Form of Application for Registration of Cooperative Society in the Union Territory of Delhi


The Registrar,

Cooperative Societies,

Delhi Administration,


We the undersigned submit herewith a proposal for the registration of the Cooperative Society particulars of which are given below along with enclosures as indicated below :-

1. / Name of the proposed Society / ………………………………………
2. / Address to be Registered / ………………………………………
3. / Whether Liability Limited or Unlimited / ………………………………………
4. / Area of Operation / ………………………………………
5. / Objects of the Society / ………………………………………
6. / Total shares to be subscribed and raised / ………………………………………
7. / No. of shares to be issued for subscription and face value of each share / ………………………………………
8. / No. of shares issued up to the time of application and the total paid up share capital at this date. / ………………………………………
9. / Extent of liability of members over and above the value of shares held by each of them / ………………………………………
10. / Entrance fee collected / ………………………………………
11. / Amount deposited in the Delhi State Cooperative Bank Ltd. / ………………………………………
12. / Language in which accounts or proceedings of the meetings shall be kept / ………………………………………
13. / List of documents enclosed (see sub-rule) (i) of rule (6) / ………………………………………

We declare that the statements given above including that given in the enclosures are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and nothing material has been concealed there from or mis-represented there on:-

S. No / Full Name / Whether individual or corporate body / Age / Nationa-lity / Place of Residence / No. of shares subscribed & the amount paid in the share capital / Signature (where thumb impression) name & address & signature of two witnesses


Certified that all the persons who have signed the application are personally known to me and have signed in my presence.

Signature of the President/Secretary

Certified that President and Secretary are known to me and they have signed in my presence.

Signature of gazetted office


Name and address of applicant elected as members of Managing Committee

S. No. / Name / Address / Occupation / Office to which elected / Signature


The above persons have signed in my presence who were indentified by Shri……………………………… ………………………………………………………………… who is personally known to me .


(with Rubber Stamp)

Gazetted Officer/M.P./ M.L.A.