Equity & Services Council Meeting

November 7, 2016


SURC 236

Call To Order:

This meeting is called to order at 4:03 PM on November 7, 2016

Roll Call:

ABLE: Present

AUAP: Present

BSU: Present

EQuAl: Present

FASA: Not Present

FGSO: Present

MEChA: Present

Approval of Minutes:

·  October 17, 2016

Motion to approve the minutes for October 24, 2016 with the noted corrections.

So moved by BSU

Seconded by EQuAl

Motion passes 6-0-0

Additions or Corrections to Agenda:

Washington DC Service Learning Project Funds Request added to Old Business

Approval of Agenda:

Motion to approve the agenda for October 24, 2016

So moved by EQuAl

Seconded by ABLE

Motion passes 6-0-0

Executive Board Report:

·  Chair: Andrea Saavedra

I’ve been working with Morgan and Malia on Friendsgiving. Our office is also drafting a letter regarding the importance of diversity in academia that will be sent to Faculty Senate.

·  Executive Assistant: Morgan Leblanc

As Andrea stated I’ve been focusing on the letter and on Friendsgiving.

·  Community Programmer: Malia Caswell

We’ve been preparing for Friendsgiving. Morgan and I are going to go and do some shopping tomorrow for that event. We’re also still looking for someone to help run the Hurricane Matthew fundraiser.

·  Advisor: Michelle Cyrus

Native American Open House is this Wednesday, November 9th in the Dean Hall Lobby. There will be Native American style cuisine, storytelling, and a drum group. We want as many people to come out and enjoy it, so tell your friends and family. On November 17th we have Parade of Nations at 7:00 pm in the SURC Ballroom. If you know anyone that wants to participate send them our way because we want as many people as we can get.

I also want to remind you to get your funds request and food justifications in as soon as you can. We’ve been having some issues with the travel credit card and it may not be an option in the future, so it’s important to get your requests in now so there won’t be any issues.

Org Reports:

·  BSU

We’re going to the SISTERS and Brother 2 Brother reception tonight. Other than that we’re just working on our Cake Pop Sales for next week.


Not present to report.

·  EQuAL

We have already started planning for Pride. This week we have a Student Game Night in the Student Village MPR. It will be on Tuesday at 5:00 pm.

·  MEChA

We have our Tamales sale and they are tabling from 12:00-3:00 pm. We’re making them this weekend and could use help making them if you want. We’re also starting to work on our APA meeting which is on Saturday November 19th. We also have Carlos Andres Gomez coming in on November 18th to perform and speak. We’re also preparing for our Parade of Nations performance.


We have been focusing on our Police Brutality round table. We’re planning on having an officer come into our meeting to talk about the issue before we actually have the discussion. We’re also focusing on another campaign about Guide Dog Awareness and how to act around a guide dog.


We didn’t have a meeting last week we just went to BOO Central.


We’ve been focusing on our volunteering a lot as always. And we are just now starting to focus on planning a field trip for our students to different businesses around Ellensburg to give them exposure to how businesses function in America.

Old Business:

·  Dia De Los Muertos

The event turned out great and we saw a lot of the different Org’s members showing up.

·  Washington DC Service Learning Project

Further questions were asked about how the Service Learning Project applies to ESC and its mission in order to clarify the exact purpose of the trip.

New Business:

·  Vote

The election is tomorrow, and it’s a very important election. Make sure that you all get out and rock that vote.

·  ESC Logo Contest

Push the logo contest as hard as you can! We want ESC to have an awesome, creative logo! There’s going to be a prize and the submission deadline is December 2nd.

·  Friendsgiving

Friendsgiving is next Tuesday at 500 pm! Its potluck style so make sure that you’re all bringing a plate!

·  Native American Open House

Native American Open House is this week and we want to see as many of you there as we can! We want NASA to become an Org again and this is a wonderful chance for us to show them that we support them.


Clubpalooza is this Thursday from 4:00-8:00 pm! Everyone has a table and it’s a great chance to socialize and recruit new members for your org.

Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted to Andrea Saavedra in person or via email . Public comments may also be presented at the time of the meeting


Motion to adjourn this meeting at 4:46

So moved by EQuAl

Seconded by ABLE

Motion passes 6-0-0