SAR Call for Workshop Presentations - Abdominal Radiology Course 2013
February 24 – March 1, 2013
Grand Wailea Resort Hotel and Spa, Maui, Hawaii
GI Topic Request Form
Please return this form by e-mail to Dr. Desiree Morgan at
by May 7, 2012.
/Society Membership
Deadline for Response: May 7, 2012
· In the table below, list the topic and/or workshop title which you would like to present. NOTE: You can only submit one workshop request per form; however, if you would like to submit multiple workshop topics for consideration, you can submit multiple forms.
· Please provide any year in which you have presented this topic at a prior ARC meeting. If it is a new topic for you, state “new”.
· Please indicate suggested co-presenter(s) for your workshop topic, if applicable. All workshop presenters must be a member of the SAR, ESGAR or ESUR.
· Please indicate the Practice Gap that the workshop will address. In other words, why is there a need for education on this topic? (Refer to the list of practice gaps on page 3.)
· Please provide a reference or justification in support of each specified Practice Gap.
Topic/Title/(Track if applicable) / Years Given / Co-Presenter Name and EmailPractice Gap this workshop addresses: / Reference or justification in support of this Practice Gap:
Please mark the date(s) that you are available to present:
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 Thursday, February 28, 2013
Self Assessment Modules
If you are interested in presenting this workshop as a Self Assessment Module (SAM), please indicate your interest and understanding of the additional requirements below:
As a SAM presenter, I understand that I would need to develop five questions for my workshop and supply the correct answers, justifications for the correct answer choice, and references in support of the justification. I further understand that I would need to submit an abstract or list of educational objectives for my presentation in addition to the completed Full Content (PowerPoint presentation) by July 1 if my workshop is selected for a SAM.
I understand the requirements listed above and I am interested in presenting this workshop as a SAM. I further understand that indicating interest here does not gaurantee that my workshop will be selected for SAM presentation.
Please return this form by e-mail to: Dr. Desiree Morgan at .
Abdominal Radiology Course 2013
Essentials in Abdominal Imaging Workshop Track Request Form
/· In the table below, indicate the topics which you would like to present within this track.
· Please provide any year in which you have presented a similar topic at a prior ARC meeting. If it is a new topic for you, state “new”.
· Please indicate suggested co-presenter(s) for workshop topics of interest to you, if applicable. All workshop presenters must be a member of the SAR, ESGAR or ESUR.
Indicate Interest / Workshop Session / Topic/Title / Years Given / Co-Presenter Name and EmailTuesday, February 26, 2013 – GU: Reproductive/Endocrine
/ I / Female Pelvis: Uterus (Benign and Malignant)
/ II / Female Pelvis: Adnexa (Benign and Malignant)
/ III / Adrenal
/ IV / Male Pelvis (Testis/Penis)
/ V / Obstetrical Imaging —Early Pregnancyand Complications; Maybe Some Congenital Topics
/ VI / IV Contrast Material
Thursday, February 28, 2013 – GI: Solid Organs
/ VII / Liver: Diffuse Disease
/ VIII / Liver: Focal Benign and Malignant Disease
/ IX / Pancreas (To Include Inflammation, Congenital Variants)
/ X / Pancreas (Masses—Benign and Malignant)
/ XI / Biliary/GB (To IncludeInflammation, Masses, Congenital Anomalies)
/ XII / Spleen/Peritoneum (All Conditions)
/ XIII / Multi-system Disorders (Trauma, Acute Conditions, Hernias—Including Internal, Obstruction)
Please return this form by e-mail to:
Dr. Desiree Morgan at .
Abdominal Radiology Course 2013
Practice Gaps
Workshops should help attendees address one or more of the following practice gaps; please indicate which practice gap(s) your proposed workshop(s) will address on the first page of this form.
Note: The actual practice gap is the material that constitutes the gap and the words in parentheses are action words associated with the gap.
1. (Gain) information regarding new developments in basic and medical sciences affecting radiology.
2. (Learn and apply) new information concerning practice standards and protocols in gastrointestinal radiology, genitourinary imaging, diagnostic imaging, interventional radiology and oncologic imaging.
3. (Assimilate and maintain) radiologic practice standards that apply the highest values insafety, quality, and professionalism.
4. (Develop and maintain) paths to research and academic medicine in radiology.
5. (Embody) skills necessary to practicephysician leadership in health care management.
Additional Information for Consideration
Presenters will need to provide their own laptops on-site for their presentation(s).However, LCD projectors will be supplied.
Workshop presenters are required to submit a handout for the online course syllabus. If your workshop topic is selected, the deadline to submit your syllabus material will be, Wednesday, January 2, 2013. If you will not be able to meet this requirement, do not submit a workshop request.
Workshop presenters are also responsible for paying all registration, travel and accommodation expenses for the Abdominal Radiology Course.