CCSS Legislative Analyst Contract
This agreement entered into on the below signed date by and between the California Council for the Social Studies, hereinafter known as “CCSS”, and the Law Offices of Fred Jones, hereinafter known as the “contractor.”
Whereas, CCSS has a need for monitoring, educating, and communicating with the State Department of Education, State Board of Education, the California Legislature and Governor, and the members and supporters of CCSS…
The contractor agrees to perform services for CCSS between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 as follows:
- Contractor shall provide CCSS Public Relations and Promotional Services to raise the profile and credibility of CCSS in the public and among its own membership.
- Contractor shall serve as retained legal counsel for CCSS.
- Contractor (when directed by the Executive Committee, Executive Director, and/or Board of Directors) will speak on behalf of CCSSin public, regulatory and/or legislative hearings and events.
- Contractor will attend state administrative and policy-setting meetings that pertain to standards based history-social science when appropriate.
- Contractor will assist CCSS in letter writing campaigns to promote standards based history-social science.
- Contractor will provide quarterly (August, Jan., March, May), concise written reports submitted to the Executive Director for the purpose of communication with board members and general membership.
- Contractor will monitor and notify CCSS of pending legislation that could have potential impact on standards based history-social science education.
- Contractor will contact the Executive Director, President, President –Elect, Immediate Past President and Government Relations Chair when CCSS action should be taken.
Total Payment: $20,000. The contractor has agreed to receive a split payment provided by CCSS and partnering organization, California Council for Economic Education (CCEE). As a result, CCSS will issue payment for 3 installments($15,000) upon receipt of three separate invoices in the amount of $5,000 each; CCEE has agreed to pay one installment in the amount of $5,000. In the event CCEE resigns to cover the agreed installment of $5,000, CCSS agrees to cover this amount.
Travel expenses to attend CCSS meetings will be reimbursed per invoice; not to exceed $2,500 over the contract term.
Fred Jones - Contractor Signature ______Date ______
Mary Janxzen – 2018-19 PresidentSignature ______Date ______
CCSS Legislative Analyst Contract
Avi Black - CCSS Executive DirectorSignature ______Date ______