Olympic College

President's Cabinet Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2014

Committee Members in Attendance: David Mitchell, Joan Hanten, Damon Bell, Mary Garguile, Lynnette DeShaw, Chris Stokke

Regrets: Bruce Riveland

Safety and Security Report

Ed Call reported a Clery Act reportable incident; it is the first reportable event in quite some time that was not a motor vehicle event. The Bremerton Police Department was contacted; they have opened an active case.

Ed reported that ongoing projects – duress alarms in Student Services and in instructional areas – are being completed in a timely manner. The “Active Shooter Table Top Exercise” is scheduled for Tuesday, April 29th; it will take place in lieu of a Cabinet meeting. Ed reviewed the “Three Deep” position staffing plan. He noted the building of the Emergency Operations Center Start-Up Kit with job aids (position task books and checklists).

Use of President’s Discretionary Funds

Dr. Mitchell reported that the President’s Discretionary Fund is to be used to build community and college relations. If there are questions as to whether the activity qualifies, please contact the Director of Business Services, Janell Whiteley (x 7504). Dr. Mitchell suggested that each Vice President have a $500 annual budget and requested that a record of how the discretionary money is used be completed.

Community College Forum Research Project

Dr. Mitchell would like research project ideas by the end of the month. Mary Garguile said she would talk with the deans and come up with some ideas; she will share those ideas at the next Council meeting.

Diversity Conference – Yakima

Damon Bell will be attending the 2014 Educational Attainment for All Diversity Conference, to be held on Wednesday, April 16th, at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences in Yakima, WA. It is being organized by the WA Student Achievement Council.

Vision Conference

Dr. Mitchell would like to schedule a mid-process debriefing meeting to review the information that will be presented to people who will be attending the Vision Conference on April 11th.

Center for Teaching and Learning

Dr. Mitchell noted that the Center for Teaching and Learning needs to be a welcoming space. He suggested that some furniture and signage might help with that.

CCNE Site Evaluation

The CCNE Site Evaluation team will be on campus March 12-14th. They will be welcomed on Wednesday morning and meet with Dr. Mitchell and Mary Garguile prior to beginning their evaluation. On Friday, they will hold an Exit meeting.

Faculty Council Meeting

Chris Stokke reported that Affiliate Adjunct Faculty applications were being prepared and hopes to send them out this week; they will be due April 1st. Contracts will not be announced until August, 2014. Dr. Mitchell suggested the contract be reviewed by Bruce Marvin, Joan Hanten, and Lynnette DeShaw.

Chris also reported that the faculty-sponsored end-of-quarter party is next Thursday from 11 AM – 2 PM in the Faculty Lounge.

The Aspen Prize

Mary Garguile reported that Sharon Cline is completing and will submit the application for the Aspen Prize this week.

Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.