 17 ans. Je suis un élève au lycée Jean

Baptiste. Ma classe préférée est l'art. Mon professeur préféré est Mme Valentine, professeur d'anglais.

Dans mon école, mes cours sont les mathématiques, l'anglais, l'art, l'éducation physique, la technologie,

et l'histoire. Pour mes fournitures scolaires, il me faut un ordinateur portable, un crayon, quelques stylos

noirs et bleus, du papier blanc et un livre de ma choix. Dans la matinée, j'ai l'éducation physique, l'anglais

et l'art. Après une courte pause (récréation), j'ai mes activités préférées—le sport et le déjeuner. Dans

l'après-midi, j'ai la technologie, l'histoire et les mathématiques. A la fin de l'école, je vais au club d’anglais.

Mon emploi du temps est fantastique!

____ 13. What is one of the classes that Claude has in the morning?

a. / Science / c. / English
b. / History

____ 14. What is one of the classes that Claude has in the afternoon?

a. / PE / c. / Art
b. / Math

____ 15. What class does his favorite teacher teach?

a. / English / c. / Math
b. / PE

____ 16. What does Claude mention is his favorite?

a. / Technology / c. / Art
b. / English

____ 17. What school supplies does Claude need?

a. / White paper, some pencils, and a calculator / c. / Markers, a folder, and paper
b. / A book, a notebook, and some pens

The Right Choice

Choose the word or expression that best completes each of the following phrases by selecting the word(s) that correspond(s) to the picture. Fill-in the circle of the corresponding letter: a, b, or c.

(DOK 2) NL.PS.2 – I can state the names of familiar people, places, and objects in pictures and posters using words or memorized phrases.

____ 18. Choose the correct article for the following nouns below.

Mon cours préféré est…

a. / les maths / c. / une math
b. / la math / d. / un math

____ 19. Choose the correct article for the following nouns below.

Il me faut ______pour l’anglais.

a. / des livre / c. / de la livre
b. / un livre / d. / une livre

____ 20. Choose the correct article for the following nouns below.

Monsieur Rocque et Lloys ______professeurs.

a. / est un / c. / sont un
b. / est le / d. / sont les

____ 21. Choose the correct article for the following nouns below.

Pour les maths, il me faut…

a. / un calculatrice / c. / une calculatrice
b. / des calculatrice / d. / cinq calculatrice

____ 22. Choose the correct article for the following nouns below.

… est pour les sciences

a. / le cahier / c. / l’ cahier
b. / la cahier / d. / les cahier

____ 23. Choose the correct article for the following nouns below.

Je préfère _____

a. / une français / c. / la français
b. / le français / d. / l’ français

Cultural Awareness

Choose the correct completion for each of the following statements. Circle the corresponding letter: a, b, or c.

(DOK 1) N.CPP.2 – I can identify some common practices related to home and community life of other cultures and my own.

____ 24. Students in France generally have a school year that starts. . .

A. later than in the US.

B. earlier than in the US.

C. about the same time as in the US

____ 25. On most French schedules, students have early out days…

A. on Sundays

B. on Wednesdays or Saturdays

C. on Mondays

____ 26. To address a teacher in the target culture I would be

A. more informal language than they do with friends

B. about the same language as they do with friends

C. more formal language than they do with friends

____ 27. If I have a B in French and go to the France my grade will be a

A. 20 (très bien)

B. 15 (bien)

C. 11 (assez bien)

____ 28. A grade of 7 in France would be a(an) _____ in the United States.

A. A

B. F

C. C

(DOK 1) N.CPP.1 – I can identify some common products related to home and community life of other cultures and my own.

____ 29. One difference between our school schedules and there is

A. we have more classes

B. they have classes six days a week

C. they have more breaks and a longer lunch

____ 30. If I went to school in France, I would…

A. have fewer electives and more required classes

B. have the same amount of time for lunch

C. have the same number and types of classes

____ 31. A common trait of many schools in France is…

A. they are run by big private companies to make money

B. they are private schools, where students wear uniforms

C. they are run by the government as public schools and are free to attend

____ 32. Some products not commonly found in our schools but in the target culture are

A. dark colored clothing and laptops

B. the use of stools for time out in the corner of the class (AU COIN!!!)

C. uniforms and no backpacks

(DOK 1) N.CIA.1 – I can imitate some simple patterns of behavior in familiar settings across cultures.

____ 33. If I were to get home from school in the target culture I would first

A. drop off my things and go out and play

B. greet my parent(s) with “une bise” and tell them about their day

C. eat a snack and watch tv

____ 34. When I am a senior in France, I would get into university by…

A. passing a stressful test called “le baccalauréat”

B. making bien and très bien grades

C. taking the ACT

____ 35. If I were in the target culture, where would I most likely have lunch?

A. at school, but I would bring a home lunch

B. at home with my parents and family

C. at school in the cafeteria

____ 36. What would most likely happen if I talked a lot in class in the target culture?

A. I would be told to please be quiet

B. I would be sent to the corner for the disruption

C. I would be sent to the principal’s office

Name______Class Period_____

Writing Comprehension

Email to Daniel

(DOK 3) NL.PW.2 – I can write words and phrases that I have learned.

NM.PW.2 – I can write about myself using learned phrases and memorized expressions.

NM.PW.3 – I can list my daily activities and write lists that help me in my day-to-day life.

Write an email to send to your pen pal Daniel from France. Make sure to include the following information to pass:

-Say hello to Daniel.

-Ask him how he is.

-Tell him how you are doing.

-Say what classes you are taking at Lakeridge.

-Say what time you have a few classes.

-Say what time you have lunch.

-Tell him what classes and teachers you like.

-List some of the items you need for a few classes.

*Note: feel free to add any other French you would like. You are being graded on content, not necessarily spelling, but do your best. You could include colors, politeness words, ask questions, or describe your school.

Objectives tested with passports:

NL.IC.2 – I can introduce myself to someone.

Answer Sheet


1.  D Est-ce que je peux prêter un crayon?

2.  A Je suis désolé

3.  E Excusez-moi, où sont les toilettes?

4.  B Répétez les instructions s’il vous plaît!

5.  C Merci beaucoup!

6.  A À tes souhaits!

7.  D Tu peux m’aider s’il vous plaît?


8.  B

9.  D

10.  C

11.  D

12.  A

13.  C

14.  B

15.  A

16.  C

17.  B


18.  A

19.  B

20.  D

21.  C

22.  A

23.  B


24.  A

25.  B

26.  C

27.  B

28.  B


29.  C

30.  A

31.  C

32.  B


33.  B

34.  A

35.  C

36.  B


Responses will vary (4 points)