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  • Please use the help document “Important Publication Guidelines“ (see Downloads)
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Page 1(this is a right page)

When you open the first page of your book, it is a page on the right. It is usually a blank page. This page does not show a page number.

If for some reason a page number is visible, you can simply cover it with a white box (see also “Important Publishing Guidelines” in Downloads).

Instead of a blank page, you may also show:

-a picture of the author, a short text about the author or the book

-your inspiration why you wrote this book

-anything else you want – after all it is your book!

Page 2(left page)

You have turned a page and you are now on a left page.

Usually this is a blank page or it contains any of this information:

to whom the book is dedicated to

what inspired you to write thebook

a picture

This page does not show a page number.

Page 3(right page)

This page contains the following:

Name ofAuthor






This page does not show a page number.

Page 4 (left page)

Page 4 contains the acknowledgements of the book. You may show all persons that have contributed to your book. Mention of the copyright holder is mandatory.

The ISBN is not compulsory.

© 2016 Name of Author

Cover, Illustrations: Name of illustrator

Editing: Name of editor

Translation:Name of translator

Other contributors: Names of other contributors

Publisher: tredition


PaperbackISBN Paperback

HardcoverISBN Hardcover

eBookISBN eBook

All rights reserved

Page 5 (right page)

This page normally contains a table of content. If you don’t want your book to have a table of content, simply delete this and the following page. Start with your text on this page then.

The table of content is automatically created because the headings are formatted accordingly. How to do this, refer to the document “Important Publishing Guidelines”.

Table ofcontent

Chapter 1 – Style Heading 1

Chapter 1.1 – Style Heading 2

Chapter 1.1.1 – Style Heading 3

Chapter 2 – Style Heading 2

Chapter 2.1 – Style Heading 2

Chapter 2.1.1 – Style Heading 3

Chapter 2.1.2 – Style Heading 3

Further information

Page 6 (left page)

This page contains the following:




The text should start on a right page (an odd page number). If your table of content only takes up one page and you do not have a preface, introduction or else, this page stays blank. Your text will then begin on page 7.

Again, there is no page number, unless you have no table of contents and your text of the book already started on page 5.

Page 7 (right page)

Beginning of text (page numbering usually starts here)

Chapter 1 – Style Heading 1


ith an initial you can begin each chapter with an eyecatcher. An initial is a decorative element in capital letters. It normally has the height of three lines. If you use initials, please make sure you use them evenly and in the same size throughout your book. You can find further help how to use initials in our “Important Publishing Guidelines”.

Chapter 1.1 – Style Heading 2

Please notice that the first line of a paragraph is indented. We recommend 0.2 inch. You can find further help how to use indentation in our “Important Publishing Guidelines“.

Chapter 1.1.1 – Style Heading 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlaboreetdolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubergren.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumy

And so on…

Chapter 2 – Style Heading 2


nd here starts chapter 2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlaboreetdolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubergren.

Chapter 2.1 – Style Heading 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlaboreetdolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubergren.

Chapter 2.1.1 – Style Heading3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlaboreetdolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubergren.

Chapter 2.1.2 – Style Heading 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlaboreetdolore magna



Further information

Please add as many pages as necessary at the end of your book in order to make the total number of pages divisible by 4 (simply press"Ctrl + Return" = pagination). It is necessary due to printing requirements. These last blank pages are not numbered.