2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 318
VOICE/TTY (703) 228-7096


May 21, 2013
6:15 PM
Azalea Conference room
Type of meeting / Regular monthly meeting.
Staff / Anna Maynard
Members present / David Peterson; Doris Ray; Bill Staderman; Alexa Mavoroidis; Elizabeth Akinola; Lee Jones
members absent / Scott Mooney; Cathryn Bonnette
3 minutes per speaker
Public commment
Speaker / None
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline

Agenda Items

20 minutes
Accessiblity audit of county facilities
raul torres, asst. co. mgr.Antonio Acevedo, human Rights Office
discussion / The Commission was briefed on an audit that was undertaken to review the accessibility and ADA compliance of the fifty-nine buildings not surveyed by the Department of Justice in the 2006 Project Civic Access audit. Once complete, the audit data will be used to develop a plan to remediate the issues in the buildings and bring all County programs into compliance. The staff is asking for Commission input and support for a set of criteria to be used to develop a strategy for remediation. The following criteria are proposed:
1 Frequency of Use = Many visitors or patrons/year.
The team suggests that Frequency of Use be the number one criterion. The criterion refers to the number of visitors or patrons a facility receives each year. The County wishes to make a positive impact on the public access to facilities that are used by the most patrons as soon as possible.
Staff will receive input from the administrators of the services and programs at the locations to determine or estimate the number of visitors to the facility.
2 Strategic = Available only at one (1) location and cannot be moved or relocated.
This proposed criterion is based on whether the program or service provided in the facility is available at any other County location; whether or not there is an accessible alternative that would allow the County to relocate the program or service.
Under this proposed criterion, facilities that house unique programs and services that could not be moved to another location will be ranked Higher; facilities where persons can be directed to receive the service at another location will be ranked lower.
3 Viable = How long the County plans to remain in the facility at least five (5) years
As suggested, a facility would rank higher if the County is certain that it would remain in the current facility due to either lease agreement or ownership and the facility is not in the plans for demolition or relocation. This criterion is important to ensure County funds will be spent first on buildings where work would make a lasting and meaningful impact in a facility that will remain in use. Departments operating services and programs in non- viable locations will have to continue making accommodations for customers with disabilities in order to provide their services. Leases will be reviewed to determine the length of the stay.
4 Feasible = Easier to make improvement
We propose that by focusing on the most feasible facilities first, the County can perform quick and easy repairs to remedy the accessibility condition within the current facilities maintenance funds and internal expertise, while making the location accessible as quickly as possible. The buildings that are easy to remedy will be ranked Higher; Buildings where remedies are physically less practical, (Impact to facility operation, very difficult to fix and costly) will be ranked Lower.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
The Commission voted to support the criteria as presented, with the understanding that the ACDAC will continue to be involved and informed as the project progresses. / DES and Human Rights Staff / Periodic updates
10 minutes
affordable housing study update
david peterson, chair
David Peterson updated the Commission on the initial meetings of the Affordable Housing Study Workgroup. The Group is comprised of representatives from a number of County boards and commissions and other stakeholders. Mr. Peterson will continue to update the ACDAC as the study moves along.
15 minutes
old business
item / Letter of support for COG curb ramp/crossing grant
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Letter sent.
15 minutes
new business
item / Approval of minutes
Minutes approved.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
item / Regional Grants to Disability Groups application and award process
discussion / Deferred until next meeting
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
This item will carryover / Ongoing
Staff will re-send application packet for member review / Anna Maynard
10 minutes
liaison reports
David Peterson reported that he met with Arlington County Board Chair and ACDAC liaison, Walter Tejada, regarding membership applications and lack of appointments. Mr. Peterson will interview prospective applicants and make recommendations to Mr. Tejada for appointment.
Adjourn / 8:50 PM
Next Meeting / June 18, 2013 6:15 PM
2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Conference Room Azalea (A) Lobby Level