Season's Greetings


Thurs 3 7.00 p.m. Lowgill Over Sixties Party at the Old School,

Lowgill. Supper followed by entertainment. RSVP to

Mary (61534) or Liz (61230).

Thurs 3 8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Yoga in Wray Institute. Last one this

year. Re-starting in the New Year on Thursday 7th January.

Mats provided. All welcome. £5. Enquiries - Kathy

Cartledge. Tel: 61567.

Sat 5 Come and enjoy yourself at a Christmas Fair from 10.30 a.m.

to 12 noon in The Old School, Lowgill. Cakes, crafts,

tombola, raffle, bran tub. Father Christmas will be visiting.

Proceeds to the Church of the Good Shepherd, Tatham Fells.

Sat 5 12 noon to eat at 12.30 p.m. The Christmas get-together lunch

for all those in Wray Village who are over 60. We're looking

forward to seeing you all again this year. If you know of

someone who has not been invited please let us know. It is

very difficult to know who is over 60 in the village. Don't

forget to RSVP, either by popping it in the special box in Wray

Post Office, or by post to Ethel Gorst, Gamblesholme, Wray,

Lancaster. LA2 8ND or telephone her on 21406. Thanks.

Mon 7 7.30 p.m. Wray with Botton Sports Committee Coffee Evening

and Raffle in Wray Institute. Refreshments provided.

Tues 8 7.30 p.m. Tatham Fells W.I. Christmas Party.

Wed 9 7.30 p.m. Wennington & District W.I. Christmas Party.

Fri 11 7.00 p.m. Wray Over Sixties Club Christmas Party.

Sat 12 Bentham Film Group will be showing 'Ratatouille' Cert.U

at 7.30 p.m. in the Victoria Institute, Low Bentham. Tickets

£5 on the door. There will be an interval for refreshments and

a raffle will be drawn.

Mon 14th 7pm in wray institute,jacob’s join supper

Tues 15 The Rotary Club of Lunesdale is bringing their annual

Christmas Collection back to Hornby and Wray, Santa will

be riding on his sleigh throughout the village. Our local

Rotary Club uses all the money raised in this Christmas

Collection for local charitable causes. Please come out and

meet Santa!

Thurs 17 5.00 p.m. Wray Sunday School Christmas party in the Chapel

schoolrooms. All are welcome.

Fri 18 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Waste paper collection at Lairgill

Car Park, High Bentham in aid of N.S.P.C.C.

Mon 21 7.00 p.m. Carols by Candlelight at Lowgill Methodist Church.

Tea and mince pies at the close. Everyone welcome.

Fri 25 10.00 a.m. Short Christmas Day Service at Wray Chapel.

It's a very informal service, with lots of excited children!

Please come along, all are very welcome.



Fellowship Meetings - 7.30 p.m. Supper to follow.

Thursday, December 3rd - Capernwary Hall students.

Thursday, December 10th - Friends from Caton Baptist.

Ladies Meeting. 2.00 p.m. Tea to follow.

Thursday, December 10th - Christmas programme by Capernwray ladies.

We will be Carol singing during Christmas week and this year will be

collecting for the McMillan Nurses.

There will be a display of embroidered hangings and pictures by local

artists at Bridge House Tea Rooms. Wray, from 11th December to 21st January 2010.


St Johns Hospice Advent Raffle

Many of us have had cause to be thankful for the support and care given by the hospice to our loved ones during difficult times. We are once again running a Christmas Raffle at the George & Dragon, Wray to help raise funds for St. Johns. Tickets are 50p and one winner will be drawn each day during advent, giving you 24 chances to win!

Some of us are also giving a donation in lieu of “village” cards to add to the appeal, so if you would like to join us pop into the Dragon.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas.

Cath Halstead, Neil and Sue Taplin, Dawn Irvine


Countryside Society

There will be no meeting in December. The next meeting will be the AGM and Members' Evening of slides and exhibits on Friday 15th January 2010

at 7.45 p.m. in Hornby Institute. The Secretary (21569) would appreciate prior notice of intention to show slides so that the equipment can be organised.


Abbeyfield House, High Bentham. There is a room available at Abbeyfield House. For further information please contact Angela

Robertson Tel: 61285.


If anyone would like to visit the Wray village website it can be found at www.wrayvillage.co.uk

Victoria Institute, Caton

IT Courses

Our popular IT courses offer local access to IT training. We have three levels to suit a range of knowledge and experience, from complete beginners to those wanting more detailed understanding of Microsoft Office Packages. We are now taking bookings for our IT classes starting in January 2010:

Beginners - Friday mornings, 10 - 12, starting 8th January for 10 weeks.

Improvers - Thursday mornings, 10 - 12, starting 7th January for 10 weeks.

The above two courses cost £65 (2 hour sessions for 10 weeks) which is very good value, and our friendly tutors are used to working in rural centres with people of all ages and abilities.

Improvers Plus - Thursday afternoons, 12.45 - 2.45, starting 7th January for 6 weeks.

The price for the 6 week course is £42 (£7 per 2 hour class).

Please phone Judy on 01524 771733 (weekdays between 9.30 a.m. and

3.30 p.m.)for more details, or to book your place. For those already on the waiting lists, Judy will be in touch in early December.

Drop-in Services

We have a great IT facility at the Institute, and many people call in for a range of services from checking emails, photocopying, or reading the local papers over a cup of coffee. We also have a scanning machine that will reproduce all your old photographs without the need for any negatives. So, come and visit - Judy will be there to welcome you. We are open Monday to Friday between 9.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., so call in or ring us on 01524 -771733.


Christmas Trees from Bull Beck, Caton sold daily from 4th December.

The majority of our trees are non drop varieties but we also stock traditional Norway Spruce. Larger trees are cut to order up to 15ft. All trees are sourced in the North of England and cut fresh in December. Wreathes and commemorative pots will also be available.

Contact Joyce on 22584 pr 07852129852.

Hornby & District Sheepdog & Sheepshow Society

The committee members would like to say a BIG Thank You to anyone and everyone who helped, contributed or participated in the summer months by supporting and giving to this year's Charity The North West Air Ambulance.

The “Birds of a Feather” Quiz made £1312.00, the Coffee Morning held at the end of October £651.00, and together with the Safari Supper and The Sheepdog Trails and Sheepshow making a fantastic total of just over


Without the generosity of so many people this would not have been possible.

With Many, Many Thanks, Margaret Wright (Sec.)


Margaret Read wishes her family, friends and neighbours a Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2010.


Jean Argles sends all her Wray friends and neighbours her very best wishes for a happy Christmas and all good things in the New Year. She is not delivering cards by hand this year but making a donation to charity instead.


Christmas at Greenfoot Garden Centre (at Bridge House Farm Tea

Rooms, Wray)

Winter Opening: Tuesday - Saturday 10am to 4pm. Sunday 11am to


Wishing our customers a very Happy Christmas and New Year

From Saturday 5th December locally grown and scottish grown Christmas

Trees will be available. Enjoy a complimentary glass of mulled wine when

you purchase your tree.

Choose from a range of our own handmade wreaths, door swags and

kissing rings.

When you visit the Garden Centre in December, each customer will be

presented with a free raffle ticket to win a Garden Hamper.

Gifts for Gardeners * Gift Vouchers * Free Container Planting Service

Orders now being taken for our Wreaths and Christmas Trees.

Tel: 015242 - 21184


The Vicar's Farewell Thanks.

Canon Roger Hamblin and Mrs. Sylvia Hamblin would like to thank

everyone for their kind messages, cards, letters and gifts on the occasion of

Roger's retirement as Vicar of The Benefice of East Lonsdale.

Sunday 1st November 2009 was a special, memorable day for us, marking

the end of thirty-nine years Stipendiary Ministry in Blackburn Diocese, as

well as nine years as Vicar of Wray, Tatham and Tatham Fells and six

years with Tunstall, Melling and Leck. Thank you to those who attended

the two Church Services and all those who helped in any way with the

planning, organisation and arrangements for the day.

The Farewell Lunch was a magnificent occasion and a sumptuous meal.

It was good to have the presence of so many parishioners in Wray

Institute. Many thanks for your support, for the kind words of appreciation

expressed and for your wonderful gifts. We were delighted to receive the

lovely picture, the generous cheque, the bouquet of flowers, many cards

and good wishes for our future. The Lune Valley Landscape painting will

be hung in a prominent place in our new home in Pilling. The generous

cheque will purchase a new digital television for us, as our ancient

analogue television will cease to function within the next few days!

At the time of writing we are still busy downsizing and decluttering Wray

Vicarage but we expect to be occupying our new home in Pilling in time

for Christmas. There we will be able to relax a little and get our breath

back after the busyness of many years! We are determined to make the

most of our new found freedom and find time to catch up on visits to long

neglected friends and relatives and we will be able to make time for

ourselves, and the things we want to do. It will be good to continue to live

in a village location, as we have enjoyed living in rural communities for

more than thirty years.

We will never forget you and will continue to be interested in your news,

events, activities and achievements. Do keep in touch with us! Many

thanks for the marvellous 'send-off' you gave us. We really appreciate it.

6th December Advent 2

8.00 a.m. Tatham Holy Communion

11.00 a.m. Wray Holy Communion

2.15 p.m. Tatham Fells Evensong

9.30 a.m. Melling - Christingle. 11.00 a.m. Tunstall, Holy Communion

13th December Advent 3

8.00 a.m. Wray Holy Communion

11.00 a.m. Tatham Morning Service

11.00 a.m. Tatham Fells Christmas Family Service

with Schoolchildren

9.30 a.m. Melling - Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Leck - Holy Communion

20th December Advent 4

9.30 a.m. Tatham Fells Holy Communion

6.00 p.m. Wray Joint Carol Service

11.00 a.m. Tunstall - Holy Communion. 4.00 p.m. Melling, Carol Service.

24th December Christmas Eve

6.30 p.m. Tatham Blessing of Crib & Carol Service

11.30 p.m. Tatham Fells Midnight Communion

4.00 p.m. Tunstall Crib Service

11.30 p.m. Melling Midnight Communion

25th December Christmas Day

10.30 a.m. Wray Family Communion

10.30 a.m. Leck Holy Communion

27th December Christmas 1

8.00 a.m. Wray Holy Communion

9.30 a.m. Tatham Fells Carol Service

11.00 a.m. Tatham Holy Communion

11.00 a.m. Tunstall Joint Holy Communion

3rd January 2010 Epiphany

8.00 a.m. Tatham Holy Communion

11.00 a.m. Wray Holy Communion

2.15 p.m. Tatham Fells Evensong

9.30 a.m. Melling Family Service

11.00 a.m. Tunstall Holy Communion

Readers: Ann Dawson (62936), Peter Osborne (61029), Mary Winter (21784). Methodist - Liz Whitfield (61230)


Copy Date for the Wrayly Mail

Diary Dates are free and can either be emailed to

before the 15th of each month or put in the

tin in Wray Post Office. All other items for inclusion require payment -

Business Advertisements £2 per month, Announcements, notices etc. £1,

and will be collected from the tin in Wray Post Office on the 15th of each month. Please could a name and contact number accompany each item.


Online edition of the Wrayly Mail

If you have any objections to your adverts being published online please could you indicate to Judith (61455) or Chris (21588) or mark it on your advert, 'not for online version'. If we don't hear from people before 15th December 2009 all current adverts will go online in January 2010.

If you would like a page on the village website please email

or if you would like a link to your own website on ours just ask. A link back to us is the only payment required.
