




1. Plant Materials Collection Guide. December 2003.

2. Plants for Pollinators in the Intermountain West. October 2007.

3. Cover Crops. June 1993.

4.  Reading Seed Packaging Labels - Calculating Seed Mixtures (PLS - Pure Live Seed). Oct 2002.

5. Riparian Buffer Design and Species Consideration. June 2007.

6. The Stinger - A Tool to Plant Unrooted Hardwood Cuttings. June 1994.

7. Mixing Seed with Rice Hulls. May 2005.

8. Alfalfa Management Guide. April 2007.

9. Plants for Saline to Sodic Soil Conditions. February 2004.

10. Pasture and Range Seedings. January 2008.

11. Idaho Forage Handbook, Third Edition. May 2005.

12. Guidelines for Determining Stand Establishment on Pasture, Range and Conservation Seedings.

January 2008.

13. Harvesting, Propagating and Planting Wetland Plants. December 2003.

14. Seed Production Standards for Conservation Plants in the Intermountain West. December 2001.

15. Managing Black Greasewood Sites. February 2007.

16 – 17.

18. Basic Biology, Distribution and Vegetative Suppression of Four Knapweed Species. July 2004.

19.  Calibrating a Seed Drill for Conservation Plantings. April 2007.

20. Calibrating the Truax Rough Rider Drill for Restoration Plantings. December 2007.

21. Planting Willow and Cottonwood Poles under Rock Riprap. January 2008


23.  How to Plant Willows and Cottonwoods for Riparian Rehabilitation. January 2007.

24.  Grass, Grass-Like, Forb, Legume and Woody Species for the Intermountain West. Jan. 2008.

Supplement - Intermountain Planting Guide. 2001.

25. Function and Operation of a Machine to Lay Weed Barrier Fabric. June 2006.


27. Plant Germplasm Development: Traditional and Alternative Approaches. December 2006.

28. Glossary of Terms for Use in Plant Materials. January 2008.

29. Wildfire Revegetation Effectiveness – Evaluation of EWP Projects in ID and OR.

September 2004.

30. Perennial Ryegrass for Irrigated Pasture in the Intermountain West. April 2008.

31. Two-Year Results from Switchgrass Seeding Trial. October 1996.

32. Users Guide to Description, Propagation, and Establishment of Native Shrubs and Trees for

Riparian Areas in the Intermountain West. February 2000.

33. Plant and Seed Vendors for ID-MT-NV-E. OR-UT-E. WA-WY. January 2008.

34. Guidelines to Reduce Rodent Damage While Establishing Windbreaks. April 1999.

35. A Quick Method to Estimate Germination Percentages for Seed Species. March 2000.

36. Optimize Forage Quality by Afternoon Harvesting. May 2004.

37. Hybrid Poplar – An Alternative Crop for the Intermountain West. January 2001.

38.  Users Guide to Description, Propagation and Establishment of Wetland Plant Species and

Grasses for Riparian Areas in the Intermountain West. February 2001.

39. Waterjet Stinger: A Tool to Plant Dormant Unrooted Cuttings of Willow, Cottonwood,

Dogwood and Other Species. February 2001.

40.  Biology, History, and Suppression of Reed Canarygrass. February 2001.

41. Restoration and Diversification of Plant Communities with Woody Plants. April 2002.

42. Willow Clump Plantings. December 2003.

43. Tree and Shrub Planting, Care and Management. October 2007.

44. Using Windbreaks to Reduce Odors Associated with Livestock Production Facilities. July 2005.

45. Temporary Storage and Handling of Container, Bareroot and Cutting Stock. July 2005.

46. Proper Installation, Maintenance and Removal of Rigid Seedling Protector Tubes. April 2004.

47.  History, Biology, Ecology, Suppression, and Revegetation of Russian-Olive Sites. March 2002.

48.  Emerald Ash Borer. December 2004.

49.  Weed Control in Woody Plantings: Herbicides and Application Techniques. June 2006.

50.  Conservation Shrubs and Trees for the Intermountain West. January 2008.