Salary Review Procedure

(lecturer and management spine staff)


1 Introduction
2 Salary Scales and Fixed Points
3 Fixed Point
4 Top of Salary Scale
5 Target Setting and Achievement
6 CLEF/Managers
7 Director/Assistant Principal/Deputy Principal/Principal (S.P.H)
8 Procedure / 1
AppendicesAppendix A - Application for Staff Review / 3
Appendix B - Lecturer Posts - Job Descriptions / 6
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May 2014 / Ref:POL0036

Salary Review Procedure

(lecturer and management spine staff)

1 Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate a salary review where there is a justifiable reason for doing so. For example, a demonstrable increase in an employee's role and/or responsibilities.

1.2 The procedure will therefore identify the stages and timescales associated with salary reviews.

1.3 All salary review applications must be submitted to their line manager between 1st and 28th February unless there is an extenuating reason for doing otherwise. For example, staff leaving, internal restructuring or re-allocation of roles and/or responsibilities or as a result of a formal review (appraisal).

1.4 Staff must have completed one year’s service prior to submitting an application for salary review.

1.5 Salary review outcomes will be made known following ratification at the next Corporation meeting. The date of commencement of any new salary will be made known to the applicant by letter from the panel. It will not be retrospective.

1.6 When considering salary reviews the senior management team (SMT) will take into account the College's financial position and its ability to pay.

1.7 The only form to be used when undertaking a salary review is presented at Appendix A, Application for Staff Salary Review. Please complete page 1 and pass to Head of School to complete page 2 before submitting both pages.

1.8 Any appeals made against the outcome of a salary review procedure must be made in accordance with the College's staff grievance procedure, copies can be obtained from Personnel or the Intranet.

2 Salary Scales and Fixed Points

2.1 All staff will be appointed to a fixed point within a salary scale (or lecturer band).
2.2 Usually the appointment would be to the bottom point of the salary scale unless market forces decree otherwise.
2.3 In exceptional circumstances, staff who reach the top of their salary scale can progress through this to the next scale following a salary review.

3 Fixed Point

3.1 All staff are appointed to a fixed point within a salary scale. To progress to the next point within the scale, staff must submit an application for salary and achieve a successful outcome.

3.2 There will not usually be progress beyond to top of the scale.

3.3 All salary reviews must be supported by the Head of School, to progress to the Director. Unsupported applications should be returned to the applicant by the Head with and explanation.

3.4 Should the Director support the application, it will progress to the Senior Management Panel.

4 Top of Salary Scale

4.1 On reaching the top of the band or scale staff can only progress through this on the recommendation of a Manager or Director, which is only the start of the process. Application is to the appropriate Director, who in turn, brings it to the attention of the Review Panel.

4.2 Lecturers with a maximum incremental point of 14 or 15 should follow the process for banded staff if they wish to be considered for progression through to point 16.

4.3 When making an application, lecturers should ensure that they match their case to the relevant job description, band A, B or C, see appendix B and complete the application form in full.

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Salary Review Procedure

(lecturer and management spine staff)

5 Target Setting & Achievement

5.1 Line Managers when conducting appraisals should in discussion with the appraisee consider setting some targets which would stretch the role of the appraisee and which could be used as demonstrable evidence to prove/negate a claim under salary review.

5.2 Not all appraisees will be suitable for such stretch target setting or have the desire to participate in this process.

5.3 The achievement of appraisal targets in line with the job role will be acceptable to submit as one form of evidence.

5.4 Objective stretch targets could include:

·  Achievement of qualifications as specified for new starters by the job description/person specification as requirements of the post holder

·  The assumption of extra responsibilities

·  Introduction of new work practices/processes

·  Leading of specific groups/areas

·  Long term cover for higher ranking colleagues

·  Success rates and retention.

This list is not exhaustive.

6 CLEF/Managers

6.1 Heads salary reviews will be considered by the appropriate Director/Assistant Principal/Deputy Principal/Principal and an 'Application for Staff Salary Review' form should be completed. Only individuals at the top of the 'banded scale' will be considered for salary review. The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will have to give their approval, but the Principal's decision is final.

7 Director/Assistant Principal/Deputy Principal/Principal (S.P.H) *

7.1 Director/Assistant Principal/Deputy Principal/Principal: their salary reviews will be a matter solely for the Corporation.

*Designated senior postholders

8 Procedure

·  Stage 1:

Member of staff completes section 1 of an 'Application for Staff Salary Review' and passes to their line manager by 28 February.

·  Stage 2:

The Manager (where applicable) completes section 2 of the form.

·  Stage 3: (recommendation stage)

The Director/Deputy Principal/Vice Principal completes section 3 of the form.

·  Stage 4: (approval/non-approval stage)

The senior management team (SMT) considers the proposal at their first scheduled meeting in June and completes section 4. All salary review recommendations are then submitted to the Corporation as part of the budget recommendation for approval. The outcome of this meeting will be communicated to the member of staff concerned by the Principal in writing (prepared by the Deputy Principal).

Principal ¾

May 2014 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0036

Salary Review Procedure

(lecturer and management spine staff)

Appendix A

Application for Staff Salary Review

Section 1A - to be completed by staff member

Staff Name:
Curriculum Area/Job Role:
Post Held:
Grade/Band: / Point on spine/scale: / Current Salary: / £ / p.a
Completed one years service?: Yes / No / FTE:
Currently barred at this point?: Yes / No / Year salary bar reached:
Proposed new point on spine: / Proposed new salary bar point: / Proposed salary: / £ / p.a

Reasons for Proposal: (Continue overleaf if necessary)

Signed / Date


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Salary Review Procedure

(lecturer and management spine staff)

Appendix A

Section 1B

Review of Performance

Annual Record

Performance Development
Review / A / B / C / Comments
Learner Attendance Record for last 12 months / >95% / 80 – 95% / < 80%
Class contact hours, efficiency (Please attach evidence from work loading report) / 100% / 95% - 99% / < 95%
Student success rates against National benchmark / NBM + 10%+ / NBM + 5%-9% / = NBM
+ 0 – 4%
All students enrolled on Register & Learner Agreement completed / 100% / 100% >
Teaching Role
Course co-ordinator for / List Courses
Dates of last 3 teaching observation and grade / Date / Observer / Grade
Any disciplinary action during last 12 months
May 2014 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0036

Salary Review Procedure

(lecturer and management spine staff)

Appendix A

Section 2 – Head


Signature: / Date:
Reasons for supporting/not supporting
linked to Strategic Plan Job Role:

Section 3 – Assistant Principal/Deputy Principal

Approved Subject to Budget

Yes / No

Signature: / Date:
Reasons for approval/non approval:
Other options suggested:
May 2014 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0036

Salary Review Procedure

(lecturer and management spine staff)

Appendix A

Lecturer Posts - Job Descriptions

Lecturer - Band A

The person appointed to a Lecturers Band A post will undertake assigned duties and responsibilities effectively and efficiently, ensuring that their duties are carried out according to the regulatory and legislative requirements to which the College is subject and with full regard for the College's Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety requirements and subject to all College Policies and Procedures.

Lecturer Band A may be required to undertake any of the duties described below:

1 To teach subject(s) at levels appropriate to his/her qualifications and experience at any location where the College conducts its business. This includes classroom/laboratory/workshop teaching, tutorial work, outreach, residential and open or distance learning courses, full cost work and work placements.

2 To undertake all necessary planning, preparation and assessment to ensure effective and efficient teaching and to satisfy external body requirements.

3 To undertake all necessary administrative tasks associated with learner registration, attendance, record keeping and reporting.

4 To be a member of relevant team(s), attend team meetings and contribute to quality assurance systems and procedures including review and evaluation.

5 To provide appropriate pre and on-course guidance to support learners through to successful completion.

6 To contribute to appropriate curriculum development initiatives, evaluation of courses and course materials, and preparation of submissions.

7 To act as a subject tutor, undertaking the duties associated with that position including course management and organisation, learner interviews and enrolment, marketing and public relations associated with the course.

8 To participate in staff review and undertake CPD based on identified individual needs.

Lecturer - Band B

A person appointed to a Lecturer Band B post may be required to undertake any of the duties described for a Lecturer Band A and any of the following duties:

1 To act as a course tutor and leading a course team.

2 To prepare relevant submissions and liaise with accrediting bodies.

3 To liaise with schools, industry, the community and other organisation to identify customer requirements, promote the College and recruit learners.

4 To undertake Internal Verification/Moderation duties and to implement College Quality Assurance processes and procedures for learning programmes.

May 2014 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0036

Salary Review Procedure

(lecturer and management spine staff)

Appendix B

Lecturer - Band C

A person appointed to a Lecturer Band C post may be required to undertake any of the duties described for a Band A or Band B Lecturer and any of the following duties:

1 To co-ordinate and lead a subject discipline cluster of programmes including Quality Assurance and Performance Indicators information. (This includes leading the internal verification process in the area.

2 Deputise for the Manager.

3 To assist with the preparation of relevant staff and physical resource proposals including associated resource and staff development requirements.

4 To manage any delegated physical resources and/or budgets.

5 To provide leadership, mentorship and support as appropriate to Lecturers, Bands A & B, support staff or agency staff.

6 To promote and lead the development of new curriculum initiatives.

7 To develop and implement strategies for raising standards in retention, achievement, teaching and learning.

8 To deliver CPD.

9 ‘Undertake additional responsibilities in-line with the requirements of the School/Curriculum Area. These responsibilities will be agreed by the Manager and may be subject to change according to the needs of the organisation.

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Salary Review Procedure

(lecturer and management spine staff)

Appendix B

Course Tutor Job Role

It is already acknowledged that the role of the Course Tutor is pivotal to the success of the College. The Course Tutor will be responsible to the relevant manager for each aspect as shown.

The Course Tutor will act as a leader of the Course Team and with the support of that Course Team will be responsible for the following:

·  Ensuring successful recruitment of learners to the most appropriate programme.

·  Providing accurate and up-to-date promotional literature.

·  Involvement with careers evenings and promotional events where appropriate.

·  Involvement in the admissions procedures including interviewing potential learners.

·  Assisting in co-ordinating induction.

·  Providing and promoting success stories of past/present learners.

·  Involvement in promoting courses to potential learners.

Monitoring of learner progress

·  Involvement in parents' evenings.

·  Liasion with employers/work experience providers.

·  Distribution and completion of Personal Record Files (PRFs).

·  On-going monitoring and reporting of learners' progress through completion of Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) and Tutorial Reviews.

·  Monitoring of learner attendance including Additional Studies, Study Services, Tutorials, Key Skills and other enrichment activities.

Monitoring of learner retention

·  Setting and monitoring of retention targets at course level within the context of national benchmarks.

·  Monitoring of learner attendance and invoking College procedures for following up absenteeism.

·  Assisting learners wishing to transfer onto more appropriate programmes.

·  Assisting learners to access cross College learner services e.g. counselling, careers advice and guidance, study support, financial assistance applications.

·  Contribute towards learner entitlement as defined in the tutorial programme and working with Student Advisers on this.

·  Writing references.

·  Supporting UCAS applications as appropriate.

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