August 9, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.

Dispatch/EMS Conference Room

657 N. State St., Stanton, MI 48888

Present: Tim Scott, Director – Montcalm County Central Dispatch

Darin Dood, Chief, Lakeview PD – Small City/Village Police Department

Brian Waber, Lt - Montcalm County Sheriff’s Department

Brian Blomstrom, Greenville PD – Small City/Village Police Department

Amy Thomas, Dispatch Supervisor – Montcalm County Central Dispatch

Steve VanHolstyn, Fire Chief Rep – Fire Association

S.A. Ziesman, Sgt – MSP Post #64

Dave Feldpausch, Director - Montcalm County Emergency Services

Absent: David Ellis, Chief, Carson City PD

Guests: Michelle Becker, Confidential Admin Aide

The meeting was called to order by Scott at 9:00 a.m.

Motion by Barnwell, supported by Thomas, to approve the amended Agenda, with the addition under Old Business, item #5 Templates for 800 megahertz radios. Motion carried.

Motion by VanHolstyn, supported by Thomas, to approve the Minutes from the June 14, 2016 meeting. Motion carried.

The committee reviewed the minutes from MCCDA meeting July 7 and special meeting July 28, 2016, where the new Motorola MCC7500 purchase was approved.

Public Comments: None were given.

MCFA Report – VanHolsyn ask if when road closures are toned out a text could be sent out also; Tim believes Richard can do this and will check.

Police Chiefs Report – Blomstrom reports the EOC is complete and they are ready for the Danish Festival coming up in a few weeks. Barnwell reports they are still struggling with staffing issues with 7 officers and 1 on leave for a month. The budget issue is only getting worse and we are at a point if townships want patrol they will need to pay for it. Thomas shared they are trying to inform callers of the situation they are faced with; she also indicated they have been trying to think out of the box to handle calls the in the most efficient way possible.

Traffic Enforcement Projects – MDOT working between Federal Road and US 131.

MCES Report - Feldpausch reports there has been a delay in completing templates for radio programming due to information from two counties that has not been received; he will attempt to contact again in an effort to complete this project. Feldpausch reports on a new concept with EMS; he would like to have paramedics speak with caller when dispatch is done to assist in getting more information prior to arrival on scene; dispatch agrees. Feldpausch asked about the Code Red Notification system and when we would be live with this system. Scott indicated there is a lot of paper work involved and he has not has an opportunity to complete the project; Feldpausch offered to help in any way possible to get this up and running.

MCCD Dispatch Report – Scott discussed the approval to purchase the Motorola MCC7500 at the special meeting July 28, 2016; they are working on an implementation date. Motorola will be providing a technician dedicated to Montcalm for installation and questions regarding the operation of the system.

Old Business –

1.  The Intrado VIPER 911 contract/purchase has been finalized at a cost of $243,718.90.

2.  Peninsula Fiber Network is expected to be completed in by December of 2016 and will incorporate various devise: Intrado VIPER system, AVAYA phone system and Higher ground recorder.

3.  The budget intital review was on July 7, 2016. Second review is scheduled for September 1, 2016. Afficavit of Publication dated July 15, 2016.

4.  Motorola MCC7500 Upgrade radio concoles purchased for a final cost of $641,207.00; payment and interest free for 2 years. Scott, Thomas and Rose did a site visite at Barry and Eaton Counties and were very impressed with the system. NICE logger/recorder and Tower grounding are included in the upgrades.

5.  800 megahertz templates were discussed; the two neighboring counties who have not submitted requested information are holding up the process. Another attempt will be made to contact them in order to complete this project.

New Business – Discussion on MAVIS; this is breaking news and there will be more information to follow in future meetings.

Public Comments – The committee discussed the open house event held on July 23. It was well attended considering the weather which was very hot and humid. Dispatch was pleasantly surprised at the interest in the behind the scenes activities of the operation. The committee looks forward to making this an annual event, possibly in the fall, with increase attendance for the future. Blomstrom shared that Greenville had their IOS review and their rating improved; this is great news for the area, and residents should see a decrease in their insurances.

Round Table Discussion – The committee discussed the Code Red implementation. Feldpausch and Thomas offered assistance in helping Scott get CODE RED up and running. The committee is requesting a follow-up email regarding the progress of the implementation as well.

Motion by Dood, supported by VanHolstyn, that Scott have a plan of action by August 15, and implementation of the Code Red system by September 1, 2016. All in favor.

Adjournment – Motion by VanHolstyn, supported by Ziesma to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Scott adjourned the meeting at 10:30 a.m.


Timothy A. Scott, Chairman Date

Technical Advisory Committee